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1/23 -1:45pm – After a bunch of issues in the past month or so, followed up with the big issues today. I am moving us to a new host. This could take a few days, so please be patient. Most of the site is working for now except the message board. I have turned the board off while I migrate to a new server. Hopefully by the end of this weekend I can get everything setup and get the domain pointing to the new host. I will post updates here.

1/23 – 2:50pm – Running the migration process on the new host. It could take up to 48 hours, but who knows. I will let it go for a while and see where we are tonight.

Donate to Steve Johnson!

Former Gopher Steve Johnson needs your help!

He just received a liver transplant and needs help paying for his medical bills.

Here is our article on it.

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