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Things That Stick In Your Craw

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Brooks Level Golden
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Posted by: @gopher6

47 years ago today in High School in shop class I cut my hand on a table saw, the teacher would have his door locked even when he was in his office. My middle finger got cut really bad I have the finger luckily but the nerves were cut so bad I can not feel the finger.

I've had some close calls with power tools. My dad cut the tip of his ring finger building our second cabin back in the early 80's. I remember my dad saying ouch and we need to go to the hospital. And him coming back with his hand wrapped up, but he still continued to build the cabin. 


Keep your stick on the ice...

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I saw my Dad do all sorts of things to himself with power tools.  He took 1/64" off the side of his finger with a portable planer.  Took the tip of another finger off with a circular saw.  The apple didn't fall far from the tree though, I have drilled through one finger after the bit slide off the metal electrical box I was drilling...I had to reverse the drill to get the bit out of my finger, the tip of that finger has no feeling.  Then I swiped my knuckle across a still moving miter saw blade, nice chunk out of that the top of that finger has no feeling.  




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gator reacted
Chill Kessel
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Posted by: @gopher6

47 years ago today in High School in shop class I cut my hand on a table saw, the teacher would have his door locked even when he was in his office. My middle finger got cut really bad I have the finger luckily but the nerves were cut so bad I can not feel the finger.

Did you at least measure twice before you cut?


dxmnkd316 and gator reacted
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If you have no scars or missing body pieces you really have never used power tools. It’s comes with the territory. You can try to be as careful as you want. You’ll still find a way to make a “whoops”.

Keep your stick on the ice...

Bonin Level
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Posted by: @gopher6

47 years ago today in High School in shop class I cut my hand on a table saw, the teacher would have his door locked even when he was in his office. My middle finger got cut really bad I have the finger luckily but the nerves were cut so bad I can not feel the finger.



we had a kid router his entire arm. Lucky to have survived. I still remember the trail of blood. 


gator reacted
Mariucci Level Golden
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My dad was using a skillsaw to shave a little off the bottom of a barn door that wouldn’t close all the way. He admitted he was being lazy and instead of bracing the door, held it open with his leg.  Slipped and sunk it halfway through his calf.  

I might have been 7 or 8 at the time.  My brother and I had been staying at my grandparents and when my parents came to pick us up we were supposed to go to Wisconsin dells.  We didn’t know about it until they came up with my dad on crutches.  I wasn’t so much concerned about my dad, but upset we weren’t going to the dells. 
Sorry dad. ?

Still have never been to the dells. 

gator reacted
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We have only one guy in our county that sells and installs flooring. He's 68 and says his knees can't do it anymore so he's retiring at the end of the year. He says he's tried hard to find someone to take over the business but has no takers.

A shortage of trades people is becoming a real issue out here. Whether it's carpenters or plumbers or mechanics, there's just not enough of them. My buddy services appliances. He works 7 days a week trying to cover three counties. He'd like to retire too but feels sorry for his old customers.

gator reacted
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Posted by: @norm

We have only one guy in our county that sells and installs flooring. He's 68 and says his knees can't do it anymore so he's retiring at the end of the year. He says he's tried hard to find someone to take over the business but has no takers.

A shortage of trades people is becoming a real issue out here. Whether it's carpenters or plumbers or mechanics, there's just not enough of them. My buddy services appliances. He works 7 days a week trying to cover three counties. He'd like to retire too but feels sorry for his old customers.

This has been an ongoing problem for 20 plus years. And it'll only get worse until we stop forcing in kids minds that a 4-year education is the only way to survive and be successful. Most to all trade school professions and labor jobs pay well and are very competitive with 4-year degree jobs. Plus have very little to no student debt. 


Keep your stick on the ice...

F Da Sue and Steve MN reacted
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Steve MN reacted
Mayasich Level Golden
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We have the same issue as @Norm down here. We try to buy local as much as we can, but trying to find service on that stuff is getting more difficult. I used to get my oil changed and tires from a 1 man shop, but he retired and no one wanted to take it over. Appliance repairs are an hour away. Like Norm said, it is an issue of the people retiring and no one replacing them. We had a restaurant that was open for 60+ years and his kids didn't want to take it over, so it closed when he retired. The issues seem to be that the 2nd or 3rd generations don't want to take over anymore. The one thing we do have is electricians and plumbers.  The local Vo-tech used to be filled with programs and now is virtually empty and its main programs are cosmology and carpentry. 

I was recently informed by a GPLer that I'm related to Airey

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The amount of crap that Audra Martin has to put up with from Twitter trolls is embarrassing high.  This past weekend she finally came back at a troll with some grace, and he couldn't just shut up.


I've seen her take a lot of shots for not being a size 1 woman from trolls before.  I am certain we all have read stories from women in sports reporting take shots on their appearance.  It's just not okay to do that to any woman...ever!  

I am the official Iowa Hawkeye football fan of GPL!

Steve MN reacted
Steve MN
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Posted by: @g-manpuck

The amount of crap that Audra Martin has to put up with from Twitter trolls is embarrassing high.  This past weekend she finally came back at a troll with some grace, and he couldn't just shut up.


I've seen her take a lot of shots for not being a size 1 woman from trolls before.  I am certain we all have read stories from women in sports reporting take shots on their appearance.  It's just not okay to do that to any woman...ever!  

That's just absurd. What the #@$@#%% is wrong with people?

And, not that it matters at all in regards to her qualifications as a sports broadcaster/commentator/journalist/whatever, but, she's really quite the attractive woman anyway.


B1G refs... corrupt, or just incompetent?


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This is where I agree with Nikki Haley (not to get political) where to have a Twitter or even fb account you have to provide actual evidence of who you are. And not all these bunner accounts who twit or post what ever they want without showing their face.

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Yeah that’s a terrible idea lol.

Slap Shot and Steve MN reacted
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Medical insurance companies… Rather spend more money than save money.

Finding out my oncology/hematology problems are particularly stemmed to having a mild case of sleep apnea. So instead of me just going to the oral device. I have to wear a CPAP for a month which I know I will not like. Along with 3 Dr’s who wrote encouraging it would be better for me to have the oral devise and not waste the time on a CPAP.

I just want to get my sleep apnea controlled and hopes it helps with my hematology results. And eventually I can stop taking bp meds and another med.

Keep your stick on the ice...

Brooks Level Golden
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The following sayings...

1) "See you next year". Especially this this time a year going into the New Year.

2) "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas". It's so overplayed. I swear every time I go to Vegas, the stewardess has to say that over the intercom. Most of the people of the plane roar and cheer... I just roll my eyes.

Keep your stick on the ice...

Mayasich Level Golden
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@gator See you next year 😎

I was recently informed by a GPLer that I'm related to Airey

The Rube
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Hey, whatever happens this weekend, stays with this weekend. NYE on a Sunday is gonna be weird. 

When you tell somebody somethin', it depends on what part of the United States you're standin' in... as to just how dumb you are.

Mariucci Level Golden
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Posted by: @the-rube

Hey, whatever happens this weekend, stays with this weekend. NYE on a Sunday is gonna be weird. 


whatever happens in Hoton…..




Steve MN
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Posted by: @cowgirl

Posted by: @the-rube

Hey, whatever happens this weekend, stays with this weekend. NYE on a Sunday is gonna be weird. 


whatever happens in Hoton…..




HEY!  We don't talk about that.

Shut Mouth


B1G refs... corrupt, or just incompetent?

Mariucci Level Golden
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Posted by: @steve-mn

Posted by: @cowgirl

Posted by: @the-rube

Hey, whatever happens this weekend, stays with this weekend. NYE on a Sunday is gonna be weird. 


whatever happens in Hoton…..




HEY!  We don't talk about that.

Shut Mouth



talk about what?


The Rube
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The first rule of Houghton is to not talk about Houghton...

When you tell somebody somethin', it depends on what part of the United States you're standin' in... as to just how dumb you are.

Steve MN
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Posted by: @cowgirl

Posted by: @steve-mn

Posted by: @cowgirl

Posted by: @the-rube

Hey, whatever happens this weekend, stays with this weekend. NYE on a Sunday is gonna be weird. 

whatever happens in Hoton…..


HEY!  We don't talk about that.

Shut Mouth

talk about what?

Just making sure.


B1G refs... corrupt, or just incompetent?

Stauber Level Golden
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Posted by: @the-rube

The first rule of Houghton is to not talk about Houghton...

This rule is broken on this forum about 3,481 times a year! 😁


Slap Shot reacted

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When you know you shouldn't do something but your brain says, nah it's fine, only to have it bite you later. 

I left a bread lame out to dry on the counter. You can imagine the rest. 

Brooks Level Golden
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Posted by: @dxmnkd316

When you know you shouldn't do something but your brain says, nah it's fine, only to have it bite you later. 

I left a bread lame out to dry on the counter. You can imagine the rest. 

  I can't imagine the rest. I actually have no clue what could have happened.


Slap Shot reacted
Kelly Red
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Posted by: @bertogliat

Posted by: @dxmnkd316

When you know you shouldn't do something but your brain says, nah it's fine, only to have it bite you later. 

I left a bread lame out to dry on the counter. You can imagine the rest. 

  I can't imagine the rest. I actually have no clue what could have happened.


Me either!  I’m agog with the possibilities.  The innocent beginnings of a horror slasher movie? A nightmare adventure to the dog vet? Child Services?  


Note: Due to inflation dirty deeds will no longer be done dirt cheap.

Slap Shot and gator reacted
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A rusty lame?

Mayasich Level Moderator Golden
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Posted by: @kelly-red

Posted by: @bertogliat

Posted by: @dxmnkd316

When you know you shouldn't do something but your brain says, nah it's fine, only to have it bite you later. 

I left a bread lame out to dry on the counter. You can imagine the rest. 

  I can't imagine the rest. I actually have no clue what could have happened.


Me either!  I’m agog with the possibilities.  The innocent beginnings of a horror slasher movie? A nightmare adventure to the dog vet? Child Services?  


We knead to know!


“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”

― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal

Steve MN, Slap Shot, dxmnkd316 and 1 people reacted
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Posted by: @dxmnkd316

When you know you shouldn't do something but your brain says, nah it's fine, only to have it bite you later. 

Been there, done that… more than once.


Keep your stick on the ice...

dxmnkd316 reacted
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Well, I had decided not to hand dry and put it away immediately like five minutes earlier. Then I was grabbing some containers off the counter next to it and felt and immediate, deep cut.  Went through my finger like it wasn't even there. 

I knew I should have just put it away. "A knife never leaves your hand from the block, to the faucet, to the towel, to the block" kept ringing in my head. Thankfully lames are so sharp and thin, a night with a steristrip and it's already healing. 

Very dumb. Very good lesson I shouldn't have needed. 

Chill Kessel
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Posted by: @dxmnkd316

Well, I had decided not to hand dry and put it away immediately like five minutes earlier. Then I was grabbing some containers off the counter next to it and felt and immediate, deep cut.  Went through my finger like it wasn't even there. 

I knew I should have just put it away. "A knife never leaves your hand from the block, to the faucet, to the towel, to the block" kept ringing in my head. Thankfully lames are so sharp and thin, a night with a steristrip and it's already healing. 

Very dumb. Very good lesson I shouldn't have needed. 

A lesson you shouldn't have kneaded*


God this is a bad joke


dxmnkd316 and Steve MN reacted
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Posted by: @chill-kessel

Posted by: @dxmnkd316

Well, I had decided not to hand dry and put it away immediately like five minutes earlier. Then I was grabbing some containers off the counter next to it and felt and immediate, deep cut.  Went through my finger like it wasn't even there. 

I knew I should have just put it away. "A knife never leaves your hand from the block, to the faucet, to the towel, to the block" kept ringing in my head. Thankfully lames are so sharp and thin, a night with a steristrip and it's already healing. 

Very dumb. Very good lesson I shouldn't have needed. 

A lesson you shouldn't have kneaded*


God this is a bad joke


Bad, no matter how you slice it.  




Steve MN reacted
Steve MN
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Posted by: @cowgirl

Posted by: @chill-kessel

Posted by: @dxmnkd316

Well, I had decided not to hand dry and put it away immediately like five minutes earlier. Then I was grabbing some containers off the counter next to it and felt and immediate, deep cut.  Went through my finger like it wasn't even there. 

I knew I should have just put it away. "A knife never leaves your hand from the block, to the faucet, to the towel, to the block" kept ringing in my head. Thankfully lames are so sharp and thin, a night with a steristrip and it's already healing. 

Very dumb. Very good lesson I shouldn't have needed. 

A lesson you shouldn't have kneaded*


God this is a bad joke


Bad, no matter how you slice it.  



There you go, cutting straight to the heart of the matter.


B1G refs... corrupt, or just incompetent?

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These jokes are crumby. 

Mayasich Level Moderator Golden
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Posted by: @karlsson

These jokes are crumby. 

We’re on a roll, our rye humor is rising. 


“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”

― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal

Cowgirl and Steve MN reacted

Kelly Red
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Teeth brushed, jersey on, warm socks.  CC ready to buy a snack.

Husband says “the game is tomorrow”. 🤬



Note: Due to inflation dirty deeds will no longer be done dirt cheap.

Mayasich Level Moderator Golden
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Posted by: @kelly-red

Teeth brushed, jersey on, warm socks.  CC ready to buy a snack.

Husband says “the game is tomorrow”. 🤬 

So Close Nbc 90Th Special GIF by NBC


“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”

― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal

Kelly Red reacted
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Posted by: @kelly-red

Teeth brushed, jersey on, warm socks.  CC ready to buy a snack.

Husband says “the game is tomorrow”. 🤬

Should have switched to a wild jersey and said you were ready to go  😁




Bonin Level
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So among things that make you go harrumph...


got a new laptop at work. First windows 11 and the new design by HP for the Zbook line. 

i hate them both. 

Windows 11 is such a stupid departure from the best GUI on the planet. Trying to be a perfect bridge between mobile and desktop leaves you with neither. LET ME MOVE MY GODDAMN TASKBAR TO THE LEFT YOU HEATHENS. You can't ungroup windows. The start menu pins can't be organized anymore. Clunky all around.

Then there's the laptop. They got rid of discrete buttons for the touchpad and the joystick on the keyboard. Look, I get ditching the joystick in some respects. I still preferred it. But the discrete buttons I can't forgive. It's terrible. Trying to click and drag requires acts I've only seen at cirque du soleil. I have to play hand twister to move a file. And there's no middle click anymore. This is decades of muscle memory I'm going to have to erase. 

harrumph I say. 

Stauber Level Golden
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Posted by: @dxmnkd316

So among things that make you go harrumph...


got a new laptop at work. First windows 11 and the new design by HP for the Zbook line. 

i hate them both. 

Windows 11 is such a stupid departure from the best GUI on the planet. Trying to be a perfect bridge between mobile and desktop leaves you with neither. LET ME MOVE MY GODDAMN TASKBAR TO THE LEFT YOU HEATHENS. You can't ungroup windows. The start menu pins can't be organized anymore. Clunky all around.

Then there's the laptop. They got rid of discrete buttons for the touchpad and the joystick on the keyboard. Look, I get ditching the joystick in some respects. I still preferred it. But the discrete buttons I can't forgive. It's terrible. Trying to click and drag requires acts I've only seen at cirque du soleil. I have to play hand twister to move a file. And there's no middle click anymore. This is decades of muscle memory I'm going to have to erase. 

harrumph I say. 

I can't fix your lack of buttons but you can move the taskbar back to the left. It is in the settings for the taskbar under taskbar behaviors.  I did it in mine.


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Posted by: @dxmnkd316

Then there's the laptop. They got rid of discrete buttons for the touchpad and the joystick on the keyboard. Look, I get ditching the joystick in some respects. I still preferred it. But the discrete buttons I can't forgive. It's terrible. Trying to click and drag requires acts I've only seen at cirque du soleil. I have to play hand twister to move a file. And there's no middle click anymore. This is decades of muscle memory I'm going to have to erase. 

harrumph I say. 

This is why I hate the 3M ZBook PC's... The trackpads are just god awful compared to MacBooks. So having the MacBook is very nice. But to be honest, since I work at home... I like that both machines will plug in to my monitor with one cable that does video and powers the machine.


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Steve MN
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Built-in trackpads in general qualify for this thread.  Hard to use cleanly, easy to accidentally move your cursor while typing, and then they go and get rid of the buttons to save space.  They are a creation of the devil.

B1G refs... corrupt, or just incompetent?

Greyeagle reacted
The Rube
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Meanwhile, my actual computer mouse works just fine. The old-timer FTW! 😉 

When you tell somebody somethin', it depends on what part of the United States you're standin' in... as to just how dumb you are.

MNNavy and Cowgirl reacted
Steve MN
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Posted by: @the-rube

Meanwhile, my actual computer mouse works just fine. The old-timer FTW! 😉 

Yep... my laptops are always configured so that the touchpad is deactivated if a mouse is plugged in.  And, if it's got the joystick/touchpoint/whatever, the touchpad just gets disabled entirely.


B1G refs... corrupt, or just incompetent?

MNNavy reacted
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Posted by: @the-rube

Meanwhile, my actual computer mouse works just fine. The old-timer FTW! 😉 

Mouse is the only way to go.  Touchpads are stupid.  


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Posted by: @cowgirl

Posted by: @the-rube

Meanwhile, my actual computer mouse works just fine. The old-timer FTW! 😉 

Mouse is the only way to go.  Touchpads are stupid.  


I hate mouses (?) especially with a laptop, who wants to haul that around. 


dxmnkd316 reacted
Chill Kessel
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Super old people


Steve MN
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People that value accuracy prefer a mouse over the monstrosity that is the touchpad.

B1G refs... corrupt, or just incompetent?

dxmnkd316 and The Rube reacted
Slap Shot
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I have a wireless mouse that fits perfectly in a pocket of my laptop backpack. It hardly requires 'hauling'. 🤣

Though there are times when I only use the pad. It's manageable but not preferable.

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