We are in the super early in the process of designing & building a home and I know appliances will be my wife's biggest consternation for the reasons you guys are talking about.
“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”
― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal
We are in the super early in the process of designing & building a home and I know appliances will be my wife's biggest consternation for the reasons you guys are talking about.
I would suggest you know exactly what you want for a refrigerator (standard vs counter depth) for the builder to account for. In our kitchen we have no option other than counter depth. I would have bumped back the wall behind the fridge to accommodate a larger (deeper) refrigerator if I had built this house.
I also would have gone with a deeper garage.
Not that you asked, but something I would not have thought about previously.
Most definitely.
The architect we met with last week - and hope to work with - specializes in custom homes and remodels so I'm not concerned. From what I've seen on her we page her attention to detail is tremendous and this seems to be backed up by reviews I've read. Won't be cheap but the lot and rules on the property are not conducive to a off-the-shelf plan. She has designed many lake homes - including her own cabin on Blade's lake - so she understand the need for storage and space management.
So I guess my pet peeve will be cost. ? 😉
“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”
― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal
When we moved into our house the frig was in rough shape and did not match rest of the appliances. I measured that frig hole to the the 1/16" and looked at all options of removing trim or adjusting cabinets. We went to several stores to look for frigs. Either to wide, deep or tall. Finally found one with a little wiggle room after adjust a few things and didn't have to remove anything.
Keep your stick on the ice...
Last night at a men's small groups kickoff at church watching the MNF game. Wife texts me pics of the freezer in the garage with a pool of water underneath. It was close to halftime, so I left and went home to check the damages. She had everything out of the freezer and put them in the frig/freezer in the kitchen. I unplugged it and plugged back in and it seem to be running fine. Put some liquids in the freezer and this morning they were frozen. I'll keep checking it, don't want to shell out to much money in it. It came with the house and don't know all the past history to it by the previous owners.
Keep your stick on the ice...
Last night at a men's small groups kickoff at church watching the MNF game. Wife texts me pics of the freezer in the garage with a pool of water underneath. It was close to halftime, so I left and went home to check the damages. She had everything out of the freezer and put them in the frig/freezer in the kitchen. I unplugged it and plugged back in and it seem to be running fine. Put some liquids in the freezer and this morning they were frozen. I'll keep checking it, don't want to shell out to much money in it. It came with the house and don't know all the past history to it by the previous owners.
FYI I once had an issue with my freezer coils basically icing up and ruining the efficiency of the fridge. I guess some models don't have sufficient insulation on the back and the freezing/melting cycle further breaks the insulation down over time... and then you'll see chunks of ice form on the back of your fridge and the freezer fails.
You can unplug it to defrost it from time to time to extend the life, but the fix wasn't worth it to me and ended up eventually buying a new one.
Most definitely.
The architect we met with last week - and hope to work with - specializes in custom homes and remodels so I'm not concerned. From what I've seen on her we page her attention to detail is tremendous and this seems to be backed up by reviews I've read. Won't be cheap but the lot and rules on the property are not conducive to a off-the-shelf plan. She has designed many lake homes - including her own cabin on Blade's lake - so she understand the need for storage and space management.
So I guess my pet peeve will be cost. ? 😉
Something I've started to notice is kitchen cabinents that extend all the way to the ceiling even in kitchens with high ceilings. You get extra storage space and no more dust bunnies on top of the cabinents.
Most definitely.
The architect we met with last week - and hope to work with - specializes in custom homes and remodels so I'm not concerned. From what I've seen on her we page her attention to detail is tremendous and this seems to be backed up by reviews I've read. Won't be cheap but the lot and rules on the property are not conducive to a off-the-shelf plan. She has designed many lake homes - including her own cabin on Blade's lake - so she understand the need for storage and space management.
So I guess my pet peeve will be cost. ? 😉
Something I've started to notice is kitchen cabinents that extend all the way to the ceiling even in kitchens with high ceilings. You get extra storage space and no more dust bunnies on top of the cabinents.
And honestly, it just looks better. My opinion, of course.
Most definitely.
The architect we met with last week - and hope to work with - specializes in custom homes and remodels so I'm not concerned. From what I've seen on her we page her attention to detail is tremendous and this seems to be backed up by reviews I've read. Won't be cheap but the lot and rules on the property are not conducive to a off-the-shelf plan. She has designed many lake homes - including her own cabin on Blade's lake - so she understand the need for storage and space management.
So I guess my pet peeve will be cost. ? 😉
Something I've started to notice is kitchen cabinents that extend all the way to the ceiling even in kitchens with high ceilings. You get extra storage space and no more dust bunnies on top of the cabinents.
And honestly, it just looks better. My opinion, of course.
Our kitchen was remodeled 60 years ago. The cabinets go all the way to the ceiling. For the last 30 years people have been telling us how outdated that looks. I've always said "look at all the extra storage we have."
The cabinets go all the way to the ceiling. For the last 30 years people have been telling us how outdated that looks.
It's like how it comes and goes whether to paint your cabinets and trim or go with stained wood. My Dad had a customer he installed new oak cabinets in the late 70's and then they painted them sometime in the mid-90's; I know, a bit ahead of their time. Then in the early 2000's he installed new oak cabinets again.
They changed the layout that last time and had a different colored stain, but they went with wood. To me if you change up the hardware and the color of them maybe every decade, a really good cabinet no matter the style can age very well. IMO
I am the official Iowa Hawkeye football fan of GPL!
Yeah, I know people that made their kitchens have white cabinets, white or light counters, very light floors, etc. They all claimed anything else was outdated. I told many of them that in 20 years everyone will know their kitchen was done in the 2010s.
Yeah, I know people that made their kitchens have white cabinets, white or light counters, very light floors, etc. They all claimed anything else was outdated. I told many of them that in 20 years everyone will know their kitchen was done in the 2010s.
I hate white cabinets, counters, appliances and so on... they show grubby little kids finger prints. Not that stainless is any better with smudges... LoL!!!
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One thing I don't think will make a comeback will be Harvest Gold, Avocado Green, Burnt Orange, or Brown kitchen appliances. In the bathroom seafoam green, rose/pink, and baby blue fixtures. When I worked with my Dad in the late 80's and early 90's we removed a lot of those colored fixtures.
I am the official Iowa Hawkeye football fan of GPL!
There is no way we will go with current hip white/gray scheme that seems popular now. Neither of us are fans of the washed out look and and want more color; for sure our cabinets will be wood & stained, it's just a matter of finding the right shade.
“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”
― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal
Since the discussion of the iPhone and upgrade in the 'Simple Pleasure' thread...
People who think Androids are so superior to the iPhones. Who cares!!! Most people it's the phone they started out with and they just upgraded with time with the same developer. IMO, the Android fan base is very similar to the Surly fan boys. Very defensive and in proving it's superiority.
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Since the discussion of the iPhone and upgrade in the 'Simple Pleasure' thread...
People who think Androids are so superior to the iPhones. Who cares!!! Most people it's the phone they started out with and they just upgraded with time with the same developer. IMO, the Android fan base is very similar to the Surly fan boys. Very defensive and in proving it's superiority.
I have never understood the hostility between iOS & Android... But I guess people need something to bitch about.
FYI... 57% of all GPL traffic comes from iOS. Android is next at 15.8%. Followed by Windows and MacOS.
Do not like how this board is run?
Get your own board!
I hate to agree with @gator but I have Apple because I had an iPod first so I wanted to keep it in the family since I had most of my music on iTunes. So I've stuck with Apple since my first smartphone. My wife and daughter both have had Android phones from the start and have stuck with it. My son has an Apple because he inherited my iPod so he followed my route.
So for us it was just what we started with have stuck with it. Now I have plenty of friends that carry that superiority complex for their phones and I just don't get it. My boss is an Android guy, but his dad was an Apple person and they would but heads about it constantly.
You can put this craw into just about every facet of life; cars, computers, tools, and etc. Sometimes it's what you have started with and got used to it. I have my brands I'm loyal to on certain things but I could give two craps about what someone else has. It's what I like and if you don't like it, it doesn't affect me or my life one little bit.
It's like a quote that has stuck with me since I first heard it this summer, "People need to learn to be able to disagree again, and not hate someone for it". In this case it just about a darn phone.
Rant over...
I am the official Iowa Hawkeye football fan of GPL!
I prefer Android, others like iPhone, there's plenty of room for both of us out there.
As I recall my first Android phone was the original Motorola Droid, which I got because I couldn't stand the on-screen keyboards that were available at the time. I started with Android because I could get a physical keyboard to work with, and just stayed with Android ever since (obviously not with the physical keyboards.
The on-screen ones have improved greatly since my first Windows Mobile phone (also with the slide-out keyboard) back in 2005 or so.
Also (again in the early days of smartphones) there were several functions I wanted my phone to be able to do and apps I wanted to install that Android allowed, but iPhone didn't without jailbreaking it. Today, this likely isn't a factor for most people, but I've long been enough of a power user that I got started with Android, and see no reason to change.
I think I could have made a good argument 10-12 years ago that Android was notably superior to iPhone, but for most people today, there just isn't enough difference, so if you're happy with whichever one you have currently, there's no real reason to swap.
B1G refs... corrupt, or just incompetent?
My first smart phone was a Blackberry (work issued) so I'm glad we can change brands.... ?

“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”
― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal
@greyeagle We have wood cabinets and a cream/white toned countertop. Tan tile floor. White appliances. But we splurged on a cobalt blue Viking range. It’s the focal point of the kitchen. The only real updating we’ve done since is switch out the cabinet hardware and buy a new holder for oft-used utensils ?
Note: Due to inflation dirty deeds will no longer be done dirt cheap.
Having to wait in a parking lot while a doofus in a pickup truck thinks he has to back into his spot. OK tough guy.
Having to wait in a parking lot while a doofus in a pickup truck thinks he has to back into his spot. OK tough guy.
Agree... Drives me nuts. One, like you stated it takes them it takes them forever to back into the spot. Or two, they take up two spots cause they can't part worth a darn or they are self entitled cause their truck is so special. If it's so special, park in the 'north 40'.
Keep your stick on the ice...
Backing up is usually easier to maneuver for larger vehicles.
Or so I’ve been told.
I'd back in while I drove a truck more often than not. Not because I felt I was special, just easier to get out of there pulling forward. Way I looked at it was it was likely someone would be waiting for me to back up regardless. With backing into the spot at least I knew I was backing into an area where things are usually stationary. I'd avoid having to back out into lanes filled with apparently very impatient people.
I'm with Karlsson on this one. If a vehicle is hard to back up, you're better off backing into the parking spot than backing out of it.
If the driver is taking two spaces up rather than backing into one space, that's a different issue, of course.
B1G refs... corrupt, or just incompetent?
Agreed on backing in.
One nice thing about driving a truck the last couple years is I get a lot more steps in each day. I'd much rather park further away and have it be easier than try to squeeze into a closer spot.
“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”
― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal
I'd back in while I drove a truck more often than not. Not because I felt I was special, just easier to get out of there pulling forward. Way I looked at it was it was likely someone would be waiting for me to back up regardless. With backing into the spot at least I knew I was backing into an area where things are usually stationary. I'd avoid having to back out into lanes filled with apparently very impatient people.
What's tough for me, is I drive a small car - a Volkswagen GTI. Inevitably I am parked between a massive F350 and some huge SUV. I rarely pull all the way into a parking stall (so that it doesn't look empty as you approach), and always back out slowly. But people tear through parking lots and don't realize I cannot see them. My car is also a 2010 and has no rear view camera or cross traffic alerts or anything like that. As I slowly back out waiting to see cars, I get people who just cannot wait anymore and have to swerve around me at high speed. Most of the SUVs and Pickups also have heavy tint so I cannot look through there windows, and I am often looking up into their windows anyway so it isn't all that helpful.
It is also a problem if I am taking a right turn on red and some guy in his lifted Silverado needs to pull his license plate up to the front edge of the crosswalk so that I cannot see anything to my left. Then the person behind me starts honking because I haven't turned yet. There are vehicles out there where I am closer to looking under them than looking over them, I swear there was a bumper height law, but it clearly isn't being enforced.
The pickups and SUVs have become absolutely massive. The answer of course is buying one, but when you refuse to spend that much on a vehicle, it gets pretty difficult. I just know if I were ever T-boned, or hit head on, by one it would probably look like a rock chip in their grill and they wouldn't bother looking for my remnants.
Agreed on backing in.
One nice thing about driving a truck the last couple years is I get a lot more steps in each day. I'd much rather park further away and have it be easier than try to squeeze into a closer spot.
In general, I really don't try very hard to get a close-in spot. I just go for the closest of the obviously open slots. I don't keep driving around trying to find one that's one or two notches closer, it's just not worth my effort.
B1G refs... corrupt, or just incompetent?
I rarely pull all the way into a parking stall (so that it doesn't look empty as you approach)
I do this frequently on my motorcycle, too. People drive so fast in parking lots, I've seen cases where they take out a bike they hadn't realized was there, if it was parked all the way back (fortunately never mine or anyone I've known, but I definitely try to make it easy to tell that the space is occupied.
B1G refs... corrupt, or just incompetent?
I can't say that I've backed into a parking spot at a store. Like GE I tend to park a little further away just for my own ease, not like it's difficult parking a 1/2 ton pickup. At Menards I always park on the exit side of the store near a cart spot so that I don't have to walk far to put my cart away. Also, it's a little more open because people like to park closer to the entrance than the exit. I like the shorter walk on the way out of the store especially if I plan on having a full cart.
Have I ever mentioned though how much I despise straight-in parking compared to angle parking? Is this a Minnesota thing? Straight-in parking is far and few between in Iowa. Straight-in parking IS more difficult with a pickup for sure!
I am the official Iowa Hawkeye football fan of GPL!
Unless it’s a work vehicle I don’t get why these dudes think they need giant F350 or whatever trucks that are as big as a parking spot, stick their hitch out into the lane and you almost need a ladder to climb up into them. Seems like a PITA to drive around. I have a Pilot which I also use for work and that is plenty big enough. Waiting on people to poorly and slowly parallel park their Tahoe is just as bad.

I was recently informed by a GPLer that I'm related to Airey
Unless it’s a work vehicle I don’t get why these dudes think they need giant F350 or whatever trucks that are as big as a parking spot, stick their hitch out into the lane and you almost need a ladder to climb up into them. Seems like a PITA to drive around. I have a Pilot which I also use for work and that is plenty big enough. Waiting on people to poorly and slowly parallel park their Tahoe is just as bad.
Interestingly I have a Pilot and a Tahoe and I prefer to drive the Pilot. Very similar interior space to the Tahoe and drives like a car.
Has anyone been receiving phone calls from the CBE Group (Hastings, MN)?
Supposedly they are a collection agency. I just let it go to vm and they never leave a msg. I'm pretty it's just spam to harass me. I checked my credit score and it's over 800 with no outstanding debt or collectors debt.
Keep your stick on the ice...
Has anyone been receiving phone calls from the CBE Group (Hastings, MN)?
Supposedly they are a collection agency. I just let it go to vm and they never leave a msg. I'm pretty it's just spam to harass me. I checked my credit score and it's over 800 with no outstanding debt or collectors debt.
If they're not leaving messages, it's almost certainly spam. Alternately, they could be trying to call someone that had the phone number years ago (not sure how long you've had that number. I finally stopped some of those calls looking for the previous user of the phone number after about a decade of ignoring the voicemails, I finally answered one)
B1G refs... corrupt, or just incompetent?
I've had the same cell # since 1997. I also think it could be someone used my number for something. Over the years I've had companies call me looking for someone who's not me... lol!!!
Keep your stick on the ice...
The gas prices in Mankato over the last 10 days: $3.62...$3.44...$3.62...$3.44...$3.74! It has made me fill up whenever I see a low price no matter how much gas I have in my tank.
I am the official Iowa Hawkeye football fan of GPL!
OK, doesn't seem likely they're calling for the previous user at this stage. Any "debt collector" that doesn't leave a message saying who the call is for and a number to call back is definitely just spam/scam
B1G refs... corrupt, or just incompetent?
Has anyone been receiving phone calls from the CBE Group (Hastings, MN)?
Supposedly they are a collection agency. I just let it go to vm and they never leave a msg. I'm pretty it's just spam to harass me. I checked my credit score and it's over 800 with no outstanding debt or collectors debt.
If they're not leaving messages, it's almost certainly spam. Alternately, they could be trying to call someone that had the phone number years ago (not sure how long you've had that number. I finally stopped some of those calls looking for the previous user of the phone number after about a decade of ignoring the voicemails, I finally answered one)
They could also be looking for someone with the same name. From what I understand a wide net is typically cast by collection companies.
“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”
― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal
Has anyone been receiving phone calls from the CBE Group (Hastings, MN)?
Supposedly they are a collection agency. I just let it go to vm and they never leave a msg. I'm pretty it's just spam to harass me. I checked my credit score and it's over 800 with no outstanding debt or collectors debt.
If they're not leaving messages, it's almost certainly spam. Alternately, they could be trying to call someone that had the phone number years ago (not sure how long you've had that number. I finally stopped some of those calls looking for the previous user of the phone number after about a decade of ignoring the voicemails, I finally answered one)
They could also be looking for someone with the same name. From what I understand a wide net is typically cast by collection companies.
I'm cursed with a very common name, so I get this a lot. Sucks.
Back when I used to answer those calls it was always easy to figure out if it was spam or a scam because they would butcher my last name. My last name is spelled Wilkie and pronounced Will-key. I would get called Mr. Willikey, or Weenky or Wilken; those being the most popular pronunciations that I remember. It's how do you get those pronunciations? There is no N in my name anywhere! There isn't an extra L!
Now I am a notorious call screener. I haven't talked to a spam/scam in well over 5 years.
I am the official Iowa Hawkeye football fan of GPL!
Have you ever googled your name?!?!?! You can find some real interesting characters with real interesting crimes... lol!!!
Keep your stick on the ice...
Have you ever googled your name?!?!?! You can find some real interesting characters with real interesting crimes... lol!!!
I apparently own a restaurant in Seattle (or used to) if I use my Facebook name.
When you tell somebody somethin', it depends on what part of the United States you're standin' in... as to just how dumb you are.
My goes from a semi pro hockey player to several mug shots. And non of the mug shots are mine.
Keep your stick on the ice...
So Mankato West High School along with several other high schools in the state were the focus of "swatting" incidents this morning with calls to 911 about an active shooter in the building. Here in Mankato that put the school in a hard lockdown. This followed a soft lockdown yesterday of the high school because of an attempted suicide in the overflow lot at the high school.
These kids minds are just friggin scrambled right now!
Hug your kids today...everyday!
I am the official Iowa Hawkeye football fan of GPL!
Not to make light of it or discredit it. None of the local news stations or newspapers are reporting it. As a parent, I would like all the resources possible to know my kid is safe. Especially with a daughter who is special needs non verbal.
Keep your stick on the ice...
I am the official Iowa Hawkeye football fan of GPL!
The "swatting" bs needs to be taken serious and treated as the actual crime. Make heads roll and examples to stop it or make people think twice about acting like a fool.
Keep your stick on the ice...
I watched a Netflix doc on swatting. People do it to individuals as a revenge play, people have gotten shot, it’s an issue.