RIP Mack Motzko...
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RIP Mack Motzko...

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5 O.T.
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frozen4champs wrote:

There is 1 person to blame here, and that is Mr Blue. To blame the victims here is off base in my opinion. The victims were coherent enough to buckle up. When I was a youngster, I went to many bars/parties and ended up at a party with my friends at a house of someone I didn't know. It is not all that crazy of an idea. Mr Blue was impaired behind the wheel of the car, and HE IS TO BLAME.

I'm not blaming the victims. Those are all reasonable questions, and that information will surely come out at some point, as uncomfortable as that might be.

You might not like it, but Blue has the Constitutional right to mount a defense.

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5 O.T. wrote:

frozen4champs wrote:

There is 1 person to blame here, and that is Mr Blue. To blame the victims here is off base in my opinion. The victims were coherent enough to buckle up. When I was a youngster, I went to many bars/parties and ended up at a party with my friends at a house of someone I didn't know. It is not all that crazy of an idea. Mr Blue was impaired behind the wheel of the car, and HE IS TO BLAME.

I'm not blaming the victims. Those are all reasonable questions, and that information will surely come out at some point, as uncomfortable as that might be.

You might not like it, but Blue has the Constitutional right to mount a defense.

We understand what you’re saying, it’s uncomfortable but not out of line (to ask about). But the sad truth is, no matter how much money Blue is sued for (he clearly has plenty) or how many years he spends behind bars…it won’t bring these two young men back. The publicity generated by this awful story will hopefully serve as a cautionary tale that others (young & old) will learn about & take to heart about the dangers associated with (drinking & driving & then behaving recklessly) & unfortunately being in the company of those who do.

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Post on old board: 6912 A beautifully written, terribly sad article about the two families.

Jerry Peters fka DAWoJ
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5 O.T. wrote:

frozen4champs wrote:

There is 1 person to blame here, and that is Mr Blue. To blame the victims here is off base in my opinion. The victims were coherent enough to buckle up. When I was a youngster, I went to many bars/parties and ended up at a party with my friends at a house of someone I didn't know. It is not all that crazy of an idea. Mr Blue was impaired behind the wheel of the car, and HE IS TO BLAME.

I'm not blaming the victims. Those are all reasonable questions, and that information will surely come out at some point, as uncomfortable as that might be.

You might not like it, but Blue has the Constitutional right to mount a defense.

I'd tread lightly here if I were you. Seatbelt use and BAC of the passengers are not important when you're driving 90+ MPH drunk on a winding road.

Mayasich Level Golden
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5 O.T. wrote:

frozen4champs wrote:

There is 1 person to blame here, and that is Mr Blue. To blame the victims here is off base in my opinion. The victims were coherent enough to buckle up. When I was a youngster, I went to many bars/parties and ended up at a party with my friends at a house of someone I didn't know. It is not all that crazy of an idea. Mr Blue was impaired behind the wheel of the car, and HE IS TO BLAME.

I'm not blaming the victims. Those are all reasonable questions, and that information will surely come out at some point, as uncomfortable as that might be.

You might not like it, but Blue has the Constitutional right to mount a defense.

I'm going to tread carefully on this and then let it go... You are correct that he has the right to defend himself with legitimate questions. It make zero difference if they (the victims) were drunk, high, or whatever when the victims got into that car. That is not a reasonable question. That is trying to blame the victims. This was not a fight, or a road rage incident where there could have been blame on both parties. If he or his lawyers do that, I hope the families get every last dime of that POS money...

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MNGophers29 wrote:

There seems to be a lot of witnesses into Mr Blue’s evening activities. Would it be possible to home those accountable who did nothing to thwart those activities?

Likely not. Maybe Maynards, if they had overserved him, but individuals have no duty to control Mr. Blue.

5 O.T.
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frozen4champs wrote:

5 O.T. wrote:

frozen4champs wrote:

There is 1 person to blame here, and that is Mr Blue. To blame the victims here is off base in my opinion. The victims were coherent enough to buckle up. When I was a youngster, I went to many bars/parties and ended up at a party with my friends at a house of someone I didn't know. It is not all that crazy of an idea. Mr Blue was impaired behind the wheel of the car, and HE IS TO BLAME.

I'm not blaming the victims. Those are all reasonable questions, and that information will surely come out at some point, as uncomfortable as that might be.

You might not like it, but Blue has the Constitutional right to mount a defense.

I'm going to tread carefully on this and then let it go... You are correct that he has the right to defend himself with legitimate questions. It make zero difference if they (the victims) were drunk, high, or whatever when the victims got into that car. That is not a reasonable question. That is trying to blame the victims. This was not a fight, or a road rage incident where there could have been blame on both parties. If he or his lawyers do that, I hope the families get every last dime of that POS money...

None of us know how Blue's legal defense will go about representing their client. At this point it is a bit presumptuous on your part to say what is, or what isn't a legitimate question on a public forum let alone in a court of law. Are you the arbiter of what is or isn't a legitimate or reasonable question?

At this point how can you make the statement that it makes zero difference if the young men were drunk, high or whatever. If they were drunk, high or whatever, their judgement was impaired. Or they were not drunk, high or whatever. Regardless, their really bad choices lead directly to their death. You may choose to ignore that, but it is reality. They went to a stranger's house, and voluntarily got into the car.

It's astonishing that the two young men and none of their friends noticed how sh*t faced this guy was and prevented their friends from getting in that car with him.

I feel awful for all of the families involved.

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5 O.T. wrote:

frozen4champs wrote:

There is 1 person to blame here, and that is Mr Blue. To blame the victims here is off base in my opinion. The victims were coherent enough to buckle up. When I was a youngster, I went to many bars/parties and ended up at a party with my friends at a house of someone I didn't know. It is not all that crazy of an idea. Mr Blue was impaired behind the wheel of the car, and HE IS TO BLAME.

I'm not blaming the victims. Those are all reasonable questions, and that information will surely come out at some point, as uncomfortable as that might be.

You might not like it, but Blue has the Constitutional right to mount a defense.

Yes he does. And I understand they are questioning whether the Bentley had sudden acceleration issues, or whether the brakes were functioning properly. Those are legitimate defense issues for liability.

But the conduct of the victims here is mostly immaterial. They are not accessories to the crime, and (especially if they were under the influence), would not be in a position to assume the risks that a comparative fault would impute. I suppose if they were hanging out the window when the car went off the road they would have been more susceptible to the injury, but that doesn't appear to be the case either.

Kelly Red
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bearpaw28 wrote:

5 O.T. wrote:

frozen4champs wrote:

There is 1 person to blame here, and that is Mr Blue. To blame the victims here is off base in my opinion. The victims were coherent enough to buckle up. When I was a youngster, I went to many bars/parties and ended up at a party with my friends at a house of someone I didn't know. It is not all that crazy of an idea. Mr Blue was impaired behind the wheel of the car, and HE IS TO BLAME.

I'm not blaming the victims. Those are all reasonable questions, and that information will surely come out at some point, as uncomfortable as that might be.

You might not like it, but Blue has the Constitutional right to mount a defense.

We understand what you’re saying, it’s uncomfortable but not out of line (to ask about). But the sad truth is, no matter how much money Blue is sued for (he clearly has plenty) or how many years he spends behind bars…it won’t bring these two young men back. The publicity generated by this awful story will hopefully serve as a cautionary tale that others (young & old) will learn about & take to heart about the dangers associated with (drinking & driving & then behaving recklessly) & unfortunately being in the company of those who do.

The sad truth is this isn’t the first tragic story of drinking and driving, nor will it be the last. Like you I would HOPE it’s a cautionary tale. But the cynic in me knows the world goes on, people will still do really dumb stuff and the whole thing plays out over and over. Except for family and a few close friends, this particular tragedy will be overshadowed by another, and another. Very few take a lesson like this seriously, not if it effects their “fun”.

Note: Due to inflation dirty deeds will no longer be done dirt cheap.

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That video...oof. I could hardly make it through. I won't even think about the legal wrangling that is sure to unfold. That stuff will take care of itself.

I've had family members and good friends scarred by the loss of a child, and the most important thing to remember is that they carry this around with them every minute of every day - forever. The memory and pain is locked inside their heads and hearts, and there is no escape. Nobody gets over it. They just figure out a way to get out of bed each day and live with it. All anyone can do is give them all the love, support and enduring friendship they need to help them cope.

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Cowgirl wrote:

The guy was drunk. He couldn’t really comprehend that he was going too fast for the conditions or understand how stupid his decisions were at the time. Someone earlier asked why the assholes don’t die in situations like this - it will be a far worse punishment to have to live with the consequences of his stupid decisions he made for the rest of his life.

I have a very small family. My only first cousin died in an accident with a drunk driver when I was nine years old. Horrible. He was 30 years old with a Master's degree and a three year old son. His death SHATTERED the family. Every holiday after that was awful. My family did not recover from this. His mother and father fell into alcohol. The driver that hit him lived. He was sued within an inch of his life which paid a lot of money to his (soon-to-be-ex-wife) and son. Somehow the family of his wife blamed us, the deceased father's family. A terrible tragedy but I never forgot this. I still dislike the Holidays.

Please remember to always get a sober driver, it's just not worth ruining a family to drive drunk.


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A family I know lost a young son in a farming accident. The boy was a hockey player and dreamed of playing for his hometown high school. The accident happened a couple of years ago and every time I see them they are on the verge of tears as you can imagine. I don't know them well but I think about him and his family constantly and I know the pain in my heart can't compare to a parents grief. I pray that the Motzko's find the strength to cope with such a tragic and senseless loss.


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Yeah... I just had to delete a bunch of crap.

Can we please be smart here?

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Lucia Level Golden
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thinkbui wrote:

Any thoughts on how we as fans might honor Mack and Sam in the same vein as helmet stickers this upcoming season?

Bump. :biggrin2:

Lucia Level Golden
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Kinda cheesy but someone with connections might be able to get colored cards fans could hold up to display his number during a moment of silence.

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GO4 wrote:

thinkbui wrote:

Any thoughts on how we as fans might honor Mack and Sam in the same vein as helmet stickers this upcoming season?

Bump. :biggrin2:

Maybe a charitable benefit sale this season in honor of both. Where fans could purchase a token item of some sort, maybe a Gophers hockey item, puck, hat or t-shirt.

With proceeds to help raise awareness of the serious impact drunk driving has.

Mayasich Level Golden
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My guess is that they will have a moment of silence and maybe a short video tribute. It will be up to tBob on how much of this he wants to endure. I'm sure the players behind the scenes will somehow try to dedicate the season or something to Mack's memory.

I was recently informed by a GPLer that I'm related to Airey

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I was thinking something more low key like buttons, something that could be present every game, but not something tBob has to stare at each night.

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I decided to have a patch made not for my jersey, but for my jacket. If you aren't aware, I wear a Stargate jacket under my jersey that has a USAF patch that I've removed on a number of occasions (like when we play the Falcons) since it's attached via velcro, so I'm thinking about using that spot throughout this upcoming season for the memorial patch so it's hidden when tBob and family aren't ready to see it. I couldn't figure out a good color scheme for both Mack and Sam, so I just had it made maroon and gold.

Yea or nay?

[attachment=0]IMG_20210920_212922421 copy.jpg[/attachment]

Trigeminal Neuralgia Awareness
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Murder charges filed in crash that killed Gophers hockey coach Bob Motzko's son, another man

Keep your stick on the ice...

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:dup: to SCSU... SCSU dedicated a seat to the memory of Mack Motzko.

<img class="go2wpf-bbcode" src="

1" alt="">

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Gopher Hockey's tribute to the Motzko family and for Mack

<img class="go2wpf-bbcode" src=" e" alt="">

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I was wondering if they were going to put on helmet stickers. Since tBob has to look at the back of their heads all game long, I had questions in my mind about whether he'd feel comfortable with the constant reminder while he's trying to coach.

Since the designs are the same, I'm assuming that the two teams worked together on this? Good to see if true.

Trigeminal Neuralgia Awareness
Not every disease is visible. Not every pain comes from an obvious wound. Some people you see day-to-day may be suffering in ways you or I may never understand and fighting just to live a normal life. Please consider contributing to the Facial Pain Association and together we can find a cure.

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Plea deal offered to James Blue…

Keep your stick on the ice...

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From Shooters column in todays PP. I'm not a huge Tiger fan, but this is a really great gesture.


After word reached Tiger Woods about the tragic death of beloved Mack Motzko, 20, in a car crash in Orono in July, Woods sent a letter of condolence to Mack’s father, Gophers men’s hockey coach Bob, with a signed 2019 full-size Masters golf flag, the tournament that Woods won that year.

The extremely popular Mack, who loved golf and idolized Woods (he had a life-size cutout of Woods wearing his traditional red Sunday shirt in his room), worked at Minneapolis Golf Club. A Nike connection had showed Woods a video of Mack’s funeral, where some 1,400 attendees honored Mack by wearing red golf shirts

I was recently informed by a GPLer that I'm related to Airey

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Keep your stick on the ice...

Mayasich Level Golden
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I wish they would have waited until after the FF to agree to this...

[media] [/media]

I was recently informed by a GPLer that I'm related to Airey

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Another emotional event for BM just before his team heads to the FF

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frozen4champs wrote:

I wish they would have waited until after the FF to agree to this...

[media] [/media]br>

I hope that means he is serving 90 months. Even that isn't enough.

Chill Kessel
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1. The Motzko family would have been notified of any potential plea agreement prior to it being offered.

2. If they agreement calls for a 90 month sentence, he would typically serve 60 in custody and another 30 on supervised release.

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Chill Kessel wrote:

1. The Motzko family would have been notified of any potential plea agreement prior to it being offered.

2. If they agreement calls for a 90 month sentence, he would typically serve 60 in custody and another 30 on supervised release.

...and live with the thought HE was the reason two young people died. Any normal person would would find this to be a "life long" sentence.

Chill Kessel
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Additional information I have reviewed suggests the parties have not agreed to a 90 month sentence but expect a presentence investigation will reveal that is what the sentencing guidelines call for.

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Sentencing for James Blue today. Blue looking up to 7 yrs.

Keep your stick on the ice...

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The sentence means Blue is expected to serve the first five or so years in prison and the balance on supervised release. As called for in the plea agreement, two counts of third-degree murder, the most serious of the initial charges, were dismissed at sentencing, along with two additional criminal vehicular homicide counts alleging gross negligence.

I was recently informed by a GPLer that I'm related to Airey


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Compensation agreements have been made but not made public.  Though it was mentioned that it was very significant and will very much affect his financial future.

Keep your stick on the ice...

Mayasich Level Golden
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Son of Wild GM

I was recently informed by a GPLer that I'm related to Airey

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I was recently informed by a GPLer that I'm related to Airey

Chill Kessel
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If it hasn't been posted, Mr. Blue will be incarcerated until May 3, 2027 and will be on parole until 10/29/29 assuming no violations. He is incarcerated at the prison in St. Cloud but could be moved to a different facility.

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I was recently informed by a GPLer that I'm related to Airey

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Great-looking sweater, with a classy tribute on the sleeve.— Jess Myers (@JessRMyers) May 21, 2022

That is a pretty sweet jersey!

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I like that it's a black armband.

If you're not familiar with the significance, here's a good link.  The article doesn't say, but aside from practical reasons (ex. European soccer), I think it's always worn on the left arm by the heart.

Trigeminal Neuralgia Awareness
Not every disease is visible. Not every pain comes from an obvious wound. Some people you see day-to-day may be suffering in ways you or I may never understand and fighting just to live a normal life. Please consider contributing to the Facial Pain Association and together we can find a cure.

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