MN Wild 24-25 Seaso...
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MN Wild 24-25 Season

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Leopold Level Golden
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With the Darby news feels like we're on to the next season.


Bonin Level
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Posted by: @jwg

With the Darby news feels like we're on to the next season.


the Wild just keep making moves to keeping me not interested in following the team



Leopold Level Golden
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Darby needs a change of scenery as much as the Wild do. I hope he’s able to find something different within the league. 

Broten Level Golden
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Firing Darby doesn't mean much to me. NHL coaches are lucky if they last even 5 years in one spot. What does matter to me, is who Guerin hires to replace him. Hopefully it isn't another one of his buddies who isn't qualified for the job. 

Leopold Level Golden
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Bumping back above the 23-24 thread with the draft happening. On to the next season!

Mayasich Level Golden
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I'm 50% factual and 50% sarcastic. When you get to know me, you will know which is which.

Brooks Level Golden
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Judging by the comments on the Athletic, people are less than thrilled. 


Mayasich Level Golden
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I'm 50% factual and 50% sarcastic. When you get to know me, you will know which is which.

Broten Level
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Posted by: @mikeeruzione11

Judging by the comments on the Athletic, people are less than thrilled. 

that's a tough number at 3.5AAV. I don't really get why they're adding another guy for the bottom 6 that is really only known for hitting a lot with what we have on the roster


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Posted by: @upnorthkid

Posted by: @mikeeruzione11

Judging by the comments on the Athletic, people are less than thrilled. 

Thats a tough number at 3.5AAV. I don't really get why they're adding another guy for the bottom 6 that is really only known for hitting a lot with what we have on the roster


Evidently they see Ogren, Yurov & the Russian C who broke into lineup late last year among other recent draftees to contribute on the scoresheet relatively soon (Yurov not until 25-26).


Lucia Level
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@bearpaw28 Might also have a little something to do with a GM getting nervous about resigning Kaprizov next year before he enters his final year of contract.

Broten Level Golden
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Trenin is a great 4th liner that brings a lot of skills that the Wild are lacking. Don't have any idea how you justify that contract though?

Having the best 4th line in the league will be cool I guess. Hell, they might have the 2 best 4th lines in the league now

upnorthkid reacted
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Posted by: @team2tank

@bearpaw28 Might also have a little something to do with a GM getting nervous about resigning Kaprizov next year before he enters his final year of contract.

this part worries me a little. is Kaprizov going to look at the roster around him and going to want to resign?


To finish our other convo, again totally get where you're coming from re Buium. I think that value is added primarily 5v5. think he would start on pp2 but could see him taking Faber's spot by end of the year. Again no rush to get him to the league, but do think he would add a dimension to the blue line we could use and would translate to points. would it be enough to put this team over the hump and make a difference in a long post-season run? that's doubtful and so I can also see your approach. 


Slap Shot
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Posted by: @upnorthkid

Posted by: @team2tank

@bearpaw28 Might also have a little something to do with a GM getting nervous about resigning Kaprizov next year before he enters his final year of contract.

this part worries me a little. is Kaprizov going to look at the roster around him and going to want to resign?

To finish our other convo, again totally get where you're coming from re Buium. I think that value is added primarily 5v5. think he would start on pp2 but could see him taking Faber's spot by end of the year. Again no rush to get him to the league, but do think he would add a dimension to the blue line we could use and would translate to points. would it be enough to put this team over the hump and make a difference in a long post-season run? that's doubtful and so I can also see your approach. 

So his value add is primarily 5v5 but he'll also be good enough to supplant Faber on the PP?



Lucia Level
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@slap-shot The 2nd part of his post is referring to draft pick, Zeev Buium picking up from the other thread.


Mayasich Level Golden
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I'm 50% factual and 50% sarcastic. When you get to know me, you will know which is which.

Brooks Level Golden
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Brooks Level Golden
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Posted by: @upnorthkid

Posted by: @team2tank

@bearpaw28 Might also have a little something to do with a GM getting nervous about resigning Kaprizov next year before he enters his final year of contract.

this part worries me a little. is Kaprizov going to look at the roster around him and going to want to resign?


To finish our other convo, again totally get where you're coming from re Buium. I think that value is added primarily 5v5. think he would start on pp2 but could see him taking Faber's spot by end of the year. Again no rush to get him to the league, but do think he would add a dimension to the blue line we could use and would translate to points. would it be enough to put this team over the hump and make a difference in a long post-season run? that's doubtful and so I can also see your approach. 


I am sure Kaprisov understands the roster will be different after this season when the Suter and Parise anchors are off the books.


But maybe not if we're signing the recently announced deals.


upnorthkid reacted
Brooks Level Golden
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Has the Billy Guerin honeymoon phase worn off yet? I mean cmon..

upnorthkid reacted
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Posted by: @slap-shot

Posted by: @upnorthkid

Posted by: @team2tank

@bearpaw28 Might also have a little something to do with a GM getting nervous about resigning Kaprizov next year before he enters his final year of contract.

this part worries me a little. is Kaprizov going to look at the roster around him and going to want to resign?

To finish our other convo, again totally get where you're coming from re Buium. I think that value is added primarily 5v5. think he would start on pp2 but could see him taking Faber's spot by end of the year. Again no rush to get him to the league, but do think he would add a dimension to the blue line we could use and would translate to points. would it be enough to put this team over the hump and make a difference in a long post-season run? that's doubtful and so I can also see your approach. 

So his value add is primarily 5v5 but he'll also be good enough to supplant Faber on the PP?


yes? mobile defenseman with offensive skills are huge assets in the NHL, both at 5v5 and on the PP. If you're comparing him to Faber in this regard, the potential value add is small (ie what he would/could do on the PP that Faber does not already do), but at 5v5 compared to Middleton, Bogo, etc., the add is greater. I could see him moving on PP1 ahead of Faber (would also reduce the very heavy minutes Faber will play season by season), but that's not quite as likely to me. Still PP2 minutes would be good and place he could make an impact as well. 


Broten Level Golden
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Posted by: @mikeeruzione11

Has the Billy Guerin honeymoon phase worn off yet? I mean cmon..

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Slap Shot
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Posted by: @team2tank

@slap-shot The 2nd part of his post is referring to draft pick, Zeev Buium picking up from the other thread.


Am aware.


Brooks Level Golden
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Russo was on with Barreiro yesterday. Pretty apparent that Russo thinks Billy has botched this roster. He didn’t like the moves today.

Broten Level Golden
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Not a great sign when the mouthpiece turns on you 

Bonin Level
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Jon Marchessault gets 5 years @ 5.5 mil from Smashville (a proven scorer, Stanley Cup Champ & Conn Symthe winner) and Wild sign Yakov Trettin to 4 years @ $3.5 mil for a bottom 6 forward who played for Hynes & grinds, but doesn’t score? And Yakov is likely a 4th liner too. WTF?

Lucia Level
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I mean everyone has an understanding that it will be nice when the buyouts are off the books (the big portion) but you still have to have a quality team and one that a top 10-15 player in the league wants to be a part of.

If the Wild have a season like last you can bet that Kaprizov is going to be very enticed by being one year away from free rein free agency. No amount of cap space is going to change that.

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Posted by: @team2tank


I mean everyone has an understanding that it will be nice when the buyouts are off the books (the big portion) but you still have to have a quality team and one that a top 10-15 player in the league wants to be a part of.

If the Wild have a season like last you can bet that Kaprizov is going to be very enticed by being one year away from free rein free agency. No amount of cap space is going to change that.

And if they don’t get KK extended (he will command top of league 💵) they may as well fold the franchise, that’s how desperate they’ll need to be in selling him on Wild future.


Lucia Level
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@bearpaw28 They also have Gustav Nyquist entering year 2 of a very modest 3.185 million deal. Just came off of a huge comeback 75 point season.

Obviously no way to predict he would play to that level last season but even to get his norm 50 points or so is well worth 2 years, 3.185 million. But instead Guerin opted to reup a lot of career plugs last year.

Certain things just make you scratch your head?

bearpaw28 reacted

Leopold Level Golden
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If the cap continues to climb now that the Covid-19 debt is paid back it should lower the impact of those 3-4 million dollar contracts over the term.  The term is definitely the head scratcher for Yakov.. If that was a one year fill in until next year deal I would understand it more.  I think Elliotte Friedman was estimating potentially 100 million in 2025-2026 with the new tv deals they signed last year, which should help. 


Love the Buium draft pick.  

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Lucia Level
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@youngeagle Not disagreeing with anything you said but that is across the board and accessible to all NHL teams. So bad or questionable contracts still don't help regardless of the cap, you are still competing to build the best roster so chewed up $ & term doesn't help regardless of cap space. Foligno, Guardreau, Trenin, Hartman are still a combination of bad $ &/or term. And it adds up. How Guadreau got that term is baffling, where did they think that guy was going?

Slap Shot
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The problem to this outsider (I don't pay super close attention) is that it seems like this off-season Guerin continues to give multi-year contracts to 'stiffs' at healthy sums that no other teams would do with such frequency. This team has no chance for a playoff run next year and every move should be for the purpose of long-term gains.  

upnorthkid reacted
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Posted by: @youngeagle

If the cap continues to climb now that the Covid-19 debt is paid back it should lower the impact of those 3-4 million dollar contracts over the term.  The term is definitely the head scratcher for Yakov.. If that was a one year fill in until next year deal I would understand it more.  I think Elliotte Friedman was estimating potentially 100 million in 2025-2026 with the new tv deals they signed last year, which should help. 


Love the Buium draft pick.  

With all due respect to Elliotte…I’ll be SHOCKED if the CAP rises from $88mil in 24-25 to $100mil in 25-26!😉


Mayasich Level Golden
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I'm 50% factual and 50% sarcastic. When you get to know me, you will know which is which.

Leopold Level Golden
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Posted by: @bearpaw28

Posted by: @youngeagle

If the cap continues to climb now that the Covid-19 debt is paid back it should lower the impact of those 3-4 million dollar contracts over the term.  The term is definitely the head scratcher for Yakov.. If that was a one year fill in until next year deal I would understand it more.  I think Elliotte Friedman was estimating potentially 100 million in 2025-2026 with the new tv deals they signed last year, which should help. 


Love the Buium draft pick.  

With all due respect to Elliotte…I’ll be SHOCKED if the CAP rises from $88mil in 24-25 to $100mil in 25-26!😉



And he may be wrong but healthy viewership numbers and good markets going deep in the playoffs (NYR/Edmonton) all help that bottom line. The biggest thing holding back cap growth the previous four years was the players owing ownership money from the Covid year. That dept is repaid so the cap should be going up at a higher clip. 


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Broten Level Golden
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Posted by: @youngeagle

Posted by: @bearpaw28

Posted by: @youngeagle

If the cap continues to climb now that the Covid-19 debt is paid back it should lower the impact of those 3-4 million dollar contracts over the term.  The term is definitely the head scratcher for Yakov.. If that was a one year fill in until next year deal I would understand it more.  I think Elliotte Friedman was estimating potentially 100 million in 2025-2026 with the new tv deals they signed last year, which should help. 


Love the Buium draft pick.  

With all due respect to Elliotte…I’ll be SHOCKED if the CAP rises from $88mil in 24-25 to $100mil in 25-26!😉



And he may be wrong but healthy viewership numbers and good markets going deep in the playoffs (NYR/Edmonton) all help that bottom line. The biggest thing holding back cap growth the previous four years was the players owing ownership money from the Covid year. That dept is repaid so the cap should be going up at a higher clip. 


Friedman said that it's going to be close to $93M for 2025-26. Even that sounds optimistic to me. 



Brooks Level Golden
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Yakov Trenin makes the Athletic’s list of worst team deals made in free agency:
