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Things That Stick In Your Craw

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Slap Shot
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Posted by: @cowgirl

Posted by: @kelly-red

Posted by: @greyeagle

1) brussle sprouts.....yech!  I can't do them.

2) where dd you go?  always interesting to see your choices and DC is always wicked expensive.  

Yardbird.  And I love brussel sprouts, especially roasted but I get the hate 😉




Yeah, you gotta have them at a good restaurant who roasts them and adds tasty things like oil, bacon, garlic…otherwise yeah, kinda blech. 😬

Speaking of expensive drinks, anyone who has purchased an adult beverage at Mariucci should feel taken advantage of.  Two drinks for two people with a little tip is $70.  That’s as much as the pair of tickets.  😳


Double-u tee eff...


Cowgirl reacted
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Posted by: @cowgirl

Posted by: @fightclub30

I keep seeing things about inflation is under control and right where we want it to be...  The fed is going to cut rates because everything has stabilized... What world are these people living in?  Because I'd like to go there for a little while.

This week we got a notice that daycare for our son, starting in September, will be going from $318 a week to $397 per week.  Our center has had several increases over the last few years, going from about $250 a week prior to COVID when our daughter was this age, to now $318 a week for our son.  The center was purchased by a much larger chain, this increase is too much to stomach.  A 24.8% increase in one year?!?  That's $20,644 annually for daycare for a 3 year old.  

Our Car insurance in April 2022 was $149.15 per month for 2 vehicles.  We have made no vehicle changes, and have no tickets or accidents since then, and our Car insurance is now $191.66 per month.  We just asked our insurance agent to shop it, and he said that is the best he could do for the coverage we have.  That is a 28.5% increase in 2 years.  I am leaning towards just going to liability as both of our vehicles (paid-for) are over 8 years old, well over 100,000 miles and worth less than $6,000...  But I asked and there isn't as much savings as I thought there would be.  

Just tonight I went to my local liquor store, and my favorite 'cheaper' beer - Local 755, has gone from $12.99 a 4-pack last year to $15.99 a 4-pack this week.  A month ago, for sure, it was $14.99.  That is a 23% increase in 2 years, and still going up.  Not only is the base price more, there are now additional taxes AND the store added a new 3.5% 'Service" fee.  I was 'that guy' and complained - no service was provided, I grabbed my item and checked out.  The only service was scanning my items and swiping my card to make sure I didn't steal them.  I was previously always willing to pay an extra $1.00 or so more to support local business.  If this is the crap you are going to do, I will just go down the street to Total Wine.

We haven't gone out to dinner in over a year because it is way too expensive.  

My work (architecture) is slow, and we've been slow since summer of last year, as many of our customers are "waiting for better lending conditions".  So I only got a 1.5% raise in my most recent annual review.  We had some layoffs and work is somewhat steady, but not picking up.

I just shake my head every month... it seems like something new is rapidly climbing in price every time I turn around.  I was trying to plan a special trip for my wife's 40th next year, but looking at flights... its $1,600 EACH to fly to Europe... over $1,000 EACH to fly to Hawaii...  Happy 40th, I'll grill some steak kabobs in the backyard.  I guess I chose the wrong career, because everyone around us has bought new toys recently; boats, RVs, new vehicles, etc. and not only can I not afford the item itself, I could never afford the upkeep or insurance on it as well.

I am pretty sure I made a similar post on this a few months back, but these last couple of increases in daycare and car insurance within the last week have really, REALLY stung.

Everything is more expensive and it seems no sign of slowing down.  One suggestion that may help if you’re serious about Hawaii (depending on what you are able to use a credit card to pay for) - we got an Alaska airlines credit card that is providing a companion fare which we are using on a trip to Kauai.  It’s basically saving the cost of one flight.  I don’t know all the details but something to check out.  

I don’t have kids, and hearing things like that is one (of many) reasons I’m glad I don’t. 😬


unfortunately the cost of Hawaii doesn’t end with the flight.  It’s pretty unbelievable.  Breakfast for 4 people (no cocktails) will run $130.  All drinks are in the $14-15 and up range.


DC has just always been expensive.  I’ve been there 3-4 times and thankfully always on the company’s dime.



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Some things have gotten cheaper. One year ago we were selling corn for $6.50 per bushel. Today we are selling for $4.00.

The Rube
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As for "everyone getting new toys" part of that long post...don't be surprised if they went into major debt, but you know, just HAD to have those things. 😉

A lot of those folks are fake-rich. 

When you tell somebody somethin', it depends on what part of the United States you're standin' in... as to just how dumb you are.

Mayasich Level Golden
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Posted by: @norm

Some things have gotten cheaper. One year ago we were selling corn for $6.50 per bushel. Today we are selling for $4.00.

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I was recently informed by a GPLer that I'm related to Airey

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Iowa related Twitter has gone full off the rails since this past weekend.  Anti-Caitlin Clark people are just trolling the hell out of pro-Caitlin Clark Iowa fans and they falling for it left and right.  Normally the Iowa fans I follow are pretty level headed but man, they have went off the rails and just can't not have the last word.  LSU fans, WVU fans, and of course ISU fans are reeling them in.  


I have my own thoughts on Caitlin Clark and I believe she is the best women's college basketball player currently.  I will leave it at that and enjoy watching the highlights of the Iowa Women's BB team while they are still in the tourney.

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Posted by: @g-manpuck

Iowa related Twitter has gone full off the rails since this past weekend.  Anti-Caitlin Clark people are just trolling the hell out of pro-Caitlin Clark Iowa fans and they falling for it left and right.  Normally the Iowa fans I follow are pretty level headed but man, they have went off the rails and just can't not have the last word.  LSU fans, WVU fans, and of course ISU fans are reeling them in.  


I have my own thoughts on Caitlin Clark and I believe she is the best women's college basketball player currently.  I will leave it at that and enjoy watching the highlights of the Iowa Women's BB team while they are still in the tourney.

Iowa fans still can't get over the "fair catch."  LOL.  It's easy to troll them.  This obsession with Caitlin Clark is funny on it's own, but the trolling makes is all the better.  Of course she gives the trolls plenty of ammo.  


Happy fishing!


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Posted by: @bertogliat

Iowa fans still can't get over the "fair catch.

Good lord...that effing debacle!  The right call was made but how it was made was laughable.  Time to move on.  Yes, the Iowa fanbase has been extra trollable over this entire college sport, both MBB and WBB, and wrestling.  I just roll my eyes and let it roll off my back. 


Maybe it's because I've been around Minnesota sports fans for the last 18 years and I've just become numb to some things.  I just don't care enough to get into a Twitter feud with someone I don't personally know.  Over the years I throw just as many darts at the Iowa teams I care about as the trolls do.  Am I happy when those Iowa teams do well? Yup.  Just like Minnesota losing to Q last year I get over it and cheer for them the next game or season...moving on.



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Posted by: @g-manpuck

Am I happy when those Iowa teams do well? Yup.  Just like Minnesota losing to Q last year I get over it and cheer for them the next game or season...moving on.

Truly the key to happiness as a sports fan.  You cannot control anything but how you enjoy the ride.


“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”

― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal

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After last night the Iowa fanbase and pro-Caitlin Clark people just won't stop.  People will NOT get off the "Caitlin Clark is the best women's basketball player of all time" schtick.  This is just like the Manning/Brady or Lebron/Michael argument in women's basketball form.   I have my opinion on this but it really doesn't matter because I have about ten minutes of history of watching Caitlin play in her entire Iowa career. 

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There are about 5 players on UCONN alone (not to mention dozens of others) who would laugh at that idea.  Not a knock on Caitlyn but she is just benefitting from a time when her accomplishments are being pimped more and she can cash in on them.  If Rebecca Lobo or Diana Taurasi (the real GOAT) had the same exposure and State Farm commercials it wouldn't even be a discussion.

She is a great player...but to be the best you need to do more than just score a lot.  DT went to 4 Final Fours, won 3 straight national titles and basically owned the WNBA.  That would be like Minnesota fans saying Whalen is the GOAT...just not the true if you get outside your own bubble.

g-manpuck reacted
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I can not disagree with any of that.

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Kelly Red
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So by your own admission after watching her play 10 minutes you’ve decided she’s really not that great? 
Is she? Isn’t she? An argument can be made either way I’m sure, but other players have the exact same opportunity as she does for promotion and cashing in, and they’re not.  Why is that? She’s exciting to watch and an overall decent person.  So what if she’s a prolific scoring machine, if it was a guy would people be doing the “yah but…” or would they be cheering wildly for those 3 pointers?  I’ll cheer for her over smug taunting Angel Reese any day.  Reese putting a crown on her chair before last nights game was tacky and childish. 

Note: Due to inflation dirty deeds will no longer be done dirt cheap.

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@kelly-red I agree.  This whole "GOAT" thing is foolish.  Hard to compare different times.  Rules change and over all talent levels change.  Also, team sports championships should not be a large factor in how good an individual is at their sport.

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A lot of things can exist at the same time.  Diana Taurasi can be the goat of women's basketball, she has the titles and rings to back that up.  Caitlin Clark can be the best college women's basketball player, she has the stats to back that up.  The world of sports media is a much different landscape between the times of both of those players and Taurasi no doubt have been lifted up much like Clark if it was back then like it is today with sports and social media.


I guess I should have worded myself better in that I'm not willing to die on some hills in regards to Caitlin Clark since I have only invested watching about 10 minutes of her games.  A lot of Iowa fans and pro-Caitlin are willing to die on the hill that she is the GOAT of women's college basketball and elevated the game to new heights. 




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Kelly Red
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@g-manpuck I’ll totally agree with that assessment.  The game has changed so much it’s impossible to compare some players or eras.  Hell I played basketball (in Iowa) in the days of true “girls” basketball…6 player/half court. 😳. We were great!  Now? We’d barely beat a jr high team lol.

Note: Due to inflation dirty deeds will no longer be done dirt cheap.

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Posted by: @kelly-red

days of true “girls” basketball…6 player/half court

Ahhh...the good old days.  It's funny to try to explain to kids today about 6v6 basketball.  I got to witness the last great six player team in Hubbard-Radcliffe play several games against my girlfriend at the time's high school.  To make people's heads explode the greatest Iowa high school girl player in the history of Iowa was not Caitlin Clark...not even close.  Lynn Lorenzen from Ventura ended with scoring 6,250 points in her high school career playing 6v6.  Caitlin Clark...not even half of that, 2,547 points.  

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Posted by: @g-manpuck

Ahhh...the good old days.  It's funny to try to explain to kids today about 6v6 basketball. 

Try explaining Ringette!  🤣 


“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”

― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal

Kelly Red reacted
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Posted by: @greyeagle

Try explaining Ringette!

I'll admit I had to Google it!

I am the official Iowa Hawkeye football fan of GPL!

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Posted by: @kelly-red

So by your own admission after watching her play 10 minutes you’ve decided she’s really not that great? 
Is she? Isn’t she? An argument can be made either way I’m sure, but other players have the exact same opportunity as she does for promotion and cashing in, and they’re not.  Why is that? She’s exciting to watch and an overall decent person.  So what if she’s a prolific scoring machine, if it was a guy would people be doing the “yah but…” or would they be cheering wildly for those 3 pointers?  I’ll cheer for her over smug taunting Angel Reese any day.  Reese putting a crown on her chair before last nights game was tacky and childish. 

You know Clark is no (no pun intended) angel on the court right she talks just as much smack?  I guarantee you would take Reese on your team any day of the week and twice on Sundays just like Clark. (especially if you want to win)  Who cares about their attitude if it doesn't get in the way of the team doing well?  Plus that stuff is often just "eye of the beholder" stuff anyways.  MJ was a jerk on the court and Magic Johnson was one of the biggest trash talkers there was (as was Dr. J amongst other greats) and we all know how all of them are regarded.

Clark is great and is probably the best in the game right now (I havent watched enough other teams to know) but I bet if you really thought about it you could think of quite a few players in their prime you would want to have on your team before her.  There is nothing wrong with that and it isn't a slight against her.  Recency bias is definitely a thing.


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If you want to understand Caitlin Clark a little more here is an excellent article that covers her from youth to now.  Block out about 10 minutes or so to read, it's a long one but you get to know CC much more.

I am the official Iowa Hawkeye football fan of GPL!

The Rube
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Clark is the GOAT, IMO, not just b/c of scoring. I was a fanboy of Lobo, loved Whalen, respected Taurasi, and to be consistent, don't get me started on the "rings" argument in a team sport. It's useless on that point. 

I will say, different eras do mean different things. I started paying attention to WBB in the Lobo days, and Clark would blow her away. And that was a golden era for UConn. 

When you tell somebody somethin', it depends on what part of the United States you're standin' in... as to just how dumb you are.

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Last weekend our acreage was vandalized by a vehicle that tore up our yard and ran over and destroyed stuff in our backyard. With the help of our neighbors, we started to investigate and figured out who was responsible. It took us less than 24 hours to have the name of the suspect. We took that evidence to the sheriff that included car parts left behind and the social media posts that he posted. All they had to do is track him down. Tonight he showed up at my door to apologize and pay for the damage that he did. Bottom line... don't mess with people's property in a rural area because they will band together and you will be caught...

I See You GIF by Kathryn Dean

I was recently informed by a GPLer that I'm related to Airey

g-manpuck, Orion, Cowgirl and 3 people reacted
Steve MN
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That stinks that you had to deal with it... but, very good that it got straightened out.

B1G refs... corrupt, or just incompetent?


The Rube
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Posted by: @frozen4champs

Last weekend our acreage was vandalized by a vehicle that tore up our yard and ran over and destroyed stuff in our backyard. With the help of our neighbors, we started to investigate and figured out who was responsible. It took us less than 24 hours to have the name of the suspect. We took that evidence to the sheriff that included car parts left behind and the social media posts that he posted. All they had to do is track him down. Tonight he showed up at my door to apologize and pay for the damage that he did. Bottom line... don't mess with people's property in a rural area because they will band together and you will be caught...

I See You GIF by Kathryn Dean


Bad gas travels fast in a small town. 


When you tell somebody somethin', it depends on what part of the United States you're standin' in... as to just how dumb you are.

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Posted by: @frozen4champs

Last weekend our acreage was vandalized by a vehicle that tore up our yard and ran over and destroyed stuff in our backyard. With the help of our neighbors, we started to investigate and figured out who was responsible. It took us less than 24 hours to have the name of the suspect. We took that evidence to the sheriff that included car parts left behind and the social media posts that he posted. All they had to do is track him down. Tonight he showed up at my door to apologize and pay for the damage that he did. Bottom line... don't mess with people's property in a rural area because they will band together and you will be caught...

I See You GIF by Kathryn Dean

Car parts left behind, social media posts.......hopefully when the Sheriff found this mental midget in his parents basement he realized a career as a master criminal would be a poor choice.   


“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”

― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal

Slap Shot
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I take it he was hammered when it happened. 

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Someone needs to take that guy out behind the wood shed.  What a moron

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Posted by: @slap-shot

I take it he was hammered when it happened. 

Hammered or High. He could have killed himself or someone else.  It was amazing how quickly he got caught once we started the neighborhood investigation. One of the big clues was when I was going to town on a local highway and noticed someone got stuck in a wet field.  That was 8 miles from my house. The muddy trail on the road went towards the road near our house. Then I thought it was odd that there were mud clumps in our yard and there was no way that came from him tearing up our yard. We found a video on social media of a buddy pulling him out of the field. The internet was a great help in finding him, as he lives about 12 miles away. It could be an episode of dateline on what it took to catch him. The local sheriff should add us to the payroll. 


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Posted by: @orion

Someone needs to take that guy out behind the wood shed.  What a moron

Yep. We get stupid kids that do donuts on the roads out here all the time, but ripping up a yard is another thing. The biggest thing now is when stuff like this happens again, he and his buddies are on the police radar. That was my main goal in this. He also sustained injuries during this from the force in which his vehicle hit the old telephone pole in our yard and when he went off the road into the ditch. I hope this is a wakeup call. We will see.


I was recently informed by a GPLer that I'm related to Airey

Greyeagle reacted
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@greyeagle LOL. He was hiding out at his sisters house because he was afraid his parents would have killed him.  But his plan went sideways when the Sheriff showed up at his parents house...

I was recently informed by a GPLer that I'm related to Airey

Greyeagle reacted
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Sounds like some wood shed education is needed.

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Posted by: @frozen4champs

@greyeagle LOL. He was hiding out at his sisters house because he was afraid his parents would have killed him.  But his plan went sideways when the Sheriff showed up at his parents house...

You just can't make it up, eh?  😀 

Stupidity Are You Stupid GIF


“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”

― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal

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Posted by: @greyeagle

Posted by: @frozen4champs

Last weekend our acreage was vandalized by a vehicle that tore up our yard and ran over and destroyed stuff in our backyard. With the help of our neighbors, we started to investigate and figured out who was responsible. It took us less than 24 hours to have the name of the suspect. We took that evidence to the sheriff that included car parts left behind and the social media posts that he posted. All they had to do is track him down. Tonight he showed up at my door to apologize and pay for the damage that he did. Bottom line... don't mess with people's property in a rural area because they will band together and you will be caught...

I See You GIF by Kathryn Dean

Car parts left behind, social media posts.......hopefully when the Sheriff found this mental midget in his parents basement he realized a career as a master criminal would be a poor choice.   




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Noticing an increase of rabbits in the neighborhood. The last 3 years I would notice a rabbit every so often. Now I’m seeing them daily. Along with some ducks and even a turtle. There’s a very good chance that some of those rabbits are living in my shed I built in December… lol!!!

Keep your stick on the ice...

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Posted by: @the-rube

Clark is the GOAT, IMO, not just b/c of scoring. I was a fanboy of Lobo, loved Whalen, respected Taurasi, and to be consistent, don't get me started on the "rings" argument in a team sport. It's useless on that point. 

I will say, different eras do mean different things. I started paying attention to WBB in the Lobo days, and Clark would blow her away. And that was a golden era for UConn. 

Taurasi is better than all of them.  She was the best in college, the best in the Olympics and the best in the pros no matter what league it was.  Its not even close.  I mean her list of accomplishments is ridiculous no matter the sport.  Comparing anyone to her is just unfair.

Seriously just open her wiki page and look at highlights and will take a while but your jaw will drop.  And she is still playing.



The Rube
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I know about Taurasi. She was also more of a team player. Pre-title game, she was asked if Geno would let CC play like she did in IA. Taurasi let out an emphatic: HELL NO. CC was IA's only weapon, pretty much, and other teams knew it, and STILL couldn't stop her. That's where I am coming from. Taurasi was a tremendous player, but she did benefit from a team around her. 

When you tell somebody somethin', it depends on what part of the United States you're standin' in... as to just how dumb you are.

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Taurasi is a blowhard. She had her time on top of the podium. The only reason she is still relevant is because she’s part of the ‘old gentleman’s club’ women’s version. 
CC is the GOAT and it drives all of the great UCONN players nuts. And for no reason. Just pure egos that something isn’t UCONN.

Though as mentioned, CC made everyone better around her. Taurasi and a vast majority of UCONN players all had benefit of others around them. Funny that Taurasi would make a comment like that. Cause everything runs through Paige Beuckers currently at UCONN.

Keep your stick on the ice...

Slap Shot
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Handy is right on this and it's not even close.

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Here is the thing that just hits my funny bone with the Caitlin Clark pisses people off that it's real.  Taurasi may be the goat but CC has changed the fan perspective of the women's basketball world in a short few years.  I'm not sure Taurasi has done that or did that.  CC sold out every game or just about every game at home or on the road in her last year at Iowa. 


Now she moves on to the WNBA where Taurasi and the other vets said her game wouldn't translate and she has a lot to prove...which she does but most games that are on the Indiana Fever schedule the tickets are selling like hot cakes because of Caitlin Clark. 


Here is the thing...a lot of things can be true at the same time.  Taurasi can be one of the best women's players of all time and so can other players along with Caitlin Clark.  We are just so damn focused on making a ranked list rather than just taking in greatness while it is in front of you. 

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Posted by: @slap-shot

Handy is right on this and it's not even close.

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It’s mind boggling the dislike towards CC from senior laden players. Their egos and jealousy have harden them from all the good she has brought to their game. Heck the WNBA is finally going to charter flights cause of the CC effect. Something all these senior laden players have complained and cried for. 

Keep your stick on the ice...

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Posted by: @g-manpuck

Here is the thing that just hits my funny bone with the Caitlin Clark pisses people off that it's real.  Taurasi may be the goat but CC has changed the fan perspective of the women's basketball world in a short few years.  I'm not sure Taurasi has done that or did that.  CC sold out every game or just about every game at home or on the road in her last year at Iowa.

For the WNBA the important thing is there is an increased interest in the league and its history.  I could not imagine more than 1-2 posts every couple months on this site in the past and now we are bickering over what players best represent the league and its history & future....pretty amazing.


“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”

― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal

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Posted by: @greyeagle

I could not imagine more than 1-2 posts every couple months on this site in the past and now we are bickering over what players best represent the league and its history & future....pretty amazing.

Caitlin has made me more aware of the women's game as well.  Because of the interactions I've had on X in regards to her my timeline sees a lot more WNBA stuff than ever. 


I do find that every team seems to be promoting as much of their entire teams rather than just the stars.  Even Indiana isn't just focusing on CC in their training camp videos and media availability.   The WNBA is taking advantage of this time to increase their visibility.

I am the official Iowa Hawkeye football fan of GPL!

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Stopped at my every morning gas station before work. Picked up a chicken salad sandwich for breakfast. Took a bite and it didn't taste right. Looked at the expiration date and it expired 5 days ago. I did call the gas station to let them know... 

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Posted by: @the-rube

I know about Taurasi. She was also more of a team player. Pre-title game, she was asked if Geno would let CC play like she did in IA. Taurasi let out an emphatic: HELL NO. CC was IA's only weapon, pretty much, and other teams knew it, and STILL couldn't stop her. That's where I am coming from. Taurasi was a tremendous player, but she did benefit from a team around her. 

Sorry that is a crock.  First of all CC was not Iowa's only weapon though she was obviously option 1 and 2.  That is the crap people say when they have to make excuses for why a player didn't win.  By that logic prior to going to Miami LeBron was the GOAT because the teams around him were a joke cause Cleveland was so cheap. (I seem to remember a lot of fans saying the opposite) I remember when Boston fans used to try that crap about NOMAH in comparison to all of the other SS out there.  Minnesota fans do it in almost every sport.  That is a losers mentality. You don't always have to be the champ to be the best (Eli is not the best and he was 2 time champ) but you can't leave it out of the argument either when the player plays at the highest levels.  Dan Marino can't be the GOAT when Joe Montana was winning MVPs and Titles in the same era.  

Winning has to matter some...and CC gets plenty of credit in the conversation for being one of the best but to be the GOAT you have to actually be the best and beat the best. (back to back Finals at Iowa is pretty epic so no one is discounting that anyways) If you want to leave out UCONN players (which is a joke that would like leaving out UCLA players...I guess Kareem or Bill Walton or any number of HOFers that came out of there cant be the best either) what about Lisa Leslie?  Arguably the first person most anyone saw (besides Lobo) because of the WNBA but she was great in college.  Or Cheryl Miller?  Or Candace Parker?  Or Sheryl Swoopes?

See the problem with the stupidity of GOAT arguments isn't the different eras its the recency bias conundrum.  People saw CC for the last two years so much and she was so dominant a lot of the time that it is hard to get past it.  They forget that there were players that were just that dominant going back decades.  Then they twist themselves into pretzels trying to make up some weird definition that backs it up.  CC will end up in the Top 5-10 greatest players in WNCAA history and deservedly so.  But you aren't the GOAT just because you shoot and make a ton of threes from all over the court.  Steph Curry is friggin fantastic...literally helped cause a change (for the worse) in the game of basketball. (a change that CC takes full advantage of in her style of play)  Steph aint the GOAT.


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Posted by: @g-manpuck

Here is the thing that just hits my funny bone with the Caitlin Clark pisses people off that it's real.  Taurasi may be the goat but CC has changed the fan perspective of the women's basketball world in a short few years.  I'm not sure Taurasi has done that or did that.  CC sold out every game or just about every game at home or on the road in her last year at Iowa. 


Now she moves on to the WNBA where Taurasi and the other vets said her game wouldn't translate and she has a lot to prove...which she does but most games that are on the Indiana Fever schedule the tickets are selling like hot cakes because of Caitlin Clark. 


Here is the thing...a lot of things can be true at the same time.  Taurasi can be one of the best women's players of all time and so can other players along with Caitlin Clark.  We are just so damn focused on making a ranked list rather than just taking in greatness while it is in front of you. 

I dont think anyone is really arguing that CC doesn't sell tickets or that she hasn't changed the game.  She has and she deserves all the praise she gets for it.  That doesn't make you the GOAT.  

And I am sorry but if CC had gone to a bigger school and done the same thing, half the people praising her would be ripping her.  Don't discount the David vs. Goliath" bias that plays into this too especially locally.  If she plays at UCONN or South Carolina she is just another great player on a great team that gets discounted.

We will see how things play out...I think the media is doing her zero favors but she gets ratings and puts butts in seats so the WNBA needs her.


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I just don't get the harden hearts from current and former players. Their jealousy has blinded them from what CC has brought to women's basketball and the WNBA. The avg. person couldn't name one WNBA player 2 months ago. Now the avg. person can name 1 maybe 2. 

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Steve MN
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Well, in honesty, the only times I've ever really noticed womens' basketball being talked about in any media have been:

Final 4 with UConn winning year after year after year

2004 with the Gophers making the Final 4

Lindsey Whelan in the WNBA

Caitlin Clark this year


So... yeah, I can completely understand why existing WNBA players get upset that it takes a white woman from Iowa to get the WNBA any national attention


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