Sunday April 14th
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Sunday April 14th

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Bonin Level Moderator
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Would anyone be up for getting some ice that morning.  I figure if we can even get 12 people from here I can post on USHCO to the teams in town to see if any of their fans would want to skate.   Ice would be somewhere central.   Breck, Parade etc.  Let me know

Steve MN
Brooks Level Golden
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As with last time, I won't be ON the ice, but I'd be there. 

B1G refs... corrupt, or just incompetent?

Mariucci Level Golden
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Would love to if my back isn’t still f’ed up by then, but more than anything I hope I’m unable to skate because I’m hung over from celebrating a national championship. 😁

I’d say I’m a question mark at this point.  


Steve MN reacted
Lucia Level Golden
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Depends on the time.  Kid hockey at 9am and 3pm that day already... 

Bonin Level Moderator
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@keith Bring Jordan out to skate circles around people   I am thinking 11am since Breck has that open

Lucia Level Golden
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@bert I don't think he's quite there yet... he'd just get in the way and probably steam rolled by someone 6x his size... or worse, by his old man

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Depending on baseball schedule - likely can skate that morning. Also, have a first year Peewee that could/would like to skate as well. 

Keith reacted

Mayasich Level Moderator Golden
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Posted by: @bert

@keith Bring Jordan out to skate circles around people   I am thinking 11am since Breck has that open

J is about the same age YE was when he came to the first POI skate. 

I am not sure yet, I may need to leave on a work trip that morning. 


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― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal

Micheletti Level Golden
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I can skate.

If you need another body, I might be able to talk my 16 year old daughter to playing too.

Leopold Level Golden
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I can skate! 

'29, '40, '74, '76, '79, '02, & '03
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Bonin Level Moderator
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Not happening
