Well, in honesty, the only times I've ever really noticed womens' basketball being talked about in any media have been:
Final 4 with UConn winning year after year after year
2004 with the Gophers making the Final 4
Lindsey Whelan in the WNBA
Caitlin Clark this year
So... yeah, I can completely understand why existing WNBA players get upset that it takes a white woman from Iowa to get the WNBA any national attention
It falls under the umbrella of UConn (b/c it's EXPECTED of them) is Lobo, Taurasi, Maya Moore, Sue Bird...the whole "family tree" thing...certain individual players are recognized mainly AFTER they leave UConn, at least recognized as a different level of player.
When you tell somebody somethin', it depends on what part of the United States you're standin' in... as to just how dumb you are.
I just don't get the harden hearts from current and former players. Their jealousy has blinded them from what CC has brought to women's basketball and the WNBA. The avg. person couldn't name one WNBA player 2 months ago. Now the avg. person can name 1 maybe 2.
Well most of them played at similar levels but were largely ignored because the media ignored the sport. Plus she hasn't done squat as a professional.
Plenty of NBA players hated on LeBron when he came in as did fans because he had proven nothing on the biggest stage. Did you defend him?
Not to mention the farce that was the controversy last year in the championship game. She talks smack to everyone but a player on South Carolina gives it back to her when she outplays her in the biggest game and people act like it was a friggin hate crime.
Again if she played at UCONN she is not nearly as popular. People would think about her what you think about Tarausi.
I just don't get the harden hearts from current and former players. Their jealousy has blinded them from what CC has brought to women's basketball and the WNBA. The avg. person couldn't name one WNBA player 2 months ago. Now the avg. person can name 1 maybe 2.
Well most of them played at similar levels but were largely ignored because the media ignored the sport. Plus she hasn't done squat as a professional.
Plenty of NBA players hated on LeBron when he came in as did fans because he had proven nothing on the biggest stage. Did you defend him?
Not to mention the farce that was the controversy last year in the championship game. She talks smack to everyone but a player on South Carolina gives it back to her when she outplays her in the biggest game and people act like it was a friggin hate crime.
Again if she played at UCONN she is not nearly as popular. People would think about her what you think about Tarausi.
Same book, different page. That's where you and I are at. If you're facing UConn, you're facing 5+ players that are probably damn good. Face Iowa? It's CC and the band. Big difference.
When you tell somebody somethin', it depends on what part of the United States you're standin' in... as to just how dumb you are.
No mow in May. If I would let my grass grow until June 1, I would need borrow @frozen4champs swather to swath my yard for hay.
Keep your stick on the ice...
I mowed last week and the grass was so tall it killed my mower about a dozen times. I’ll mow this weekend and once, maybe twice before June 1st.
I actually watched a news article on no mow in May. And there’s no scientific data that supports not mowing in May.
Keep your stick on the ice...
Well... I just had some sod installed yesterday after we regraded parts of the side and back yard. So it will stop raining and growing now and mowing will go way down. Remember who to thank!
Do not like how this board is run?
Get your own board!
80% chance Sunday night. That should get your sod going. (if they're right)Well... I just had some sod installed yesterday after we regraded parts of the side and back yard. So it will stop raining and growing now and mowing will go way down. Remember who to thank!
80% chance Sunday night. That should get your sod going. (if they're right)Well... I just had some sod installed yesterday after we regraded parts of the side and back yard. So it will stop raining and growing now and mowing will go way down. Remember who to thank!
One thing that sucks here in Belle Plaine is that even with brand new SOD, you cannot water between 9am and 5pm. That sucks!
Do not like how this board is run?
Get your own board!
I was over at a friends house Saturday morning, helping them lay a BBQ patio. Late Saturday night before I was going to bed. I felt something on my neck and thought it was a scab. I picked it off and it turned out to be a tick. I flushed it down the sink, though it didn’t look like it attached if at all. I did message my friends the next morning to let them know about what I found on me to have them check themselves and make sure they were safe.
Keep your stick on the ice...
I was over at a friends house Saturday morning, helping them lay a BBQ patio. Late Saturday night before I was going to bed. I felt something on my neck and thought it was a scab. I picked it off and it turned out to be a tick. I flushed it down the sink, though it didn’t look like it attached if at all. I did message my friends the next morning to let them know about what I found on me to have them check themselves and make sure they were safe.
I had a similar thing at my cabin this weekend. Rolled over in the middle of the night and felt something in my stomach. Itched it and it didn’t move. Woke up, pulled it off with a tweezer, stuck it to some tape and then inside an empty plastic water bottle that I threw away. It couldn’t have been on there for long, but there’s still a bit of panic with how bad tick bites can be.
All Saturday and most of Sunday, every time I felt something, I thought it was another tick.
Keep your stick on the ice...
A city staff member came to my house today, and let me know that I needed to stop work on my deck until I filed a permit. He says he noticed the dumpster in my driveway (for the 16' boards).
I am replacing deck boards. The size of deck is the same, structure is the same, stairs are the same. Just changing out some rotted boards (maybe 50% of them), balusters, stair treads and some fascia boards.
The guy tells me "ANY deck work" you have to pull a permit for. Really? If I stain my deck, or replace a single board that splits you want me to pull a F'n permit?
I go online to check it out and they want $448 for permit fees. Thats going to be 25% of the total cost of this project!!! They want to inspect the structure, and $185 for "drawing/plan review". I am not going to complete drawings for replacing deck boards. This is completely asinine.
What is the worst thing that can happen if I just pretend they never showed up at my house? They cant kick me out of my house.
Pulling a permit to do some general maintenance is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard of.
If they want to play hardball they can eventually go as far as putting a lien on your property. I'd see if you know any attorneys that have general knowledge on this for some friendly advice.
POSSIBLY losing about 8lbs of tremendous fudge because the tupperware (I know it's a name brand, but you all know what I mean) decided to take in water in the cooler. 🙁 And this sh* ain't cheap.
No, it wasn't all mine. My travel partner bought some, and I was muling some.
When you tell somebody somethin', it depends on what part of the United States you're standin' in... as to just how dumb you are.
The door-to-door political people who cannot read the "No solicitors" sign, nor the "Please DO NOT knock" sign taped to the inside of my storm door. Every one of them is opening my storm door and pounding on my main door. If I don't answer, they try it a 2nd time. Most don't bother ringing the video doorbell, but the ones who do ring also feel the need to open the storm door and pound on my main door.
My 14 year old dog tends to ignore the doorbell for whatever reason, but the knocking gets her all worked up and then she starts running towards the door barking, jumping (and falling over) and then hyperventilating, and it takes some time to calm her down at times.
Also, if you come in the middle of a weekday afternoon, chances are I am at work. If I am at home, then I am WFH and probably on a meeting and don't need you pounding on my door multiple times waiting for an answer. Heard you the first time, pretty sure my neighbors heard you knock on my door, don't need to do it again.
I get the phone notification of them coming up the driveway and have just started to yell "Go away, I am not interested" at them.
Then tonight, I am working on my deck railings with my daughter, and they come around to the side of the house and want to start talking to me. I am busy, working on a project with my kid, and don't want to be bothered. Go the eff away!!!
It has been at least 1 every other day for the last week and a half, and a couple days had 2. The next 3 months are just going to suck... I cannot wait for this to be over. In the meantime, I guess it is time to find a storm door with a lock.
Easy solution: go crazy old man on them. Start cussing, make wild gestures, etc. As long as you do not threaten them, should be fine.
When you tell somebody somethin', it depends on what part of the United States you're standin' in... as to just how dumb you are.
Get a Super Soaker!
Note: Due to inflation dirty deeds will no longer be done dirt cheap.
FTR, this is my future...probably....
When you tell somebody somethin', it depends on what part of the United States you're standin' in... as to just how dumb you are.
Get a Super Soaker!
Love it! My wife bought me a "You may get wet" sign with Br'er Rabbit on it from Splash Mountain at Disneyworld. I should hang that next to the do not knock sign.
Get a Super Soaker!
Love it! My wife bought me a "You may get wet" sign with Br'er Rabbit on it from Splash Mountain at Disneyworld. I should hang that next to the do not knock sign.
Please get a Ring doorbell!!
“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”
― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal
Seen a sign in North Dakota that’s maybe helpful. “Not the dog beware of the owner!”
The door-to-door political people who cannot read the "No solicitors" sign, nor the "Please DO NOT knock" sign taped to the inside of my storm door. Every one of them is opening my storm door and pounding on my main door. If I don't answer, they try it a 2nd time. Most don't bother ringing the video doorbell, but the ones who do ring also feel the need to open the storm door and pound on my main door.
My 14 year old dog tends to ignore the doorbell for whatever reason, but the knocking gets her all worked up and then she starts running towards the door barking, jumping (and falling over) and then hyperventilating, and it takes some time to calm her down at times.
Also, if you come in the middle of a weekday afternoon, chances are I am at work. If I am at home, then I am WFH and probably on a meeting and don't need you pounding on my door multiple times waiting for an answer. Heard you the first time, pretty sure my neighbors heard you knock on my door, don't need to do it again.
I get the phone notification of them coming up the driveway and have just started to yell "Go away, I am not interested" at them.
Then tonight, I am working on my deck railings with my daughter, and they come around to the side of the house and want to start talking to me. I am busy, working on a project with my kid, and don't want to be bothered. Go the eff away!!!
It has been at least 1 every other day for the last week and a half, and a couple days had 2. The next 3 months are just going to suck... I cannot wait for this to be over. In the meantime, I guess it is time to find a storm door with a lock.
These are annoying. Also annoying are the solar panel salesman that come to my door every month. I tell them I am not interested. They don't go away. I tell them I am not buying anything and they tell me they aren't here to sell anything, they just want to schedule a meeting to talk to someone else. I tell them I may be moving, they ask to know when. I flat out tell them I will not be paying one cent to anyone who comes to my door over the age of 17 and they still won't leave. But the MOST infuriating part is I tell them at the beginning I have already spoken to someone else from your company, I am not interested and the STILL won't leave.
We also have about 3 different companies that come door to door trying to sell insect services. I tell them I have no bugs in my home and they ask about the bugs outside. I tell them that's where the bugs live and they're fine to stay outside. Then he tells me my neighbor Jim uses their service for spiders..... and I shut the door in their face. But then a week later.... same a hole riding a hoverboard.
As much as these pushy jerks bug me now, back when we had infants sleeping and they would ring our doorbell.... 🤬
What do you mean by, "They still won't leave"? As in they just stand on your doorstep twiddling their thumbs? Tell them you'll call the cops at that point and have them trespassed.
Why are you engaging with them? Shut the damn door. I got over my Midwest manners quick on this, I say no and shut the door, stop having a conversation with them. NO is a complete sentence.
Note: Due to inflation dirty deeds will no longer be done dirt cheap.
Because I have teen kids at home who have ears and aren't always the best judge on when its appropriate to be rude to someone. I have to set a good example and don't want them to see me shut the door in someone's face and think it's OK for them to do.Why are you engaging with them? Shut the damn door. I got over my Midwest manners quick on this, I say no and shut the door, stop having a conversation with them. NO is a complete sentence.
Sounds like it’s top rope or folding chair time

“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”
― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal
What do you mean by, "They still won't leave"? As in they just stand on your doorstep twiddling their thumbs? Tell them you'll call the cops at that point and have them trespassed.
I’d have the non-emergency police line in your phone contacts and ready to go. Politely ask them once to leave your property. If they decline, tell them they can leave right now or you’re calling the police, and start dialing if they hesitate. I’d even consider taking photos of them and their vehicles so you can document if they come back, or recording your conversation. I would hope there is some recourse for repeat offenders trespassing on private property.
...We also have about 3 different companies that come door to door trying to sell insect services. I tell them I have no bugs in my home and they ask about the bugs outside. I tell them that's where the bugs live and they're fine to stay outside. Then he tells me my neighbor Jim uses their service for spiders..... and I shut the door in their face. But then a week later.... same a hole riding a hoverboard...
Are you my neighbor??? 🤣
...But in all seriousness, we did have a huge wasp problem all over our house in the eaves, and I was utterly shocked when we contacted Orkin, they sprayed, the wasps died, and Orkin stopped bothering us. I was impressed that the wasps are gone, but I was more impressed they've left us alone!
The wasp killer spray in the can will shoot a stream about 20 feet and kills them on contact. I will kill off wasps and the ants that come through the cracks in my garage. I also set up traps for Asian beetles that destroy our flowers. Other than that, go be bugs outside and I'll leave you alone. I have a bigger problem with the salesman than I do with the bugs TBH....We also have about 3 different companies that come door to door trying to sell insect services. I tell them I have no bugs in my home and they ask about the bugs outside. I tell them that's where the bugs live and they're fine to stay outside. Then he tells me my neighbor Jim uses their service for spiders..... and I shut the door in their face. But then a week later.... same a hole riding a hoverboard...
Are you my neighbor??? 🤣
...But in all seriousness, we did have a huge wasp problem all over our house in the eaves, and I was utterly shocked when we contacted Orkin, they sprayed, the wasps died, and Orkin stopped bothering us. I was impressed that the wasps are gone, but I was more impressed they've left us alone!
We used to have a spider problem outside. We would leave our exterior lights on at night for security because we had two delinquents that were terrorizing the neighborhood. Once their mom got the hint and moved out, we started turning off the exterior lights, and the spiders went away.
...We also have about 3 different companies that come door to door trying to sell insect services. I tell them I have no bugs in my home and they ask about the bugs outside. I tell them that's where the bugs live and they're fine to stay outside. Then he tells me my neighbor Jim uses their service for spiders..... and I shut the door in their face. But then a week later.... same a hole riding a hoverboard...
Are you my neighbor??? 🤣
...But in all seriousness, we did have a huge wasp problem all over our house in the eaves, and I was utterly shocked when we contacted Orkin, they sprayed, the wasps died, and Orkin stopped bothering us. I was impressed that the wasps are gone, but I was more impressed they've left us alone!
Maybe Orkin planted the wasps? 🤔
This morning I saw the apt complex I live/managed/caretaker for from 1998-2021 had a very serious fire.
Arson a possible cause of Minneapolis apartment fire that put 4 in hospital (startribune.com)
Keep your stick on the ice...
Talked with the owner last night and it was arson from a domestic that went too far. Seriously you burned down an apartment because you’re mad.
Stopped by last night to check it out and take pictures. Such a gut punch, even though I don’t live there anymore. Poured A LOT of blood, sweat and hrs. into that apt. complex.
Keep your stick on the ice...
Sounds like it was a scary situation, fire fighter rescuing people by ladder from windows. Could have been catastrophic.
“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”
― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal
Keep your stick on the ice...
Now a 2nd body has been found. I was told it was a tenant who was there when I was, but his name isn’t ringing a bell. And the second body was his girlfriend.
Keep your stick on the ice...
Just got off the phone with a ex-tenant who called me to let me know who it was. And once he told me by the guys nickname, I knew who he was.
Keep your stick on the ice...
“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”
― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal
I'm being told some stuff that happened that night that hasn't been made public, but will eventually come out. Scary stuff and LOTS of questions that hopefully connect the dots. Just hoping this doesn't get drawn out in the courts and I get pulled into it cause of my past connections with the apt. complex.
Keep your stick on the ice...
The "wasn't a fair catch" crowd has reemerged.
Some are doing it as hyperbole but so many just can't get over it. It was the right effing call. How they determined the call was BS but in the end it was the right call.
That was 2023...it's 2024, moving on. Go Hawks!
I am the official Iowa Hawkeye football fan of GPL!
State fair people that bring their oversized strollers that can probably fit 3 -4 kids and have one. They seriously need their own lane
State fair people that bring their oversized strollers that can probably fit 3 -4 kids and have one. They seriously need their own lane
I really wish they’d have a kid-free day at the fair. Then maybe I’d think about going. 😂
State fair people that bring their oversized strollers that can probably fit 3 -4 kids and have one. They seriously need their own lane
I really wish they’d have a kid-free day at the fair. Then maybe I’d think about going. 😂
It was not bad today in that aspect. I noticed a LOT more "co-pilot" vs "double-wide" strollers. That being said, if today didn't set an attendance record, I'd be surprised. Between 11-12, it was floodgates coming in as I was leaving.
Those Amish donuts, I was curious about, until I saw the 7-block-line (about 1 hour+ wait). And that was about 10am. It's a giant Krispy Kreme. Not worth it.
When you tell somebody somethin', it depends on what part of the United States you're standin' in... as to just how dumb you are.
Any time something unfortunate happens with my wife's extended family, the phone and text chain starts, and the inevitable "GoFundMe" account appears. And after about 2 weeks, we get the phone call from my wife's parents of "we see you haven't donated to _____ yet..." and the guilt trip ensues. Today I got a text about the latest one from her aunt and uncle. It is super irritating.
My wife's extended family makes a lot of poor (in my mind) financial decisions. Most of them involve big toys and big vacations. When they decide to do something, they really do it. Why rent a boat, when I can buy a super fancy one?!?
Now one of her cousins was injured and is unable to work for awhile apparently. So the latest GoFundMe is to help pay for medical bills and "family expenses" for the next few months while he recovers. Which does suck, and we offered to bring some meals, watch their kids, etc. But I am not going to financially support them.
They recently purchased a brand new GMC Sierra HD Denali whatevertheheck, during covid they purchased a very large 5th wheel camper, to go with their Mastercraft boat. Etc. Etc. Most of my wife's extended family has all the toys; boats, campers, jetskis, snowmobiles, etc. I am 99.9% sure they are in debt up to their eyeballs. When we see them, most of them tell me wife "You just need to buy the camper/boat/toy you want and tell your husband to deal with it. You make enough money. You deserve it." etc. "Why hasn't he taken you to Europe/Austraila/Fiji/whatever??" "He makes you drive that 6 year old car, honey, you need to upgrade."
We are doing fine financially, but have made different choices. We buy short term, and long term disability, we fund our 401ks, we don't take on unnecessary debt, we have life insurance (I am approaching the point where I am worth more dead than alive... which is scary, hopefully my wife doesn't figure that out... haha). We drive older, paid for cars. We don't take a vacation until we have the cash to pay for it up front. I don't want to have to rely on the generosity of others to support my family if something unfortunate happens.
I am likely the jerk, but if things are that bad that you need other people's money... sell some of your toys. Maybe you should have bought short/long term disability instead of a $1,000/month car payment. I am not going to financially support your decisions. You've dug this hole. I am willing to help out in other ways, but not monetarily. The thing they likely need to most help covering is their required monthly payments on all their stuff. No thanks. I don't care what they do with their money (I think its dumb, but its their choice), you need to stop caring what I do with mine. I am not a bank or charity. It is probably hypocritical that I am judging how someone spends their money, while asking them not to judge how to spend mine, but I am also not asking for anyone else to support me. If they were struggling financially, or lived more modestly I might feel differently.
We frequently wonder why it seems like everyone else can afford these things, but we can't. These are somewhat helpful reminders that many of the people that have all the things, cannot actually afford all the things either. Especially if one little thing goes wrong.
Because you are an adult. Some people, no matter what their age, never become adults. The perfect example you provide is someone telling your wife to just buy something anyway. That’s not how an adult, or adult marriage, works. That’s the immediate gratification of a child.Any time something unfortunate happens with my wife's extended family, the phone and text chain starts, and the inevitable "GoFundMe" account appears. And after about 2 weeks, we get the phone call from my wife's parents of "we see you haven't donated to _____ yet..." and the guilt trip ensues. Today I got a text about the latest one from her aunt and uncle. It is super irritating.
My wife's extended family makes a lot of poor (in my mind) financial decisions. Most of them involve big toys and big vacations. When they decide to do something, they really do it. Why rent a boat, when I can buy a super fancy one?!?
Now one of her cousins was injured and is unable to work for awhile apparently. So the latest GoFundMe is to help pay for medical bills and "family expenses" for the next few months while he recovers. Which does suck, and we offered to bring some meals, watch their kids, etc. But I am not going to financially support them.
They recently purchased a brand new GMC Sierra HD Denali whatevertheheck, during covid they purchased a very large 5th wheel camper, to go with their Mastercraft boat. Etc. Etc. Most of my wife's extended family has all the toys; boats, campers, jetskis, snowmobiles, etc. I am 99.9% sure they are in debt up to their eyeballs. When we see them, most of them tell me wife "You just need to buy the camper/boat/toy you want and tell your husband to deal with it. You make enough money. You deserve it." etc. "Why hasn't he taken you to Europe/Austraila/Fiji/whatever??" "He makes you drive that 6 year old car, honey, you need to upgrade."
We are doing fine financially, but have made different choices. We buy short term, and long term disability, we fund our 401ks, we don't take on unnecessary debt, we have life insurance (I am approaching the point where I am worth more dead than alive... which is scary, hopefully my wife doesn't figure that out... haha). We drive older, paid for cars. We don't take a vacation until we have the cash to pay for it up front. I don't want to have to rely on the generosity of others to support my family if something unfortunate happens.
I am likely the jerk, but if things are that bad that you need other people's money... sell some of your toys. Maybe you should have bought short/long term disability instead of a $1,000/month car payment. I am not going to financially support your decisions. You've dug this hole. I am willing to help out in other ways, but not monetarily. The thing they likely need to most help covering is their required monthly payments on all their stuff. No thanks. I don't care what they do with their money (I think its dumb, but its their choice), you need to stop caring what I do with mine. I am not a bank or charity. It is probably hypocritical that I am judging how someone spends their money, while asking them not to judge how to spend mine, but I am also not asking for anyone else to support me. If they were struggling financially, or lived more modestly I might feel differently.
We frequently wonder why it seems like everyone else can afford these things, but we can't. These are somewhat helpful reminders that many of the people that have all the things, cannot actually afford all the things either. Especially if one little thing goes wrong.
Note: Due to inflation dirty deeds will no longer be done dirt cheap.