Herb... Gone 20 yea...
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Herb... Gone 20 years.

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Brooks Level Admin
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I posted this on Twitter, but today is the 20th Anniversary of losing Herb Brooks.

For me it is one of those days where you remember where you were and what you were doing when you heard the news. Similar to 9/11, 35W, Both Space Shuttle tragedies... Etc.


I was driving south on Eden Prairie road just crossing Pioneer Trail as I was heading home from work... I almost went off the road just past that intersection as it was announced on KFAN.


Where were you and what were you doing when you heard this terrible news?


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Wooger Level
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I was very young, I believe I read it in Sports Illustrated the week after it happened.

Mayasich Level Moderator Golden
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I was at work and started to see reports/rumors here or POI and on USCHO.
I drive the quite often and think about that day a lot.  ☹ 

“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”

― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal

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Mariucci Level Golden
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I was driving to meet a client for the first time and was pretty in shock from the news up until the time we met.  He actually could see something was up on my face and asked.  Luckily it turned out he was also a hockey fan and we talked the game for a good 15 minutes before we got down to business. 

Stauber Level Golden
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I was at work when I heard about it. I always remember when I drive on 35 by where it happened.

Brooks Level Golden
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20 years... I would've guessed 10.

Keep your stick on the ice...

Mariucci Level Golden
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I was in school.  

will be driving past the site in a couple hours.  

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Mariucci Level Golden
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Which Herb wore it better?

Greyeagle and Iceburg reacted
Mariucci Level Golden
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I did not see the little cross/memorial that used to be in the median along I-35.  Not sure if it’s gone, I missed it, it was buried in the tall grass, or it used to be in the section near forest lake that is now a concrete barrier.  ?‍♀️

The Rube
Mariucci Level Golden
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I read about it when I got home from work, checking the various news sites. The thing that stuck with me was the end of "Miracle" credits:

Dedicated to Herb Brooks who died shortly after principal photography was completed. He never saw it. He lived it.

That...that was 100% heartfelt and paid due respect. 

When you tell somebody somethin', it depends on what part of the United States you're standin' in... as to just how dumb you are.

Brooks Level Golden
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I have no idea.  It was sad to lose him early, but he was still an older guy so I didn’t get too bent out of shape over it.

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Actually was returning to the cities from up north with the family in the car that same day.  Was caught up in the traffic back up after his accident and did not know what caused it until later in the evening when watching the news.


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