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Dylan Duke (Michigan) signs with Tampa

Mayasich Level Golden
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Posted by: @hey_sioux_suck

Dylan Duke (Michigan) signs with Tampa

2 down... 3 more big ones to go...


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Posted by: @bert

Posted by: @gopheritall

Sounds like Nazar signed according to ESPN


He Pulled the Lemieux   First Game, First Shift, First Shot, First Goal


I really doubt that his first shift was 10 minutes into the first period 


maroon and gold
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Posted by: @j22

Posted by: @bert

Posted by: @gopheritall

Sounds like Nazar signed according to ESPN


He Pulled the Lemieux   First Game, First Shift, First Shot, First Goal


I really doubt that his first shift was 10 minutes into the first period 


You can doubt all you want but it’s true


maroon and gold
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Posted by: @hey_sioux_suck

Dylan Duke (Michigan) signs with Tampa

Not gonna lie this one surprised me. I’ll take it though he always killed the Gophers


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Posted by: @maroon_and_gold

Posted by: @hey_sioux_suck

Dylan Duke (Michigan) signs with Tampa

Not gonna lie this one surprised me. I’ll take it though he always killed the Gophers


why? He's 21, had 49 points and has played 3 years already. Would expect probably a pretty big exodus over there in spite of what Naurato says


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I would expect TJ Hughes to be a pretty in demand UDFA as well. 


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Posted by: @maroon_and_gold

Posted by: @j22

Posted by: @bert

Posted by: @gopheritall

Sounds like Nazar signed according to ESPN


He Pulled the Lemieux   First Game, First Shift, First Shot, First Goal


I really doubt that his first shift was 10 minutes into the first period 


You can doubt all you want but it’s true


It took me about 45 seconds to figure out that it was his 4th shift of the game


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J22 reacted
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Good news for the Gophers. Loved watching Brindley play. 


Mayasich Level Golden
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There is 3... 2 more to go...

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Bonin Level Moderator
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Posted by: @j22

Posted by: @bert

Posted by: @gopheritall

Sounds like Nazar signed according to ESPN


He Pulled the Lemieux   First Game, First Shift, First Shot, First Goal


I really doubt that his first shift was 10 minutes into the first period 



Barstool tweeted that and have now updated said tweet   to

First career game. First career shot. First career goal.


maroon and gold
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Posted by: @j22

Posted by: @maroon_and_gold

Posted by: @j22

Posted by: @bert

Posted by: @gopheritall

Sounds like Nazar signed according to ESPN


He Pulled the Lemieux   First Game, First Shift, First Shot, First Goal


I really doubt that his first shift was 10 minutes into the first period 


You can doubt all you want but it’s true


It took me about 45 seconds to figure out that it was his 4th shift of the game


Lol NHL posted in all caps FIRST SHIFT FIRST SHOT FIRST GOAL my bad for trusting the NHL I should know better by now


maroon and gold
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Posted by: @frozen4champs

There is 3... 2 more to go...

Gotta imagine McGroarty and Casey follow suit pretty soon here



Bonin Level Moderator
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Posted by: @maroon_and_gold

Posted by: @j22

Posted by: @maroon_and_gold

Posted by: @j22

Posted by: @bert

Posted by: @gopheritall

Sounds like Nazar signed according to ESPN


He Pulled the Lemieux   First Game, First Shift, First Shot, First Goal


I really doubt that his first shift was 10 minutes into the first period 


You can doubt all you want but it’s true


It took me about 45 seconds to figure out that it was his 4th shift of the game


Lol NHL posted in all caps FIRST SHIFT FIRST SHOT FIRST GOAL my bad for trusting the NHL I should know better by now




Steve MN
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Posted by: @maroon_and_gold

trusting the NHL

Kelsey Grammer Problem GIF by Paramount+



B1G refs... corrupt, or just incompetent?

Slap Shot reacted
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Posted by: @maroon_and_gold

Posted by: @frozen4champs

There is 3... 2 more to go...

Gotta imagine McGroarty and Casey follow suit pretty soon here


Casey is hard to say. NJ isn't making the playoffs nor is their AHL team. They may be pushing him to wait as there's only 2 ahl games left and they won't want to burn a year given they unload 4 of their d core and will have already used 2 of Hughes' years prior to what will be a big contract.

McGroarty is a curious one for me still. might be tough for the jets to fit him into the lineup with how good they've been and maybe he wants to come back and wear a letter? Trying to rationalize this with how the hell nauruto could be THIS off so far


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I think he needs to sign 😉 


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Fingers crossed Casey leaves.  They’ll still be very talented, but feel like they will be less talented than prior two seasons.  

For Sparty- what do folks think about Levyshunov, #2 overall does he go right away?

Isaac Howard has been quiet as well in terms of speculation, would think they would have announced by now if he was leaving.

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Posted by: @boninthebear

Fingers crossed Casey leaves.  They’ll still be very talented, but feel like they will be less talented than prior two seasons.  

For Sparty- what do folks think about Levyshunov, #2 overall does he go right away?

Isaac Howard has been quiet as well in terms of speculation, would think they would have announced by now if he was leaving.

agree on Michigan. I'd be surprised if Levyshunov is back given he's from Belarus and is a top 5 guy who already has the size. Howard I'd think Tampa will deal with in the offseason if they want him so I wouldn't put a ton of stock in it now as he wasn't going to make their postseason roster



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In a way I’m glad McGroarty isn’t leaving. Too cool of a name and now I’m not done saying it yet. Plus now when they play OSU it is possible to have some Rutger McGroarty - Gunnarwolfe Fontaine showdowns. 

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Denver loses a defenseman and a forward.



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Posted by: @frozen4champs

Denver loses a defenseman and a forward.



looks like the 2nd tweet is broken for me, but its Rizzo signing in case it isn't showing up for others. 


Greyeagle reacted
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Correct. Not sure why they took that one down.


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Denver losses another defenseman.


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Micheletti Level Golden
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Devils sign Seamus Casey from Michigan. 




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That Michigan team going to look very different next year

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Posted by: @skiumahlaw

Devils sign Seamus Casey from Michigan. 



Just need McGroarty took look around in July/August and realize he should go.  

Casey/Brindley/Duke/Nazar all gone.  That’s a lot of his good buddies from Team USA, etc.

C’mon Winnipeg, do something.


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Does anyone know if Carson Bantle at Wisconsin has anymore eligibility left?  He is listed as a senior but I am not sure if he has a covid year? 

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Posted by: @jankwi01

Does anyone know if Carson Bantle at Wisconsin has anymore eligibility left?  He is listed as a senior but I am not sure if he has a covid year? 

He has his covid year left.


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Does he plan on using it? I know he was a NHL draft pick at one point.

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Posted by: @jankwi01


Does he plan on using it? I know he was a NHL draft pick at one point.

It appears on his instagram account that he is not coming back. He thanked Wisco for the last few years and it appears he graduated. But I have not seen anything official. 


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These could be a couple of huge losses for BC


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