You’re right but the league is ran by the most out of touch boomers that ownership can find and then they wonder why league revenue isn’t growing.
Gary Bettman has been commissioner since 1993 time to replace him
You’re right but the league is ran by the most out of touch boomers that ownership can find and then they wonder why league revenue isn’t growing.
Is the Players' Union run by Boomers, too? Why can't they protect their players? Where's the Union outrage and advocacy for player safety? They aren't threatening a walkout. Is it possible they're on board with league penalty guidelines or [gasp] helped to draft them in the first place?
Call me a cynic, but I'm left to conclude that the players and their representatives accept the status quo. Put another way, if a player is held out without pay for anything more than a game or two, the Union would be on the side of getting him back to work, not keeping him off the ice.
This is much more complicated than a story about an ostensibly uncompromising employer who is--due to the generation to which they were born--out of touch or unsympathetic to player injuries.
Connecting league revenue to inept boomer managers completely ignores the low base interest in hockey in general. You could bring in super boy managers from any generation of your choosing and people would still rather watch commercials during basketball timeouts than flip to the NHL.
If anything, you could make a reasonable claim that the NHL system, such as it is, has made notable and popular expansions (Vegas, Seattle) while improving the game (unobstructed skating game and contest of skill).
The players don’t choose the department of safety officials lol, like maybe they deserve 10% of the blame for this at most. I agree that they’re gonna lobby for their own interests (getting paid as much as possible and fighting against lengthy suspensions) but it’s not like the owners couldn’t make other compromises to make up for this if they chose to.
And they did the obstruction emphasis for like one season and went right back to letting it go far too often (it’s not as bad as 1995 or the NCAA currently but there’s still plenty of room for improvement). The league literally just emphasizes evening up the penalty calls and giving the home team an advantage, people who have studied this statistically proved this many years ago.
Show me how you calculated 10 percent lol
Edit: I decided to look it up. Player safety initiatives is stated clearly (one of their main bullet points) right on their website under What We Do.
Obstruction calls are made with regularity during the season. Playoffs not so much....
Show me how you came to equal blame when the players have zero say over who runs the league ?
Show me how you came to equal blame when the players have zero say over who runs the league ?
Who said equal?
They may not have any say about who runs the league, but they have a say in how the pay is divided up. They also have a say in player safety. The wheels stop moving if the money isn't right, so they carry a cudgel for that but a twig for player safety?
I suppose you can make the ludicrous argument that the players are more to blame lmao sorry for giving too much credit.
And no the players don’t have equal leverage in salary negotiations either. Neither of these statements is true there’s no contradiction here.
I suppose you can make the ludicrous argument that the players are more to blame lmao sorry for giving too much credit.
I'm not making that argument at all.
I haven't remotely insinuated that this is only about the players and not about the league. I merely make the observation that the Union has to answer for it as well. If you don't agree, frankly I couldn't care less.
You're the one who appears to have a need to place a percentage on it, so at this point you're just arguing with yourself.
Dude you interjected and tried to blame the players but then won’t say how much they are to blame and are making the most rubbery argument you can possibly make to avoid having to actually take any kind of real stance ?
I don’t think the player union is completely blameless but what exactly are they going to do? Not lobby on behalf of players? Risk another lockout to ask for a slightly higher split to make up for greater suspensions and lost pay? It’s not like they really have a ton of options here… The owners and league management on the other hand could just start dealing out bigger punishments (or any at all in this case) like every other league in existence and the players wouldn’t have a ton of leverage to do anything about it other than ask for something in return.
Maybe we could do without the smilies and the lmao? None of that inspires credibility, and it stinks of arrogance and immaturity.
My stance is this: I do assign some blame to the Union because they could push for more meaningful resolutions to protect players. That's it. Pretty simple. Full stop. No discussion on percentage of blame.
Apparently you agree because you wrote yourself that they are not completely blameless, which is my original point to begin with. We agree!
Ok sure but far more emphasis should also be placed on those who actually have the power to do something about it immediately ie ownership/management. Not like the players can just appoint someone else as the head of DOPS right now, unlike ownership who can.
Nick Bjugstad new number 72 with the Oilers I did not know this until watching last nights game
Link to the Team USA friendly against Germany this afternoon:
Germany - USA | Friendly | MAGENTA SPORT - YouTube
Sammy Walker is on the team
Sammy scored a goal on a very good individual effort
Bjugstad just scored to give the oilers a 1-0 lead in the first
Bjugstad a man possessed finishing checks tonight too…that’s why he’s still in the league…when you’re 6’6” U need to play physical in the playoffs…period.
Bjugstad a man possessed finishing checks tonight too…that’s why he’s still in the league…when you’re 6’6” U need to play physical in the playoffs…period.
If he would have done that more consistently earlier in his career, then he probably wouldn't have moved around so much. Bjugstad is one of those guys that is almost too nice of a guy on the rink. Glad to see him playing in that spot though as he is one heck of a nice guy!
IDK if anyone remembers Bjugstad’s first college game but he got kicked out for hitting a dude from behind pretty early in the first period. IDK if that affected how he played in any regard after.
I was recently informed by a GPLer that I'm related to Airey
I was recently informed by a GPLer that I'm related to Airey
I was recently informed by a GPLer that I'm related to Airey
He doesn't look good at all in training... Pulling up with a lighter weight. Also reverse grip. I'm not impressed.
I don't know if you are joking, but if not you clearly don't understand what he is doing. He's doing a lot of isometrics in that workout, not just banging out reps like you see a lot of people doing at the gym. Also the "reverse grip" pull-ups are called chin ups, which target the biceps more than a traditional pull-up. Also, not sure if you can tell but the bar he is doing his chin-ups on is a wider diameter bar than standard, puts much more strain on the hands and forearms than a standard diameter bar.
I was recently informed by a GPLer that I'm related to Airey
The article includes an interview from a podcast with Knies.
I was recently informed by a GPLer that I'm related to Airey
I play softball against Justin Kloos on Tuesday nights. Super nice kid. Pretty good player too.
Hopefully this means Haula will be able to stay in one place for a few years.
I was recently informed by a GPLer that I'm related to Airey
David Fischer is now the Assistant Coach with the Klagenfurt Athletic Sports Club or EC KAC in Klagenfurt, Carinthia, Austria.
Keep your stick on the ice...
Blake Wheeler bought out by the Jets and Mikey Reilly bought out by the Bruins.
I was recently informed by a GPLer that I'm related to Airey
will the Wild sign either one?
The Wild don't have any money. Plus, Wheeler's best days are behind him and Reilly is a more expensive version of Addison, and it appears the Wild don't think Addison can play defense and will move on from him.
I was recently informed by a GPLer that I'm related to Airey
how can the Wild, Vikings be in this position all the time with no money to sign free agents due to salary issues?
The Wild went all in with Parise and Suter ( which I agreed with ) with the hopes that that would be enough to win something knowing that at the end of those contracts, pain would occur. Throw in a couple of bad long term deals and not really hitting on great, cheap young players have the Wild where they are.. stuck in the middle with no cap space. As for the Vikings, I really don't follow them as close, but they appear to be at least trying to add players, but when Cousins gets paid as much as he does, and they haven't found a great young QB in the draft, it also limits their pool of free agents.
I was recently informed by a GPLer that I'm related to Airey
The Wild currently have 16 rostered players and about $8.3M in cap space (Including the $14M dead money hit). They have a truckload of signed, unrostered players that are all under $1M (Like Faber) that will make up the rest of the team. Unless they move on from Spurgeon or Brodin, they likely won't be able to make a splash.
On the bright side, they only have this year and next before they have freedom from the Parise/Suter anchor around their financials, so the '25-'26 offseason will be a different story.
I was recently informed by a GPLer that I'm related to Airey
That would've been a great deal for Guerin to have been in on.
@j22 Wheeler originally didn't want to play for the Wild, maybe still doesn't.
That would've been a great deal for Guerin to have been in on.
Wheeler said he wanted to play out east because of the easier travel schedule that would allow more time with his family. So, that eliminated the Wild, so I can't blame Guerin on this one.
Plus, we all know how former Gopher players who are late in their careers have faired here and how quickly the fan base turned on them.
I was recently informed by a GPLer that I'm related to Airey
.6 signs with the Wings
I was recently informed by a GPLer that I'm related to Airey
Mikey Reilly to the Panthers
I was recently informed by a GPLer that I'm related to Airey
I was recently informed by a GPLer that I'm related to Airey
I was recently informed by a GPLer that I'm related to Airey
I was recently informed by a GPLer that I'm related to Airey
Stumbled across this STORY about Cate McCoy and her grandfather, former Gopher, Jake McCoy. Cate has been skating this past week at the national Select 15 camp after a solid freshman season at Edina. Didn’t know a great deal about Jake’s playing career. I remember him more as a high school coach. Found this ARTICLE that details his life in hockey. The list of Gopher players from De la Salle high school has to be very short.
@iceburg Thanks for finding and posting that story. I don't remember hearing his name before, even though we both played pick-up hockey at Pearl Park in Minneapolis. He was probably playing for the National and Olympic teams when I was playing at Pearl Park, though. My claim to fame at Pearl Park was I was the Checkers champion there the summer at 5th grade. I think I still have the certificate somewhere.