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Totally Random Trivia: 2022

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Broten Level Moderator Golden
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Questions for
Monday, October 23, 2023

Five questions to wake up your noodle. Answers in tomorrow’s email. 

1. Patsy Cline recorded the hit song “Crazy” in 1961, but she didn’t write it. What Texas musician wrote that song?

2. In 2010, the Razzies awarded trophies to the “worst actors” of the 2000s. Eddie Murphy won “Worst Actor of the Decade.” Who won “Worst Actress of the Decade”? Her filmography includes “Zoolander,” “House of Wax,” and “The Hottie and the Nottie.”

3. Robert Krulwich and Jad Abumrad are the former hosts of what public radio program and podcast?

4. The New England Patriots, the McLaren Formula One racing team, and the Leeds United Football Club have all been implicated in separate scandals known by what seven-letter name?

5. What American composer published “A Book of Instructions for the Field Trumpet and Drums” in 1886?

Broten Level Moderator Golden
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Correction Corner
Thank you to Trivia Mafia’s own Host Jon, who wrote in about last Thursday’s “Inception” question to let us know there’s some debate about whether the top is what Leonardo DiCaprio’s character uses to determine if he’s dreaming. If you answered “wedding ring” last week, we won’t stop you from going ahead and giving yourself the point.

Mayasich Level Moderator Golden
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1.  The red-headed stranger himself, Willie Nelson

“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”

― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal

Steve MN
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5 John Philip Sousa

B1G refs... corrupt, or just incompetent?

Bonin Level Golden
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1. Willie Nelson

4. Spygate

Tact is the ability to step on a man's toes without messing up the shine on his shoes - Harry S Truman

Bonin Level Golden
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2. Paris Hilton

Kelly Red
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3) Radiolab


Note: Due to inflation dirty deeds will no longer be done dirt cheap.


Broten Level Moderator Golden
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Answers to Monday, October 23, 2023

1. Patsy Cline recorded the hit song “Crazy” in 1961, but she didn’t write it. What Texas musician wrote that song?
Willie Nelson

2. In 2010, the Razzies awarded trophies to the “worst actors” of the 2000s. Eddie Murphy won “Worst Actor of the Decade.” Who won “Worst Actress of the Decade”? Her filmography includes “Zoolander,” “House of Wax,” and “The Hottie and the Nottie.”
Paris Hilton

3. Robert Krulwich and Jad Abumrad are the former hosts of what public radio program and podcast?

4. The New England Patriots, the McLaren Formula One racing team, and the Leeds United Football Club have all been implicated in separate scandals known by what seven-letter name?

5. What American composer published “A Book of Instructions for the Field Trumpet and Drums” in 1886?
John Philip Sousa

Broten Level Moderator Golden
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Questions for
Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Five questions to wake up your noodle. Answers in tomorrow’s email. 

1. One of the best-selling cheeses in the U.S. gets its name from a village in Southwest England. Name that cheese!

2. Claire Danes’ career was launched in 1994 when she starred as Angela Chase in all 19 episodes of what ABC series?

3. The “Great Debates of 1858” are better remembered today by the last names of the two participants. What are those last names?

4. Tiffany and Co. designed a medal of valor for a police officer in 1877. The design of that medal was adopted in 1909 as the logo of what sports team?

5. What import beer dethroned Bud Light as the best-selling beer in the U.S. for 2023?

Bonin Level Golden
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3. Lincoln-Douglas debates

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2. My So Called Life

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5. Modelo

Bonin Level Golden
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1. Cheddar?

From Monty Python:
Mousebender: Well let's keep it simple, how about Cheddar?
Wensleydale: Well, I'm afraid we don't get much call for it around these parts.
Mousebender: Not call for it? It's the single most popular cheese in the world!

Greyeagle reacted
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4. Yankees


Broten Level Moderator Golden
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Answers to Tuesday, October 24, 2023

1. One of the best-selling cheeses in the U.S. gets its name from a village in Southwest England. Name that cheese!

2. Claire Danes’ career was launched in 1994 when she starred as Angela Chase in all 19 episodes of what ABC series?
“My So-Called Life”

3. The “Great Debates of 1858” are better remembered today by the last names of the two participants. What are those last names?
(Abraham) Lincoln, (Stephen) Douglas

4. Tiffany and Co. designed a medal of valor for a police officer in 1877. The design of that medal was adopted in 1909 as the logo of what sports team?
New York Yankees

5. What import beer dethroned Bud Light as the best-selling beer in the U.S. for 2023?
Modelo (Especial)

Broten Level Moderator Golden
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Questions for
Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Five questions to wake up your noodle. Answers in tomorrow’s email. 

1. The largest eggs are laid by ostriches. But the largest eggs relative to a bird’s body size are laid by a much smaller, also flightless, bird. Name that bird.

2. What six-letter word comes from the Yiddish for “to drag or carry”?

3. Of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, the Great Pyramid of Giza is the only one that remains standing. Which of the other six wonders was located nearest to it?

4. What 14-letter word for cooperation between two factions would you likely associate with smoother political sailing?

5. Two countries have capital cities named after U.S. presidents. The U.S. is one of them. Name the other!

Bonin Level Golden
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2. Schlep

5. Liberia

Tact is the ability to step on a man's toes without messing up the shine on his shoes - Harry S Truman

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1. Kiwi

Mayasich Level Moderator Golden
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3.  Wasn't there something in Alexandria, Egypt?  Library, maybe?

“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”

― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal

Steve MN
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Posted by: @greyeagle

3.  Wasn't there something in Alexandria, Egypt?  Library, maybe?

The Pharos (lighthouse) of Alexandria.


B1G refs... corrupt, or just incompetent?

Greyeagle reacted
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4. Bipartisanship

GE - Yes, the library at Alexandria was one of the largest in the ancient world. Not one of the "Seven Wonders", but incredibly significant.

Greyeagle reacted

Mayasich Level Moderator Golden
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Posted by: @chris83

4. Bipartisanship

GE - Yes, the library at Alexandria was one of the largest in the ancient world. Not one of the "Seven Wonders", but incredibly significant.

I was confusing my least I think the library at Alexandria was on some wonder list.



“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”

― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal

Chris83 reacted
Steve MN
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Posted by: @greyeagle

Posted by: @chris83

4. Bipartisanship

GE - Yes, the library at Alexandria was one of the largest in the ancient world. Not one of the "Seven Wonders", but incredibly significant.

I was confusing my least I think the library at Alexandria was on some wonder list.


Well, and the Pharos was in Alexandria too.


B1G refs... corrupt, or just incompetent?

Chris83 reacted
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Answers to Wednesday, October 25, 2023

1. The largest eggs are laid by ostriches. But the largest eggs relative to a bird’s body size are laid by a much smaller, also flightless, bird. Name that bird.

2. What six-letter word comes from the Yiddish for “to drag or carry”?

3. Of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, the Great Pyramid of Giza is the only one that remains standing. Which of the other six wonders was located nearest to it?
The Lighthouse of Alexandria

4. What 14-letter word for cooperation between two factions would you likely associate with smoother political sailing?

5. Two countries have capital cities named after U.S. presidents. The U.S. is one of them. Name the other!

Broten Level Moderator Golden
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Questions for
Theme Thursday, October 26, 2023

Trapped Like a Mouse: Five questions about mousetraps.

Answers in tomorrow’s email.

1. “Mouse Trap” is a board game in which players have to work together to build an elaborate trap. What American illustrator’s drawings of elaborate contraptions performing simple tasks inspired that game?

2. The longest-running play, according to Guinness World Records, is titled “The Mousetrap.” It is still being produced in the West End of London. What British writer wrote that play?

3. Interstates I-70 and I-25 used to meet in a large U.S. city at a notoriously dangerous interchange known as “The Mousetrap.” Name that city.

4. The vast majority of snap-style mousetraps sold in the United States are made by a company whose six-letter name is synonymous with “winner.” Name that company.

5. “Build a better mousetrap, and the world will beat a path to your door.” That's a quote commonly attributed to what self-reliant Transcendentalist poet, who famously mentored Henry David Thoreau?

Broten Level Golden
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4. Victor

Bonin Level Golden
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1. Rube Goldberg

Tact is the ability to step on a man's toes without messing up the shine on his shoes - Harry S Truman

Mayasich Level Moderator Golden
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3.  Denver ?? Guessing based on the interstate numbers....

“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”

― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal


Brooks Level Golden
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Posted by: @greyeagle

3.  Denver ?? Guessing based on the interstate numbers....

A fun and interesting interstate chart… Crossed the port of entry in Sweet Grass, Mt. dozens and dozens of times pre 9/11. 

IMG 2230


Keep your stick on the ice...

Kelly Red
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2) Agatha Christie

4) Victor…I’m looking at one right now ?. Opps, didn’t see Norm beat me to it.

Note: Due to inflation dirty deeds will no longer be done dirt cheap.

Bonin Level Golden
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5. Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Posted by: @norm

4. Victor

Also the name of the Lone Ranger’s nephew’s horse. Everyone knows that. 

a christmas story GIF


gator, Greyeagle and The Rube reacted
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Answers to Thursday, October 26, 2023

Trapped Like a Mouse: Five questions about mouse traps.

1. “Mouse Trap” is a board game in which players have to work together to build an elaborate trap. What American illustrator’s drawings of elaborate contraptions performing simple tasks inspired that game?
Rube Goldberg

2. The longest-running play, according to Guinness World Records, is titled “The Mousetrap.” It is still being produced in the West End of London. What British writer wrote that play?
Agatha Christie

3. Interstates I-70 and I-25 used to meet in a large U.S. city at a notoriously dangerous interchange known as “The Mousetrap.” Name that city.
Denver (Colorado)

4. The vast majority of snap-style mousetraps sold in the United States are made by a company whose six-letter name is synonymous with “winner.” Name that company.

5. “Build a better mousetrap, and the world will beat a path to your door.” That's a quote commonly attributed to what self-reliant Transcendentalist poet, who famously mentored Henry David Thoreau?
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Questions for
Friday, October 27, 2023

Five questions to wake up your noodle. Answers in Monday’s email. 

1. Quit While You’re Ahead: Six actors appear on the cover of the 2011 movie “Bridesmaids.” Name as many of them as you can for one point each. Zero total if you get any wrong.

2. What celestial body is home to formations named after the Balrog from “The Lord of the Rings,” Cthulhu, and several death gods from various world religions?

3. What city became the first city in the world to host the Summer Olympics three times when they hosted in 2012?

4. The 1967 S.E. Hinton novel “The Outsiders” tells the story of two rival Tulsa, Oklahoma street gangs. Name one of those gangs.

5. Today is October 27. On this day in 2014, Taylor Swift released an album that she described as her first “official pop album.” Nine years later (today), she is releasing the same album, but with the parenthetical “(Taylor’s Version).” Name that album!

Brooks Level Golden
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3) London

Keep your stick on the ice...


Broten Level Golden
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4. The Greasers

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4) Greasers and Socs

Keep your stick on the ice...

Brooks Level
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1. Kristen Wiig, Maya Rudolph, Melissa McCarthy, Rose Byrne, Ellie Kemper, Wendi McLendon-Covey. 

Wife loves that movie. 

Bonin Level Golden
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2. Pluto
5. "1989" - My granddaughter is a "Swiftie", so I'm very well informed on Taylor Swift  ? ? ? 

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Answers to Friday, October 27, 2023

1. Quit While You’re Ahead: Six actors appear on the cover of the 2011 movie “Bridesmaids.” Name as many of them as you can for one point each. Zero total if you get any wrong.
Rose Byrne, Ellie Kemper, Melissa McCarthy, Wendi McLendon-Covey, Maya Rudolph, Kristen Wiig

2. What celestial body is home to formations named after the Balrog from “The Lord of the Rings,” Cthulhu, and several death gods from various world religions?

3. What city became the first city in the world to host the Summer Olympics three times when they hosted in 2012?

4. The 1967 S.E. Hinton novel “The Outsiders” tells the story of two rival Tulsa, Oklahoma street gangs. Name one of those gangs.
Greasers, Socs (or Socials)

5. Today is October 27. On this day in 2014, Taylor Swift released an album that she described as her first “official pop album.” Nine years later, she is releasing the same album, but with the parenthetical “(Taylor’s Version).” Name that album!

Broten Level Moderator Golden
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Questions for
Monday, October 30, 2023

Five questions to wake up your noodle. Answers in tomorrow’s email.

1. “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” is a poem written in 1922 by what American poet?

2. Baseball fans may know that the “Curse of the BLANK” began in 1918 and finally ended in 2004. Fill in that blank!

3. The most recent world’s fair was hosted in what city and emirate, home to Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world?

4. Since 2001, New Zealander Phil Keoghan has been the host of what CBS travel-game show?

5. Residents living near the Huy Fong factory complained in 2013 that the factory was making it hard for them to breathe. What product is the Huy Fong factory most famous for manufacturing?

Mayasich Level Moderator Golden
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1.  Robert Frost

2. Bambino (Babe Ruth)

“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”

― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal


Steve MN
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3: Dubai

5: Sriracha sauce

B1G refs... corrupt, or just incompetent?

Bonin Level Golden
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4. The Amazing Race

Tact is the ability to step on a man's toes without messing up the shine on his shoes - Harry S Truman

Broten Level Moderator Golden
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Answers to Monday, October 30, 2023

1. “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” is a poem written in 1922 by what American poet?
Robert Frost

2. Baseball fans may know that the “Curse of the BLANK” began in 1918 and finally ended in 2004. Fill in that blank!

3. The most recent world’s fair was hosted in what city and emirate, home to Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world?

4. Since 2001, New Zealander Phil Keoghan has been the host of what CBS travel-game show?
“The Amazing Race”

5. Residents living near the Huy Fong factory complained in 2013 that the factory was making it hard for them to breathe. What product is the Huy Fong factory most famous for manufacturing?

Broten Level Moderator Golden
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Questions for
Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Five questions to wake up your noodle. Answers in tomorrow’s email.

1. Winston Churchill, Teddy Roosevelt, Grace Coolidge, Dwight Eisenhower, and Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands are all reported to have seen a ghost in the White House. Who did they say this ghost resembled?

2. What 1975 film takes place on Amity Island, where the beaches stay open on the Fourth of July?

3. Ares, the Greek god of war, had twin sons named Phobos and Deimos — the gods of panic and terror. Phobos and Deimos are also the names of the two moons orbiting what planet?

4. A film described by Entertainment Weekly as “a thriller in bright suburban sunlight” was adapted from a 1972 novel by Ira Levin. Nicole Kidman starred in a 2004 remake that reimagined the film as comedy rather than horror. What is it?

5. Orphaned siblings Tia and Tony know they have psychic and telekinetic powers. What they didn’t know: They’re actually aliens. This is the plot of what 1975 Disney movie?

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5. Escape from Witch Mountain

Bonin Level Golden
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4. The Stepford Wives


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1. Abe Lincoln

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