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[Closed] Totally Random Trivia: 2022

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Wooger Level Golden
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5. Nickelodeon

Lucia Level Golden
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5. Nicelodeon (shakes fist at Bladepuller)

Broten Level Moderator Golden
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Answers to Wednesday, January 19

1. Finish this long-running ad slogan: “Everybody doesn’t like something, but nobody… BLANK.”


2. How many faces are on a dodecahedron?


3. What two-word term, identifying minivan-owning parents as an important voting demographic, first became a popular buzzword during the 1996 U.S. presidential election?


4. Through what three continents does the Prime Meridian pass?


5. What cable TV network’s name was, ahem, coined in the late 1800s to describe early movie theaters?


Broten Level Moderator Golden
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Theme Thursday, January 20

Today's theme is: Juicy:Five delicious questions about fruit juice.

1. In 1929, a real estate broker named Bill Hamlin went to his friend’s juice stand and asked him to put milk in his orange juice, to make it easier on his stomach. What was that friend’s name?

2. By what name are “juice vesicles” better known?

3. V8 Juice is made of eight fruits and vegetables, but is mostly tomato juice. If you list the eight fruits and vegetables alphabetically, what edible taproot comes first?

4. What brand of juice boxes advertised extensively on the PBS show Arthur, and uses the slogan “100% Juice for 100% Kids”?

5. If you’re thinking about buying a juicer, you should know they tend to come in two varieties: Centrifugal, which spins the fruit, and what “m”-word, which chews it up?

Mayasich Level Moderator Golden
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1) Julius?

“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”

― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal

Leopold Level Golden
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4. Juicy Juice

Tact is the ability to step on a man's toes without messing up the shine on his shoes - Harry S Truman

Wooger Level Golden
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3. Carrot?

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2. Pulp

5. Masticating?

Broten Level Moderator Golden
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Karlsson wrote:

2. Pulp

5. Masticating?

I think 5 is macerating.

Stauber Level Golden
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We had this trivia question last week:

2. In billiards, balls can be solid or stripe, and are any of eight colors. What refreshing-sounding color and pattern is the 11 ball?


(also the name of a beer)


I had never heard of Red Stripe beer. This morning, while running on that treadmill, I listened to the LeVar Burton Reads podcast (He reads short stories, many are science fiction). Halfway through the story, the protagonist had a Red Stripe (and later offered a Red Stripe to an alien).

(The Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon)

Broten Level Moderator Golden
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Answers to Theme Thursday, January 20

1. In 1929, a real estate broker named Bill Hamlin went to his friend’s juice stand and asked him to put milk in his orange juice, to make it easier on his stomach. What was that friend’s name?


2. By what name are “juice vesicles” better known?


3. V8 Juice is made of eight fruits and vegetables, but is mostly tomato juice. If you list the eight fruits and vegetables alphabetically, what edible taproot comes first?


4. What brand of juice boxes advertised extensively on the PBS show Arthur, and uses the slogan “100% Juice for 100% Kids”?


5. If you’re thinking about buying a juicer, you should know they tend to come in two varieties: Centrifugal, which spins the fruit, and what “m”-word, which chews it up?


Broten Level Moderator Golden
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Friday, January 21

Five questions to wake up your noodle. Answers in Monday's email.

1. Quit While You’re Ahead: There are five U.S. National Parks in the state of Utah. Name as many of them as you can for one point each. Zero total if you get any wrong.

2. What 1997 movie was the first movie in history to gross more than one billion dollars?

3. Only one of the original Seven Wonders of the World is still standing. It’s located in what country?

4. What Beatles song was playing in 1974 when 40 percent of the skeleton of a female Australopithecus was discovered in Ethiopia?

5. Today is January 21. Born on this day in 1738, what Revolutionary War soldier founded the Green Mountain Boys, and today lends his name to a popular furniture store?


Leopold Level Golden
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3. Egypt

5. Ethan Allen

Tact is the ability to step on a man's toes without messing up the shine on his shoes - Harry S Truman

Mayasich Level Moderator Golden
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1) Arches, Canyonlands, Zion, Capitol Reef, ??

4) Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds ??

“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”

― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal

Lucia Level
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4. Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

Steve MN
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1 GE's list + Bryce Canyon

2 Titanic

B1G refs... corrupt, or just incompetent?

Bonin Level Golden
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Steve MN wrote:

1 GE's list + Bryce Canyon

2 Titanic

Of course he forgot the most stunning one :D

We went to all 5 this summer on what we jokingly called our Sampler Tour. I can’t recommend visiting Bryce and Zion enough. The others are really interesting and fun in unique ways (we saw Canyonlands by air so we got to see a lot) but those two specifically are amazing

Broten Level Moderator Golden
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Answers to Friday, January 21

1. Quit While You’re Ahead: There are five U.S. National Parks in the state of Utah. Name as many of them as you can for one point each. Zero total if you get any wrong.


2. What 1997 movie was the first movie in history to gross more than one billion dollars?


3. Only one of the original Seven Wonders of the World is still standing. It’s located in what country?


(The Pyramids at Giza)

4. What Beatles song was playing in 1974 when 40 percent of the skeleton of a female Australopithecus was discovered in Ethiopia?


(she was named “Lucy” – come to Beatles trivia in February!)

5. Today is January 21. Born on this day in 1738, what Revolutionary War soldier founded the Green Mountain Boys, and today lends his name to a popular furniture store?


Broten Level Moderator Golden
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Monday, January 24

Five questions to wake up your noodle. Answers in tomorrow's email.

1. There are four common lists of birthstones used by jewelers in the Western world. All of them list what stone, which gets its name from the Middle English for “dark red,” as the birthstone for January?

2. What term, which now refers to the fragmentation of any region into smaller states or nations, originally referenced the developments of new countries on a certain peninsula between 1817 and 1912?

3. If you’re on a SWAT team, you use “special”…. what?

4. Penguins follow an ecogeographical rule known as “Bergmann’s Rule.” This means that penguins that live further from the equator, compared with their more equatorial counterparts, are generally… what?

5. The Associated Farmers of California called it Communist propaganda. Stalin, meanwhile, banned it because it depicted America’s poorest people driving cars. Name that 1939 book.

Leopold Level Golden
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1. Garnet

2. Balkanization

Tact is the ability to step on a man's toes without messing up the shine on his shoes - Harry S Truman

Micheletti Level Golden
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2. Balkanization

3. Weapons and Tactics

Mayasich Level Moderator Golden
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5 The Grapes of Wrath ?

“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”

― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal

Wooger Level Golden
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4. Bigger

Micheletti Level Golden
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Zwak wrote:

Answers to Wednesday, January 19

1. Finish this long-running ad slogan: “Everybody doesn’t like something, but nobody… BLANK.”


2. How many faces are on a dodecahedron?


3. What two-word term, identifying minivan-owning parents as an important voting demographic, first became a popular buzzword during the 1996 U.S. presidential election?


4. Through what three continents does the Prime Meridian pass?


5. What cable TV network’s name was, ahem, coined in the late 1800s to describe early movie theaters?


I got 4 of these. Granted they aren’t the hardest but I got 4!


Broten Level Moderator Golden
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Answers to Monday, January 24

1. There are four common lists of birthstones used by jewelers in the Western world. All of them list what stone, which gets its name from the Middle English for “dark red,” as the birthstone for January?


2. What term, which now refers to the fragmentation of any region into smaller states or nations, originally referenced the developments of new countries on a certain peninsula between 1817 and 1912?


3. If you’re on a SWAT team, you use “special”…. what?


4. Penguins follow an ecogeographical rule known as “Bergmann’s Rule.” This means that penguins that live further from the equator, compared with their more equatorial counterparts, are generally… what?


5. The Associated Farmers of California called it Communist propaganda. Stalin, meanwhile, banned it because it depicted America’s poorest people driving cars. Name that 1939 book.


Broten Level Moderator Golden
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Tuesday, January 25

Five questions to wake up your noodle. Answers in tomorrow's email.

1. Andrés Manuel López Obrador is the current president of what country?

2. What almond candy was invented in France in the 17th century using a technique known as “hard panning,” and is today a popular wedding favor?

3. What private New York City club is famous for its risqué celebrity roasts?

4. What North American body of water, known as Kangiqsualuk Ilua in Inuktitut, gets its English name from a captain whose crew mutinied and left him there to die in 1611?

5. What band has released six self-titled albums, known as the “Blue,” “Green,” “Red,” “White,” “Teal,” and “Black” albums?

Mayasich Level Moderator Golden
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3. Friars Club

“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”

― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal

Leopold Level Golden
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1. Mexico

Tact is the ability to step on a man's toes without messing up the shine on his shoes - Harry S Truman

Mayasich Level Moderator Golden
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4) I think is Hudson's Bay

“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”

― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal

Brooks Level
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5. Weezer

Wooger Level Golden
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2. Jordan Almonds

Broten Level Moderator Golden
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Answers to Tuesday, January 25

1. Andrés Manuel López Obrador is the current president of what country?


2. What almond candy was invented in France in the 17th century using a technique known as “hard panning,” and is today a popular wedding favor?


3. What private New York City club is famous for its risqué celebrity roasts?


4. What North American body of water, known as Kangiqsualuk Ilua in Inuktitut, gets its English name from a captain whose crew mutinied and left him there to die in 1611?


5. What band has released six self-titled albums, known as the “Blue,” “Green,” “Red,” “White,” “Teal,” and “Black” albums?


Broten Level Moderator Golden
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Wednesday, January 26

Five questions to wake up your noodle. Answers in tomorrow's email.

1. I want to go on a road trip in which I visit every state in the contiguous U.S. (not Hawai’i or Alaska) exactly once. I never want to leave the U.S., and I never want to enter any state more than once. I’ll start in Minnesota. In which state will I finish?

2. What five-letter word means “of or pertaining to the kidneys”?

3. There were five Marx Brothers. If you listed their first names in alphabetical order, which would come last?

4. In 1881, three different people served as President of the United States within a single year. The first was Rutherford B. Hayes. The third was Chester Arthur. Who was the second?

5. Barbara Eden was the subject of a heated debate in the late-1960s over whether or not TV shows should be allowed to show a woman’s belly button on screen. What character did Eden play on TV at the time?

Mayasich Level Moderator Golden
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3. Zeppo (assuming their stage names :) )

“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”

― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal

Micheletti Level Golden
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2. Renal

5. Jeanie (I Dream of Jeanie)

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4. James Garfield


Leopold Level Golden
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1. I am pretty sure that would be Maine.

Tact is the ability to step on a man's toes without messing up the shine on his shoes - Harry S Truman

Brooks Level
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MNNavy wrote:

1. I am pretty sure that would be Maine.

I think you must be right. Leaving Maine means entering New Hampshire a second time.

Broten Level Moderator Golden
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Answers to Wednesday, January 26

1. I want to go on a road trip in which I visit every state in the contiguous U.S. (not Hawai’i or Alaska) exactly once. I never want to leave the U.S., and I never want to enter any state more than once. I’ll start in Minnesota. In which state will I finish?


(It only has one border, so I have to finish there or else I’d enter New Hampshire twice)

2. What five-letter word means “of or pertaining to the kidneys”?


3. There were five Marx Brothers. If you listed their first names in alphabetical order, which would come last?


4. In 1881, three different people served as President of the United States within a single year. The first was Rutherford B. Hayes. The third was Chester Arthur. Who was the second?


5. Barbara Eden was the subject of a heated debate in the late-1960s over whether or not TV shows should be allowed to show a woman’s belly button on screen. What character did Eden play on TV at the time?


(“I Dream of Jeannie”)

Broten Level Moderator Golden
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Theme Thursday, January 27

Today's theme is: Mmm, Cookie! It’s Girl Scout Cookie season! Five questions about cookies.

1. At what hotel was the chocolate chip cookie invented, in 1938?

2. What almond-meal-based cookie was introduced to France by the personal chef of Catherine de Medici, and is often confused with a different, coconut-based cookie?

3. What type of cookie means “twice baked” in Italian, and is often served with coffee?

4. A 1983 mock trial, overseen by a real judge from San Francisco, attempted to determine whether what type of cookie was invented in San Francisco in the 1890s by Makoto Hagiwara, or in Los Angeles in 1918 by David Jung?

5. What actor portrayed Cookie Lyon on “Empire” from 2015 to 2020?

Mayasich Level Moderator Golden
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1) Toll House, I believe

“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”

― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal

Brooks Level
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2. Macaron

3. Biscotti

Mayasich Level Moderator Golden
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4) I bet it's fortune cookies

“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”

― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal

Broten Level Moderator Golden
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Answers to Theme Thursday, January 27

1. At what hotel was the chocolate chip cookie invented, in 1938?


2. What almond-meal-based cookie was introduced to France by the personal chef of Catherine de Medici, and is often confused with a different, coconut-based cookie?


(not macaroons)

3. What type of cookie means “twice baked” in Italian, and is often served with coffee?


4. A 1983 mock trial, overseen by a real judge from San Francisco, attempted to determine whether what type of cookie was invented in San Francisco in the 1890s by Makoto Hagiwara, or in Los Angeles in 1918 by David Jung?


(the judge ruled in favor of the San Francisco claimant)

5. What actor portrayed Cookie Lyon on “Empire” from 2015 to 2020?


Broten Level Moderator Golden
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Friday, January 28

Five questions to wake up your noodle. Answers in Monday's email.

1. Quit While You’re Ahead: Four actors appeared on the poster for the 1997 movie “I Know What You Did Last Summer.” Name as many of them as you can for one point each. Zero points total if you get any wrong.

2. On the “tails” side of a U.S. nickel you’ll find a depiction of what building?

3. What chemical element makes up 65 percent of the mass of the human body, making it by far the body’s most abundant element?

4. Since 2007, what Korean automaker’s cars have all been made with a distinctive grille design known as the “Tiger Nose”?

5. Today is January 28. What novel, first published on this day in 1813, opens with the following line: “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife”?

The Rube
Mariucci Level Golden
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4. Kia

When you tell somebody somethin', it depends on what part of the United States you're standin' in... as to just how dumb you are.

Mayasich Level Moderator Golden
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2) Monticello

“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”

― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal

Micheletti Level Golden
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3. Oxygen

4. Daewoo


Brooks Level
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1. Jennifer Love Hewitt, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Freddie Prinze Jr, Ryan Philippe.

5. Pride and Prejudice

Broten Level Moderator Golden
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Answers to Friday, January 28

1. Quit While You’re Ahead: Four actors appeared on the poster for the 1997 movie “I Know What You Did Last Summer.” Name as many of them as you can for one point each. Zero points total if you get any wrong.


2. On the “tails” side of a U.S. nickel you’ll find a depiction of what building?


3. What chemical element makes up 65 percent of the mass of the human body, making it by far the body’s most abundant element?


4. Since 2007, what Korean automaker’s cars have all been made with a distinctive grille design known as the “Tiger Nose”?


5. Today is January 28. What novel, first published on this day in 1813, opens with the following line: “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife”?


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