Our 2 year old frig and freezer went out last week. And the soonest a GE approved repairman can come is the 12th of Sept. The frig is under warranty, just have to be patient with the process I guess. It's been over a week and and it's interesting living out of two chest coolers. Sorta camping indoors.
Keep your stick on the ice...
Pancake air compressors? Yea or nay?
I've been looking at two from Home Depot the last few weeks because I need something to blow out our meager drip irrigation line (like 50-60 feet total). I know the cfm is low, but should still work. I also need it to inflate the snowblower tires and other various tires when needed.
That said, do I bite the bullet and get an oil-lubed version? I'm not really looking to spend more than like $300.
Does anyone have any experience with pancakes and their longevity? Because if I can buy three pancakes for the price of a nicer oil-lubed version, well...
Any brands I should seek out?
ETA: I should also mention that I designed the system to be able to be 100% gravity drained. So theoretically I could get by just opening it up, but I'd rather make sure.
Yea... They are lite, very portable and take up little space. I prefer Husky, but I got a Ridgid at Home Depot and it's been a excellent purchase. No complaints.
Note: I said I prefer Husky cause I like to stick to Husky and Milwaukee brand tools from Home Depot. Though I'm starting to accumulate Ridgid brand items.
Keep your stick on the ice...
Just got a text from my contractor and my insurance company has finally approved a new roof and siding!!! New my wife gets to pick out her siding and roof colors... lol!!! Hopefully they be done by the start of November, when I tackle building a new storage shed. So one, we can be out of each others way and two, I can match the paint for the T1 siding to the house siding and try to match the tin roof for the shed to the shingles.
Keep your stick on the ice...
Random question for Verizon users, has your cell service diminished in the past few months?
We live in the south suburbs and have always had good cell connections in my home--until this summer. And it's gotten worse. I have to walk to a certain area in my house to maintain a good connection.
@streakygopher Service at our house is bad on Verizon. We are having some work done on the house this summer and when the contractors mention the poor phone reception, I ask if they are on Verizon, and they always are. This is in St. Paul near The Nook.
My wife and I are looking into having a snow removal service take care of our driveway this Winter; it's just gotten to be too much for us at this point. Not necessarily a "company", but also a person who does this on the side.
Question: what do I need to be looking for on this? Insured and bonded? Do we want a signed contract stipulating the cost and the frequency (3+ inches for example)? We've never had an ongoing service with our home before. Thanks!
Random question for Verizon users, has your cell service diminished in the past few months?
We live in the south suburbs and have always had good cell connections in my home--until this summer. And it's gotten worse. I have to walk to a certain area in my house to maintain a good connection.
This summer saw one of the largest employers in the twin cities switch to Verizon. Several thousand phones got switched about a month and a half ago. I would expect that to affect bandwidth but not actual connection strength.
Can confirm. I've been at Drake Arena a lot this fall for my daughter's hockey. I have Verizon, and it's a complete dead zone around there. I get no service inside or outside of the arena.@streakygopher Service at our house is bad on Verizon. We are having some work done on the house this summer and when the contractors mention the poor phone reception, I ask if they are on Verizon, and they always are. This is in St. Paul near The Nook.
This summer saw one of the largest employers in the twin cities switch to Verizon. Several thousand phones got switched about a month and a half ago. I would expect that to affect bandwidth but not actual connection strength.
What a PIA..... ?
@Hockeybum - I can't believe Drake is still plugging along. My least favorite in the rotation when YE played many years ago. Bad ice (concrete patches!), horrible locker rooms, just always seemed neglected. There has always a rumor that SPA was going to build a new rink.....but that rumor was alive and kicking when I was in high school and we were chasing dinosaurs out of our caves.
“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”
― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal
@greyeagle Yes... Drake sucks. I always feel like I'm going to fall through the rusty metal steps to the bleachers. They have way more give than they should.
I'm used to crappy arenas. About a third of my daughter's practices in youth hockey were at Harding. Compared to Harding, Drake is an upgrade. As an added bonus, my car didn't get broken into at Drake like it did at Harding a few years ago.
So my water heater started leaking today.... Nice way to start the morning.
Anyone have any recommended installers?
I really wanted to go to hybrid, but I just don't think that's in the cards given the current situation. DOn't have time to compare options and get prices to add the necessary electrical feeds... 🙁
Probably going with a straight gas replacement. Maybe bump the size from 40--> 50 gal.
We are going with Metro Heating and Cooling--reasonable price, very responsive and helpful.
We are going hybrid because we will EASILY make the cost difference back (we are going from electric to electric heat pump hybrid) within about 3-4 years, given the federal 30% credit AND our electric company will give us a $500 rebate in addition.
Back when it was still MinneGasco we had their insurance plan and when our water heater went out we actually found the best deal was going directly with them. I imagine given your question that's no longer a viable option? I don't think anything like that came up after it became CenterPoint, and we've been out of the state for 9 years now.
We are going with Metro Heating and Cooling--reasonable price, very responsive and helpful.
We are going hybrid because we will EASILY make the cost difference back (we are going from electric to electric heat pump hybrid) within about 3-4 years, given the federal 30% credit AND our electric company will give us a $500 rebate in addition.
Yeah, but I don't know if we're gonig to be here five years from now. Likely! But not certain. And I'm not sure I want to invest $5k-$6k into electrification and a heat pump when the payback isn't within a year or two. (God I feel like such an executive approving projects...)
More importantly, i'm not sure I want to gamble a leaky water tank for more than a week while I wait for parts and labor.
ETA: Oh, and since you went electric-to-electric, you are eligible for more rebates than I am. Going from gas-to-electric doesn't qualify for anything but the base "high efficiency" rebates plus the 30% fed.
Back when it was still MinneGasco we had their insurance plan and when our water heater went out we actually found the best deal was going directly with them. I imagine given your question that's no longer a viable option? I don't think anything like that came up after it became CenterPoint, and we've been out of the state for 9 years now.
We're with Xcel and I never signed up for that.
Ok, I did the math and the payback is crap because I have a 100-amp panel.
My current total house load estimate is roughly 83.5 A. Adding in the HPWH would bring it up to 91.9 A using a fairly deep dive into actual ratings across all users in the house. Using straight up circuit sizes, this comes out to 78.0 A before and 86.4 A after. I think that would be really pushing it.
So if I factor in the $3k (if I'm lucky) cost of upgrading to a 200 A panel, take off $600 from the IRA rebates I get $2.4k for panel upgrades.
The cost of the HPWH+install of ~$4,800, taking 30% off from the IRA rebate, I get $3.4k for the rest of the project
Using an estimated cost of $1/therm and $0.15/kWh, 70-degree rise, and roughly 50 gal/day:
0.64 UEF natural gas I get roughly $180-$200/yr for a conventional natural gas tank
3.5 UEF HPWH I get roughly $143/yr
At TIC of $5.8k, the payback is about 53 years. Without the panel, it's way more attractive. The payback is like 0 months.
Ok, I did the math and the payback is crap because I have a 100-amp panel.
My current total house load estimate is roughly 83.5 A. Adding in the HPWH would bring it up to 91.9 A using a fairly deep dive into actual ratings across all users in the house. Using straight up circuit sizes, this comes out to 78.0 A before and 86.4 A after. I think that would be really pushing it.
So if I factor in the $3k (if I'm lucky) cost of upgrading to a 200 A panel, take off $600 from the IRA rebates I get $2.4k for panel upgrades.
The cost of the HPWH+install of ~$4,800, taking 30% off from the IRA rebate, I get $3.4k for the rest of the projectUsing an estimated cost of $1/therm and $0.15/kWh, 70-degree rise, and roughly 50 gal/day:
0.64 UEF natural gas I get roughly $180-$200/yr for a conventional natural gas tank
3.5 UEF HPWH I get roughly $143/yrAt TIC of $5.8k, the payback is about 53 years. Without the panel, it's way more attractive. The payback is like 0 months.
All of that and you still don't have hot water at home? ?
“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”
― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal
Ok, I did the math and the payback is crap because I have a 100-amp panel.
My current total house load estimate is roughly 83.5 A. Adding in the HPWH would bring it up to 91.9 A using a fairly deep dive into actual ratings across all users in the house. Using straight up circuit sizes, this comes out to 78.0 A before and 86.4 A after. I think that would be really pushing it.
So if I factor in the $3k (if I'm lucky) cost of upgrading to a 200 A panel, take off $600 from the IRA rebates I get $2.4k for panel upgrades.
The cost of the HPWH+install of ~$4,800, taking 30% off from the IRA rebate, I get $3.4k for the rest of the projectUsing an estimated cost of $1/therm and $0.15/kWh, 70-degree rise, and roughly 50 gal/day:
0.64 UEF natural gas I get roughly $180-$200/yr for a conventional natural gas tank
3.5 UEF HPWH I get roughly $143/yrAt TIC of $5.8k, the payback is about 53 years. Without the panel, it's way more attractive. The payback is like 0 months.
All of that and you still don't have hot water at home? ?

got plenty!
I went to my chiro in Lakeville today for an adjustment. Afterwards we were talking the clinic moving across the street to a new site. Over the last year or so she has told me about all the delays and problems with contractors out side of her and husband doing the work themselves.
She told me today about the latest. The contractors Sheetrock and painted the xray room only to find out they didn’t put the lead in the walls. Can’t imagine the price tag on that mistake by the contractors.
Keep your stick on the ice...
Bought a Milwaukee propane heater for my garage. The rear fan runs off electricity or an 18v Milwaukee battery. It heated my garage today while I was working in it decently for the garage not being fulling insulated. Once I finish insulating, it’ll be toasty warm!!!
Keep your stick on the ice...
Bought a Milwaukee propane heater for my garage. The rear fan runs off electricity or an 18v Milwaukee battery. It heated my garage today while I was working in it decently for the garage not being fulling insulated. Once I finish insulating, it’ll be toasty warm!!!
we have a Mr Heater in our garage for when my son is working out there. It heats it up really quick even when its below 0.Bought a Milwaukee propane heater for my garage. The rear fan runs off electricity or an 18v Milwaukee battery. It heated my garage today while I was working in it decently for the garage not being fulling insulated. Once I finish insulating, it’ll be toasty warm!!!
don’t you have to keep the garage door cracked so avoid carbon monoxide poisoning? I’d think that would let out all the heat.we have a Mr Heater in our garage for when my son is working out there. It heats it up really quick even when its below 0.Bought a Milwaukee propane heater for my garage. The rear fan runs off electricity or an 18v Milwaukee battery. It heated my garage today while I was working in it decently for the garage not being fulling insulated. Once I finish insulating, it’ll be toasty warm!!!
I’ve always wanted a garage heater but the pain of venting always seemed to be a pain in the ass
Since my garage isn’t fully insulated, some of the vents in the eaves are exposed. So I’m not to worried. Once I finish fully insulating, I’ll put a carbon monoxide reader in the garage to be safe.
Keep your stick on the ice...
Yes we do. No issues with heat lossdon’t you have to keep the garage door cracked so avoid carbon monoxide poisoning? I’d think that would let out all the heat.we have a Mr Heater in our garage for when my son is working out there. It heats it up really quick even when its below 0.Bought a Milwaukee propane heater for my garage. The rear fan runs off electricity or an 18v Milwaukee battery. It heated my garage today while I was working in it decently for the garage not being fulling insulated. Once I finish insulating, it’ll be toasty warm!!!
I’ve always wanted a garage heater but the pain of venting always seemed to be a pain in the ass
don’t you have to keep the garage door cracked so avoid carbon monoxide poisoning? I’d think that would let out all the heat.we have a Mr Heater in our garage for when my son is working out there. It heats it up really quick even when its below 0.Bought a Milwaukee propane heater for my garage. The rear fan runs off electricity or an 18v Milwaukee battery. It heated my garage today while I was working in it decently for the garage not being fulling insulated. Once I finish insulating, it’ll be toasty warm!!!
I’ve always wanted a garage heater but the pain of venting always seemed to be a pain in the ass
I have a ceiling-mounted electric heater for my 3 car garage and it works fine. No vents needed. I would have loved a vented gas heater but the upfront costs to plumb it and do the venting were too much. The heater itself is also much more expensive if you go with gas. Gas is much cheaper to use for heating so I'm sure my operational costs are higher, but I just couldn't justify the much more significant upfront costs.
I keep my garage (which is insulated, including the door) around 45 in the winter most of the time, but I will turn it up to 70 if I'm hanging out out there. Takes a couple/few hours to get up to 70 from 45.
My wife and I purchased a new (to us) vehicle which is great and we are very excited to now have extra space and AWD in the lamest winter ever, but it leaves us with a dilemma on what to do with her old 2001 Accord. The dealer as expected offered us zilch so it left us thinking of other options.
Has anyone used a place like cranky ape to auction their stuff off? Are they easy to work with, was it pricy to use their auction platform? Additionally I am curious if anyone has used a place like facebook marketplace to sell vehicles? I don't mind using marketplace for smaller things I just hate when people don't show up... it can just be annoying and that would concern me with an item of actual value. Ideally we would sell it to like a high school kid as the car is actually nice working condition with minimal rust to, but nobody we know is interested.
I am curious for any recommendations beyond these as well. Also if anyone here is interested send me a DM.
'29, '40, '74, '76, '79, '02, & '03
GPL's Resident Cabin Enthusiast & Cadets Hockey Fan
I had to do it.
When you tell somebody somethin', it depends on what part of the United States you're standin' in... as to just how dumb you are.
We sold our last car in the U.S. using CarMax and we were very happy with the results.
1-800 877-Kars-For-Kids!
I had to do it.
FYP. I mute the radio any time I hear that ad come on, and I STILL can't get the jingle out of my head. I guess that means it works, but it is SOOOOO annoying.
Tact is the ability to step on a man's toes without messing up the shine on his shoes - Harry S Truman
1-800 877-Kars-For-Kids!
I had to do it.
FYP. I mute the radio any time I hear that ad come on, and I STILL can't get the jingle out of my head. I guess that means it works, but it is SOOOOO annoying.
I vowed to never us KFK just because of those damn commercials... So when I got rid of my 2001 Mazda 6, I reached out to Newgate School to donate it since I had heard their ad on KFAN and other places. They would not come out to Norwood Young America to get it. It was too far for them. But KFK would, so I begrudgingly went with them for the donation.
Do not like how this board is run?
Get your own board!
My kid has used Marketplace several times to sell and buy vehicles. Just take a pic of their drivers license and insurance before you let them test drive. Go with your gut wether or not you want to ride with.My wife and I purchased a new (to us) vehicle which is great and we are very excited to now have extra space and AWD in the lamest winter ever, but it leaves us with a dilemma on what to do with her old 2001 Accord. The dealer as expected offered us zilch so it left us thinking of other options.
Has anyone used a place like cranky ape to auction their stuff off? Are they easy to work with, was it pricy to use their auction platform? Additionally I am curious if anyone has used a place like facebook marketplace to sell vehicles? I don't mind using marketplace for smaller things I just hate when people don't show up... it can just be annoying and that would concern me with an item of actual value. Ideally we would sell it to like a high school kid as the car is actually nice working condition with minimal rust to, but nobody we know is interested.
I am curious for any recommendations beyond these as well. Also if anyone here is interested send me a DM.
I sold my old SUV via KBB. Had three dealers offer me money and took the highest one. very easy.
btw I forgot that we did use K4K a very long time ago and it was very seamless.
Thanks you all for this information! Most helpful.
'29, '40, '74, '76, '79, '02, & '03
GPL's Resident Cabin Enthusiast & Cadets Hockey Fan
If it stills runs well... Keep it? I have a third vehicle that is 14 years old. I was offered less than $2k on trade. It's nice to have a beater. When it snows, and we need groceries or something I take that car. I have snow tires for it anyway, and if someone slides into me, oh well. If one of our cars goes in for a warranty recall, or is down, it's nice to have the extra vehicle.
Honestly, having it around has more than covered the $1,800 I would've got in trade. I carry only liability on it, and just change the oil and rotate tires. It is super minimal cost. Sure, the struts have seen better days, the speakers are terrible, but it's a fantastic beater. If it ever gets a major breakdown that I can't fix, then I'll donate it.
Years ago when my beautiful bright Red Grand Prix blew the main engine bearing, I donated to DAV (Disabled American Veterans).
One thing to keep in mind with Kars 4 Kids is where the money is actually going to. I don't have any personal objection on the topic, but, some people may. On the plus side, they don't try to hide it or anything, they do explain it on their website. (Specifics intentionally left out, if you're interested just google it)
B1G refs... corrupt, or just incompetent?
One thing to keep in mind with Kars 4 Kids is where the money is actually going to. I don't have any personal objection on the topic, but, some people may. On the plus side, they don't try to hide it or anything, they do explain it on their website. (Specifics intentionally left out, if you're interested just google it)
I googled “where does kars 4 kids money go” and on first glance I thought it said Oprah. 🤦♀️😂
As I said, easy enough to figure out.I googled “where does kars 4 kids money go” and on first glance I thought it said Oprah. 🤦♀️😂
B1G refs... corrupt, or just incompetent?
People would be surprised how much skimming and deception goes on with so called charities.
Keep your stick on the ice...
I don’t come here often, so I apologize if this has been covered lately. Anyone care to recommend an East Metro plumber for hopefully a small job.
I don’t come here often, so I apologize if this has been covered lately. Anyone care to recommend an East Metro plumber for hopefully a small job.
We used Metro Heating for our electric heat pump water heater and they were pretty good--no issues.
Our furnace went out.
anyone have any trusted/reputable folks in the apple valley area?