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Gopher Hockey Pride On Ice flag

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I'm hoping I can use a mix of young and older Gopher hockey fans (like myself) to come up with a few ideas for a Pride on Ice flag for my dock up north. 

I can remember the old Mariucci (and perhaps the current Mariucci in its early years) flying a flag with a block M, a banner over the M with "Pride on Ice" on a white background. It was super sharp and had two crossing sticks in the background. I've looked on every marketplace I can find to see if someone might have that old logo or flag, but I can't find it anywhere. 

My goal is to re-design a new flag using that old logo. I'd even be happy with a skating Goldy and the Pride on Ice verbiage integrated into the concept. 

I know around 2000 someone helped put together a Jon Waibel fan club tee shirt for POI and GPL board members. Hopefully this thread will be read by someone who might know where to start. 

I have little to no skill in design so I would need to work with someone on creating the flag and as always with our awesome Gopher community,  I'd be happy to share the finished product if anyone is interested in one themselves.

Thank you for any feedback you all can provide! 

This topic was modified 10 months ago by uofmpuckhead

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