#1 Gophers @ #6 Pen...
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[Closed] #1 Gophers @ #6 Penn St. Feb 17 & 18

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Eric Vegoe
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Posted by: @frozen4champs

Posted by: @cowgirl

Posted by: @frozen4champs

Bob went all Jess Myers on Frank during the postgame interview. Frank fumbled around asking a question and it came out like he said the Gophers have nothing to play for. Bob was fired up about that one. Frank then had to explain that was not his intent.

Are the post game pressers anywhere? I don’t see either last night or tonight on the rink live YouTube site. 


No Rink Live YouTube this weekend that I could find. @Jupiter has audio from Bob and a couple of players last night with a guy from the U asking the questions on his twitter page. I have never tried to find the post game radio stuff after the fact so I'm not sure if that is available.

FYI -- no Twin Cities media made the trip out east for this one. It was just radio and the SID Scott Slarks/PSU media asking Bob a few questions for additional audio.

Radio archive: https://gophersports.com/watch/?Live=5080&type=Live


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Posted by: @eric-vegoe

Posted by: @frozen4champs

Posted by: @cowgirl

Posted by: @frozen4champs

Bob went all Jess Myers on Frank during the postgame interview. Frank fumbled around asking a question and it came out like he said the Gophers have nothing to play for. Bob was fired up about that one. Frank then had to explain that was not his intent.

Are the post game pressers anywhere? I don’t see either last night or tonight on the rink live YouTube site. 


No Rink Live YouTube this weekend that I could find. @Jupiter has audio from Bob and a couple of players last night with a guy from the U asking the questions on his twitter page. I have never tried to find the post game radio stuff after the fact so I'm not sure if that is available.

FYI -- no Twin Cities media made the trip out east for this one. It was just radio and the SID Scott Slarks/PSU media asking Bob a few questions for additional audio.

Radio archive: https://gophersports.com/watch/?Live=5080&type=Live


Apparently, Men’s Hockey is not enough of a universally recognized sport
  • ?.   It does bring in $ and it is big in the Twin Cities but what does that matter?

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    Posted by: @wincav

    Posted by: @eric-vegoe

    Posted by: @frozen4champs

    Posted by: @cowgirl

    Posted by: @frozen4champs

    Bob went all Jess Myers on Frank during the postgame interview. Frank fumbled around asking a question and it came out like he said the Gophers have nothing to play for. Bob was fired up about that one. Frank then had to explain that was not his intent.

    Are the post game pressers anywhere? I don’t see either last night or tonight on the rink live YouTube site. 


    No Rink Live YouTube this weekend that I could find. @Jupiter has audio from Bob and a couple of players last night with a guy from the U asking the questions on his twitter page. I have never tried to find the post game radio stuff after the fact so I'm not sure if that is available.

    FYI -- no Twin Cities media made the trip out east for this one. It was just radio and the SID Scott Slarks/PSU media asking Bob a few questions for additional audio.

    Radio archive: https://gophersports.com/watch/?Live=5080&type=Live


    Apparently, Men’s Hockey is not enough of a universally recognized sport
  • ?.   It does bring in $ and it is big in the Twin Cities but what does that matter?


    All the local  print media is really cutting back on travel. If they can keep.getting away with it expect more and more articles to be written via tv. 


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