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[Closed] Totally Random Trivia: 2022

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I’ll be honest that question has me stumped. Can’t think of a better guess than CT either, but Rhode Island doesn’t have any. 

Because I was stumped I looked it up, but still don’t really have a clue and gave up. While rooting around though I found another tidbit on the same subject. 

What two states that have no big 4 professional men’s teams also do not share a border with a state that has any big 4 professional men’s teams?

Mayasich Level Moderator Golden
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Posted by: @karlsson

I’ll be honest that question has me stumped. Can’t think of a better guess than CT either, but Rhode Island doesn’t have any. 

Because I was stumped I looked it up, but still don’t really have a clue and gave up. While rooting around though I found another tidbit on the same subject. 

What two states that have no big 4 professional men’s teams also do not share a border with a state that has any big 4 professional men’s teams?

Maine & Montana?  


“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”

― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal

Steve MN
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I'm going to say Delaware.  They've got 12 that I count.

Oregon - 21

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Posted by: @greyeagle

Posted by: @karlsson

I’ll be honest that question has me stumped. Can’t think of a better guess than CT either, but Rhode Island doesn’t have any. 

Because I was stumped I looked it up, but still don’t really have a clue and gave up. While rooting around though I found another tidbit on the same subject. 

What two states that have no big 4 professional men’s teams also do not share a border with a state that has any big 4 professional men’s teams?

Maine & Montana?  




Keep your stick on the ice...

Leopold Level Golden
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Posted by: @steve-mn

I'm going to say Delaware.  They've got 12 that I count.

Oregon - 21

Didst thou forget about the Portland Trailblazers???


Tact is the ability to step on a man's toes without messing up the shine on his shoes - Harry S Truman

Steve MN
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Posted by: @mnnavy

Posted by: @steve-mn

I'm going to say Delaware.  They've got 12 that I count.

Oregon - 21

Didst thou forget about the Portland Trailblazers???


Season 3 Wall GIF by The Simpsons


OK... back to Delaware with 12


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Steve MN
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And nope... thinking it through... New Mexico.   9 from Texas, 1 Oklahoma, 4 Colorado, 4 (or 3, but depending on how you count "surrounded" you get that 4th back) Arizona

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Posted by: @greyeagle

Posted by: @karlsson

I’ll be honest that question has me stumped. Can’t think of a better guess than CT either, but Rhode Island doesn’t have any. 

Because I was stumped I looked it up, but still don’t really have a clue and gave up. While rooting around though I found another tidbit on the same subject. 

What two states that have no big 4 professional men’s teams also do not share a border with a state that has any big 4 professional men’s teams?

Maine & Montana?  


Correct. As usual, when a trivia question is asking about state borders, Maine is one of the answers. 😀


Leopold Level Golden
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It's Arkansas. Bordered by:

  • Texas - 8 teams (Rangers, Astros, Cowboys, Texans, Spurs, Mavericks, Rockets, Stars)
  • Oklahoma - 1 team (Thunder)
  • Missouri - 4 teams (Royals, Cardinals, Chiefs, Blues)
  • Tennessee - 3 teams (Titans, Grizzlies, Predators)
  • Mississippi - 0 teams
  • Louisiana - 2 (Saints, Pelicans)


Tact is the ability to step on a man's toes without messing up the shine on his shoes - Harry S Truman

Steve MN
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I think it will depend on if you count New Mexico as being "surrounded" by states that include Utah.  They don't share a normal border, but, both are part of 4 Corners, so, maybe?

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Is it Kentucky?

West Virginia - 0

Virginia - 0

Tennessee - 3

Missouri - 4

Illinois - 5

Indiana - 2

Ohio - 5

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Posted by: @karlsson

Is it Kentucky?

West Virginia - 0

Virginia - 0

Tennessee - 3

Missouri - 4

Illinois - 5

Indiana - 2

Ohio - 5

Kentucky is correct.  My understanding is that it borders states that have 20 teams total



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Posted by: @zwak

Posted by: @karlsson

Is it Kentucky?

West Virginia - 0

Virginia - 0

Tennessee - 3

Missouri - 4

Illinois - 5

Indiana - 2

Ohio - 5

Kentucky is correct.  My understanding is that it borders states that have 20 teams total


I forgot the Cavaliers. Ohio has 6. 


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Answers to Thursday, May 2, 2024

Answer Keys: All answers this round will be unlocked if you find the right “key.”

1. What lawyer, author, and amateur poet was F. Scott Fitzgerald’s second cousin, three times removed?

Francis Scott Key

2. What island city in Florida is the southernmost city in the lower 48 United States?

Key West

3. The 2001 album “Songs in A Minor,” featuring the song “Fallin’,” was the breakout debut of what artist?

Alicia Keys

4. What actor has voiced Murray the Mummy in “Hotel Transylvania 2,” Judge Peckinpah in “The Angry Birds Movie,” Ducky in “Toy Story 4,” Kamari in “The Lion King,” and Todd on “Bob’s Burgers”?

Keegan-Michael Key

5. In 2005, the TransCanada Corporation announced plans to connect the city of Hardisty, Alberta, to Port Arthur, Texas, via what project?

Keystone Pipeline

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Questions for
Friday, May 3, 2024

Five questions to wake up your noodle. Answers in Monday’s email. 

1. Quit While You’re Ahead: In the song “My Favorite Things,” five types of animals are mentioned. Name as many of those animals as you can for one point each. Zero points total if you get any wrong.

2. What 10-letter word, frequently seen in U.S. history textbooks, comes from the Latin for “before the war”?

3. William Poole, aka “Bill the Butcher,” was a 19th-century bare-knuckle boxer who was the inspiration for Daniel Day-Lewis’ character in “Gangs of New York.” What was the name of the gang that he led?

4. Johnny Cash was hit with a copyright lawsuit after it was revealed that the melody and many of the lyrics of one of his most popular songs were pulled from a 1953 song called “Crescent City Blues” by Gordon Jenkins. Name the Johnny Cash song.

5. Today is May 3. On this day in 1937, author Margaret Mitchell won a Pulitzer Prize for what novel, which was made into an Academy Award-winning motion picture two years later?

Mayasich Level Moderator Golden
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2.  Antebellum

5.  Gone With The Wind  (and I can't change the channel fast enough if the movie comes on.....blech!)

“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”

― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal

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1. Dog, Bees, Kittens...

Leopold Level Golden
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4. Folsom Prison Blues

Tact is the ability to step on a man's toes without messing up the shine on his shoes - Harry S Truman

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3. The Bowery Boys 

Mayasich Level Moderator Golden
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Posted by: @mnnavy

4. Folsom Prison Blues

I wasn't aware of this until today and after listening to "Crescent City Blues" for the first time hokey smokes Bullwinkle did Cash ever plagiarize that song.


“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”

― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal

Kelly Red
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Posted by: @norm

1. Dog, Bees, Kittens...

In order as I’m singing it in my head…

Kittens, Ponies, Geese, Dogs and Bees.  

Now be gone damn earworm!


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Kelly Red
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Posted by: @karlsson

3. The Bowery Boys 

My favorite gang name was the Dead Rabbits.  I love Gangs of New York and always recommend it when someone waxes nostalgic about the good ol’ days.  No they weren’t, they were brutal.  The gang fights involved axes, pitchforks, lead pipes.  Especially horrible was they often rubbed 💩 on the edges so the wounds would get infected.  Even if you survived the fight, you’d die of septic infection…no antibiotics. Nasty way to die. 


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The Rube
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Posted by: @kelly-red

Posted by: @karlsson

3. The Bowery Boys 

My favorite gang name was the Dead Rabbits.  I love Gangs of New York and always recommend it when someone waxes nostalgic about the good ol’ days.  No they weren’t, they were brutal.  The gang fights involved axes, pitchforks, lead pipes.  Especially horrible was they often rubbed 💩 on the edges so the wounds would get infected.  Even if you survived the fight, you’d die of septic infection…no antibiotics. Nasty way to die. 


My current vehicle is named "Hellcat Maggie"  who was a member of the Dead Rabbits, and a composite character in "Gangs Of New York."  😉


When you tell somebody somethin', it depends on what part of the United States you're standin' in... as to just how dumb you are.

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Answers to Friday, May 3, 2024

1. Quit While You’re Ahead: In the song “My Favorite Things,” five types of animals are mentioned. Name as many of those animals as you can for one point each. Zero points total if you get any wrong.

Kittens, Dogs, Bees, Ponies, Geese

2. What 10-letter word, frequently seen in U.S. history textbooks, comes from the Latin for “before the war”?


3. William Poole, aka “Bill the Butcher,” was a 19th-century bare-knuckle boxer who was the inspiration for Daniel Day-Lewis’ character in “Gangs of New York.” What was the name of the gang that he led?

Bowery Boys

4. Johnny Cash was hit with a copyright lawsuit after it was revealed that the melody and many of the lyrics of one of his most popular songs were pulled from a 1953 song called “Crescent City Blues” by Gordon Jenkins. Name the Johnny Cash song.

“Folsom Prison Blues”

5. Today is May 3. On this day in 1937, author Margaret Mitchell won a Pulitzer Prize for what novel, which was made into an Academy Award-winning motion picture two years later?

“Gone With the Wind”


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Questions for
Monday, May 6, 2024

Five questions to wake up your noodle. Answers in tomorrow’s email. 

1. A 1980 NBC miniseries and a 2024 FX miniseries are both based on what epic novel by James Clavell?

2. What body of water separates Europe and Africa between the countries of Spain and Morocco, and connects the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean?

3. What Japanese company with a palindromic name invented instant ramen in 1958, and remains one of the world's leading producers of instant noodles?

4. The shortest of the three Triple Crown thoroughbred races is run on Pimlico Race Course in Baltimore. Name that race!

5. If you go to a McDonald’s in Mexico and order a “Cajita Feliz,” what did you order?

Steve MN
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1 Shogun

4 Preakness 

B1G refs... corrupt, or just incompetent?

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4. The Preakness

Mariucci Level Golden
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5. Happy meal

Wooger Level Golden
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3. Nissin

Leopold Level Golden
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2. Strait of Gibraltar

Tact is the ability to step on a man's toes without messing up the shine on his shoes - Harry S Truman

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Answers to Monday, May 6, 2024

1. A 1980 NBC miniseries and a 2024 FX miniseries are both based on what epic novel by James Clavell?


2. What body of water separates Europe and Africa between the countries of Spain and Morocco, and connects the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean?

Strait of Gibraltar

3. What Japanese company with a palindromic name invented instant ramen in 1958, and remains one of the world's leading producers of instant noodles?


4. The shortest of the three Triple Crown thoroughbred races is run on Pimlico Race Course in Baltimore. Name that race!

Preakness Stakes

5. If you go to a McDonald’s in Mexico and order a “Cajita Feliz,” what did you order?

Happy Meal

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Questions for
Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Five questions to wake up your noodle. Answers in tomorrow’s email. 

1. What product, trademarked by Hasbro, gets its name from a combination of the French and German words for “yes”?

2. What is the only NBA team whose mascot is based on an animal with webbed feet?

3. The many breeds of “gun dogs” are divided into three groups: flushing dogs, pointing dogs like setters and pointers, and what third group?

4. Which South American country — formerly known as “Dutch Guiana” — is the sovereign nation outside Europe where Dutch is an official language?

5. What projectile, which you might encounter when playing lawn games, gets its name from the fact that it moves back and forth, and supposedly resembles a farm animal?

Steve MN
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1 Ouija Board

3 Retrievers

B1G refs... corrupt, or just incompetent?

Leopold Level Golden
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2. New Orleans Pelicans

4. Suriname


Tact is the ability to step on a man's toes without messing up the shine on his shoes - Harry S Truman

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5.Shuttlecock or Birdie? Seems like a stretch.

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Answers to Tuesday, May 7, 2024

1. What product, trademarked by Hasbro, gets its name from a combination of the French and German words for “yes”?


2. What is the only NBA team whose mascot is based on an animal with webbed feet?

New Orleans Pelicans

3. The many breeds of “gun dogs” are divided into three groups: flushing dogs, pointing dogs like setters and pointers, and what third group?


4. What South American country — formerly known as “Dutch Guiana” — is the sovereign nation outside Europe where Dutch is an official language?


5. What projectile, which you might encounter when playing lawn games, gets its name from the fact that it moves back and forth, and supposedly resembles a farm animal?



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Questions for
Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Five questions to wake up your noodle. Answers in tomorrow’s email. 

1. The TV show “Mindfreak” ran from 2005 to 2010, and was the first weekly magic show to air on U.S. television in over 40 years. Who was the host?

2. In thermodynamics, -459.69 degrees Fahrenheit is better known as… what?

3. Two of the best selling books written during the annual November event National Novel Writing Month are set at circuses, and are by Sara Gruen and Erin Morgenstern, respectively. Name either one of them.

4. What state’s two-letter abbreviation is also, grammatically speaking, a conjunction?

5. What fruit is actually an aggregate accessory fruit, covered in “achenes”? It’s also the last name of an eight-time All-Star outfielder for the New York Mets.

Leopold Level Golden
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1. Chris Angel

2. Absolute Zero


Tact is the ability to step on a man's toes without messing up the shine on his shoes - Harry S Truman

Micheletti Level Golden
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4. Oregon

Mayasich Level Moderator Golden
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5.  Strawberry

“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”

― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal

Mayasich Level Moderator Golden
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Posted by: @viking

4. Oregon



“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”

― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal

Kelly Red
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3) I’ve read both… Water for Elephants and Night Circus.  NC was great! 

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Answers to Wednesday, May 8, 2024

1. The TV show “Mindfreak” ran from 2005 to 2010, and was the first weekly magic show to air on U.S. television in over 40 years. Who was the host?

Criss Angel

2. In thermodynamics, -459.69 degrees Fahrenheit is better known as… what?

Absolute Zero (or 0 degrees Kelvin)

3. Two of the best selling books written during the annual November event National Novel Writing Month are set at circuses, and are by Sara Gruen and Erin Morgenstern, respectively. Name either one of them.

“Water for Elephants,” “The Night Circus”

4. What state’s two-letter abbreviation is also, grammatically speaking, a conjunction?

Oregon (OR)

5. What fruit is actually an aggregate accessory fruit, covered in “achenes”? It’s also the last name of an eight-time All-Star outfielder for the New York Mets.

(Darryl Strawberry)

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Questions for
Theme Thursday, May 9, 2024

A Donkey of a Day: Yesterday (May 8) was National Donkey Day! So here are five questions about donkeys!

Answers in tomorrow’s email. 

1. The use of the donkey as the mascot for the Democratic Party dates back to which U.S. president, who was frequently called a "jackass" by his political rivals?

2. In what 1990 William Steig children's book does a donkey deliver the title character to meet the Nutty Knight of Crazy Castle?

3. What Mexican border city is so well-known for painting its donkeys to look like zebras that it named its professional basketball team "The Zonkeys"?

4. Male donkeys are called "jacks." What are female donkeys called?

5. What fictional donkey, who first appeared in 1926, is known for wearing a pink bow on their tail?

Leopold Level Golden
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4. Jennys

5. Eeyore

Tact is the ability to step on a man's toes without messing up the shine on his shoes - Harry S Truman

Mayasich Level Moderator Golden
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5.  Eeyore

“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”

― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal

Mayasich Level Moderator Golden
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Posted by: @mnnavy

4. Jennys

Not sue?  🤣 


“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”

― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal

Kelly Red
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2) Shrek
3) The Tijuana Zonkeys!!  

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Answers to Thursday, May 9, 2024

A Donkey of a Day: Yesterday (May 8) was National Donkey Day! So here are five questions about donkeys!

1. The use of the donkey as the mascot for the Democratic Party dates back to which U.S. president, who was frequently called a "jackass" by his political rivals?

Andrew Jackson

2. In what 1990 William Steig children's book does a donkey deliver the title character to meet the Nutty Knight of Crazy Castle?


3. What Mexican border city is so well-known for painting its donkeys to look like zebras that it named its professional basketball team "The Zonkeys"?


4. Male donkeys are called "jacks." What are female donkeys called?

Jennys (or jennets)

5. What fictional donkey, who first appeared in 1926, is known for wearing a pink bow on their tail?


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Questions for
Friday, May 10, 2024

Five questions to wake up your noodle. Answers in Monday’s email.

1. Quit While You’re Ahead: Starbucks offers drinks in sizes with six names, ranging from 3 ounces to 30 ounces. Give as many of those six names as you can for one point each. Zero points total if you get any wrong.

2. “Boyish Girl Interrupted” is the name of a 2015 stand-up special from what deadpan American comedian?

3. Axel Paulsen was a famed athlete and innovator of what sport, which he revolutionized at the national championships in 1882?

4. “Almost Heaven” is a tourism slogan used in West Virginia. What 1971 song does that phrase come from?

5. Today is May 10. On this day in 1899, the star of such musicals as “Swing Time,” “Top Hat,” and “Funny Face” was born in Omaha, Nebraska. Name that actor, who was listed at No. 5 on AFI’s ranking of the “Greatest American Screen Legends.”

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