Gopher Men’s Hockey Scanned Tickets Fall Six Percent

The trendy thing to do this season has been writing hot takes on the atmosphere at Mariucci Arena since the formation of the Big Ten Hockey Conference. Star Tribune’s Rachel Blount authored an article calling the Big Ten” a buzzkill for Minnesota fans.” Andy Greder wrote this season that the “gap is widening between the…

Michigan Ends Gophers Season

St. Paul, Minn. – Expectations are always high at Minnesota, players and fans expect the program to win banners every season, but the 2015-16 team will have to just settle for one as they fell 5-3 to Michigan in front of 6,180 at Xcel Energy Center in the Big Ten Tournament final. Minnesota (20-17-0) sits…

The Slimmest of Margins: Gophers Lose 4-3 On Disallowed Goal with 5 Seconds Left

Minnesota Called Offside on Tying Goal, Drop Opener to Wisconsin Minneapolis, MN – “[The referees] told me he was offsides.  I got a chance to look at the replay, and he was offsides.” Gopher coach Don Lucia has a gift of keeping an even keel in emotional situations.  He’s the sort of guy that never gets…