Things That Stick I...
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Things That Stick In Your Craw

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Broten Level Golden
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Posted by: @steve-mn
Posted by: @gator
Posted by: @bearpaw28
It’s been  that way on Sunday afternoons Gator since…ohh, I don’t know, maybe … 1982 ? Undefined

I've been going to Duluth off and on since '94 when I move to Minnesota. And if it's been problem since "maybe...  '82" all more reasons 35W should be 3 lanes both ways between Duluth and the Cities.  And I'm sure summers (cabin season) are dbl. as bad as late fall thru early spring when I've always made my way up to Duluth.

The thing is, it's really only that bad on Sundays or when they're doing construction.  Anything other than Sunday afternoon/evening, there's generally no problem.  You don't scope a highway like that for the absolute peak of traffic, you scope it to be able to handle the normal load, which 2 lanes is more than capable of.

Like Dave Mona used to say "You don't build a church for Christmas and Easter."

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I use to drive to Hinkley in the late 90s and early 2000s (regardless of the day) to play the tables on a regular basis and back then I felt 35W should've been 3 lanes between the Cities and Hinkley.  Just my opinion... 😉

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Slap Shot
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Not a huge craw moment, but our building here was evacuated (imho unnecessarily) because we experienced a very slight tremor.  Took about 15 minutes to get permission from the landlords to go back in. 

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The couple times I've traveled to and from Duluth I will admit that the Sunday traffic heading back is a bit more dense but I don't think it's to the point of needing a third lane.  The thing that always strikes me is how fast everyone is driving.  I will admit that I don't get heavy on the gas pedal and especially so on the interstate.  The posted speed is 70 and so I will at most drive 74, usually I'm getting passed like I'm standing still coming back from Duluth. 

Posted by: @gator

And way tooooooo many drive in the left lane and won't get over

And sorry, I don't share your misery of people in the left lane because I bet most of them are laughing at the posted speed while over there. 

I am the official Iowa Hawkeye football fan of GPL!

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Posted by: @steve-mn
Posted by: @gator
Posted by: @bearpaw28
It’s been  that way on Sunday afternoons Gator since…ohh, I don’t know, maybe … 1982 ? Undefined

I've been going to Duluth off and on since '94 when I move to Minnesota. And if it's been problem since "maybe...  '82" all more reasons 35W should be 3 lanes both ways between Duluth and the Cities.  And I'm sure summers (cabin season) are dbl. as bad as late fall thru early spring when I've always made my way up to Duluth.

The thing is, it's really only that bad on Sundays or when they're doing construction.  Anything other than Sunday afternoon/evening, there's generally no problem.  You don't scope a highway like that for the absolute peak of traffic, you scope it to be able to handle the normal load, which 2 lanes is more than capable of.

Maybe they should reconsider that for routine routes like 35 if peak traffic happens 2 out of 7 days (28%) of May-Oct.


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Talking about 3 lanes...
I would assume most to all people who use 77 North (Cedar Ave.) out of Apple Valley would agree that they should make it 3 lanes from Apple Valley to Diffley Rd.  Northbound 77 (Cedar Ave.) in Apple Valley is 3 lanes wide until you past 140th then merges to 2 lanes. It's 2 lanes all the way to Diffley Rd. and then its 3 lanes roughly to the MOA in Bloomington.  It's always a cluster getting out of Apple Valley northbound 7 days a week and pretty much at anytime. And the southbound 77 (Cedar Ave.) is 3 lanes from the MOA through Apple Valley to 160th (Apple Valley/Lakeville border). 

Been saying this for well over 20 years, well before I moved to the south metro.

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Brooks Level Golden
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Posted by: @bertogliat

Maybe they should reconsider that for routine routes like 35 if peak traffic happens 2 out of 7 days (28%) of May-Oct.


Road construction is real tough in Minnesota.  Especially if they are pouring cement. You can get by with small cement projects in winter, but the bigger they are the tougher it get.  You start putting more chemicals in the cement so it doesn't start to cure to fast. And start to worry about it freezing at night and they don't make heat blankets and heaters big enough for a freeway.

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Mariucci Level Golden
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My cure to most of our world’s problems is to stop making the population grow.  We all complain about busy roads, overcrowded parks, inability to obtain goods - well, it’s only going to get worse if trajectory continues as is….?‍♀️



Kelly Red reacted
Steve MN
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Posted by: @bertogliat

Maybe they should reconsider that for routine routes like 35 if peak traffic happens 2 out of 7 days (28%) of May-Oct.

It's mostly just for 6 hours or so on Sunday, so not 28%, but 1/28th of the week.

B1G refs... corrupt, or just incompetent?

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And how do you plan to expand the highway anyways?  There is no way you can just shut down 35 for that much area and that much time and if you do it piecemeal with lanes open you are gonna end up with a much worse situation than you see now until it is done.  Having bad traffic one day a week is not worth the expense and problems expanding will cause.

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Most of southbound and northbound can be done with both lanes open both ways. You might not have much of a shoulder on the left, but it's doable. 

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Bonin Level
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Not to derail the conversation but imagine if there was a viable other option like a fast train to connect the Cities and Duluth.  It was planned at one point and then the politicians on both sides got involved and poof it never actually happened.  

HandyNotDan reacted

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Posted by: @gopherguy05

Not to derail the conversation but imagine if there was a viable other option like a fast train to connect the Cities and Duluth.  It was planned at one point and then the politicians on both sides got involved and poof it never actually happened.  

Would anyone ride a train to Duluth only to have to rent a car to get around?  Seems highly unlikely.

gator reacted
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Posted by: @handyman

And how do you plan to expand the highway anyways?  There is no way you can just shut down 35 for that much area and that much time and if you do it piecemeal with lanes open you are gonna end up with a much worse situation than you see now until it is done.  Having bad traffic one day a week is not worth the expense and problems expanding will cause.

They expand highways all the time.  What if 169 was still one lane each way with stop lights because nobody wanted to put up with the construction to expand?

gator reacted
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Cripes I hate 169. 


Broten Level Golden
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Since we are on the subject...I hate driving through the Cities more than I dislike driving between the Cities and Duluth!  The only solution I've found is choosing my time wisely to drive through the Cities. 

I am the official Iowa Hawkeye football fan of GPL!

The Rube
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When I come back from Houghton, I have found a couple routes. Frankly, 35 from Duluth to the TC is fine, except for around Hinckley. That adds 90-120 minutes on a Sunday. Horrible. And driving through St Paul on 94 is hit or miss. County Road 8 is a nice gem...

When you tell somebody somethin', it depends on what part of the United States you're standin' in... as to just how dumb you are.

Brooks Level Golden
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Posted by: @bertogliat
Posted by: @handyman

And how do you plan to expand the highway anyways?  There is no way you can just shut down 35 for that much area and that much time and if you do it piecemeal with lanes open you are gonna end up with a much worse situation than you see now until it is done.  Having bad traffic one day a week is not worth the expense and problems expanding will cause.

They expand highways all the time.  What if 169 was still one lane each way with stop lights because nobody wanted to put up with the construction to expand?

You don't say...I have never seen them do it in my 42 years on Earth ? ? ?

The Rube
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The Crosstown Project, and 35 is still being worked on? Just sayin' 

When you tell somebody somethin', it depends on what part of the United States you're standin' in... as to just how dumb you are.

College Hockey Addict
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Posted by: @bertogliat
Posted by: @handyman

And how do you plan to expand the highway anyways?  There is no way you can just shut down 35 for that much area and that much time and if you do it piecemeal with lanes open you are gonna end up with a much worse situation than you see now until it is done.  Having bad traffic one day a week is not worth the expense and problems expanding will cause.

They expand highways all the time.  What if 169 was still one lane each way with stop lights because nobody wanted to put up with the construction to expand?

I am a civil engineer. I have helped design many roadways including highway expansion projects. This includes roadways you all drive on every day. And yes engineers are use to people complaining about them. A lot goes into how roadways are designed and those who design them wish more could be done.

Brooks Level Golden
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Posted by: @collegehockeyaddict
Posted by: @bertogliat
Posted by: @handyman

And how do you plan to expand the highway anyways?  There is no way you can just shut down 35 for that much area and that much time and if you do it piecemeal with lanes open you are gonna end up with a much worse situation than you see now until it is done.  Having bad traffic one day a week is not worth the expense and problems expanding will cause.

They expand highways all the time.  What if 169 was still one lane each way with stop lights because nobody wanted to put up with the construction to expand?

I am a civil engineer. I have helped design many roadways including highway expansion projects. This includes roadways you all drive on every day. And yes engineers are use to people complaining about them. A lot goes into how roadways are designed and those who design them wish more could be done.

Remember when they tore up the 169 and 494 intersection and replaced the stoplights that held up traffic for miles with....more stop lights?  LOL.  I am guessing this is what you're talking about.

Then they tore it up just a few year later and put in the ramps that were so badly needed.


gator reacted
Bonin Level
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Posted by: @bertogliat
Posted by: @gopherguy05

Not to derail the conversation but imagine if there was a viable other option like a fast train to connect the Cities and Duluth.  It was planned at one point and then the politicians on both sides got involved and poof it never actually happened.  

Would anyone ride a train to Duluth only to have to rent a car to get around?  Seems highly unlikely.

Uber is a thing.  Also if you are just going to be camped out in Canal park, like many who go to Duluth for things are, it makes sense to not deal with a car and parking etc in the middle of summer.

HandyNotDan reacted
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Posted by: @bertogliat
Posted by: @collegehockeyaddict
Posted by: @bertogliat
Posted by: @handyman

And how do you plan to expand the highway anyways?  There is no way you can just shut down 35 for that much area and that much time and if you do it piecemeal with lanes open you are gonna end up with a much worse situation than you see now until it is done.  Having bad traffic one day a week is not worth the expense and problems expanding will cause.

They expand highways all the time.  What if 169 was still one lane each way with stop lights because nobody wanted to put up with the construction to expand?

I am a civil engineer. I have helped design many roadways including highway expansion projects. This includes roadways you all drive on every day. And yes engineers are use to people complaining about them. A lot goes into how roadways are designed and those who design them wish more could be done.

Remember when they tore up the 169 and 494 intersection and replaced the stoplights that held up traffic for miles with....more stop lights?  LOL.  I am guessing this is what you're talking about.

On the flip side, 100 to three lanes nearly made me throw a damn parade.

HandyNotDan reacted
Slap Shot
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Driving "through the cities" is a freaking breeze compared to many parts of the U.S. as well as internationally.  Of course some spots need improvement but so does every metro with a population of 3 million plus. 


Brooks Level Golden
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Posted by: @gopherguy05

Uber is a thing.  Also if you are just going to be camped out in Canal park, like many who go to Duluth for things are, it makes sense to not deal with a car and parking etc in the middle of summer.

We avoid Canal Park as much as possible.  We do go, but maybe for a hour or two.  Majority of the time it's Up North past Gooseberry or Split Rock and we stay in Superior cause it's cheaper.  Though if Canal Park is your thing and place, Uber is the way.

Keep your stick on the ice...

Brooks Level Golden
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Posted by: @slap-shot

Driving "through the cities" is a freaking breeze compared to many parts of the U.S. as well as internationally.  Of course some spots need improvement but so does every metro with a population of 3 million plus. 

I hear this A LOT from transplants moving here.

Keep your stick on the ice...

The Rube
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Posted by: @bertogliat
Posted by: @collegehockeyaddict
Posted by: @bertogliat
Posted by: @handyman

And how do you plan to expand the highway anyways?  There is no way you can just shut down 35 for that much area and that much time and if you do it piecemeal with lanes open you are gonna end up with a much worse situation than you see now until it is done.  Having bad traffic one day a week is not worth the expense and problems expanding will cause.

They expand highways all the time.  What if 169 was still one lane each way with stop lights because nobody wanted to put up with the construction to expand?

I am a civil engineer. I have helped design many roadways including highway expansion projects. This includes roadways you all drive on every day. And yes engineers are use to people complaining about them. A lot goes into how roadways are designed and those who design them wish more could be done.

Remember when they tore up the 169 and 494 intersection and replaced the stoplights that held up traffic for miles with....more stop lights?  LOL.  I am guessing this is what you're talking about.

Then they tore it up just a few year later and put in the ramps that were so badly needed.


1. Driving "through" the Cities is a breeze.
2. 100 going to 3 lanes the WHOLE WAY? THANK GOD (I grew up in Crystal; that was needed 10 years before they did it)
3. The 169/494 thing was a plan, then it backfired, so then they did what they should have done in the first place. Total mess.

When you tell somebody somethin', it depends on what part of the United States you're standin' in... as to just how dumb you are.

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Halloween night the one night you wish people would rub more than 2 brain cells together and slow down driving through neighborhoods. I’m sitting in my front yard with a bonfire going, enjoying the prefect evening while waiting for the trick-or-treaters.  And I’m already seen a couple vehicles flying through the neighborhood.

Keep your stick on the ice...

Mayasich Level Golden
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Is nothing sacred anymore? Cheating in cornhole/bags?

I was recently informed by a GPLer that I'm related to Airey

Broten Level
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Why doesn’t the venue provide official bags lol? Wtf

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Posted by: @trixr4kids

Why doesn’t the venue provide official bags lol? Wtf

Not to get all Cornhole nerd on you but players have different styles. Some like to block more, some like to air mail more, and some like to slide more. Like players in all sports the players have their own preferred equipment they use in this case it's bags. The bags are suppose to be a standard size but they use different styles of bags. Some slide more and some are more sticky. Similar to different types of bowling balls. 

Bowlers have their own bowling balls. Baseball teams/players have their own bats. Hockey teams/players have their own sticks. Its the same with the bags for professional Cornhole players.

Mayasich Level Moderator Golden
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Any dead fish in the bags? ? 

“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”

― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal

gator reacted
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Posted by: @greyeagle

Any dead fish in the bags? ? 

Only when the cheating fisherman are around to add to weight to the bags. ?

Greyeagle reacted
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I’m not sure hockey sticks are really a good comparison, the bags are more like the puck or a ball in other sports. That said if they want to allow ppl to bring their own bags they should probably be checking them to see that they’re regulation from now on. 

Brooks Level Golden
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If you are cheating at bags you aren't even high enough up the evolutionary ladder to be called pathetic.   

The Rube
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Posted by: @handyman

If you are cheating at bags you aren't even high enough up the evolutionary ladder to be called pathetic.   

I played Bags for the first time ever this year in a brewery tourney. They provided everything, my buddy said mutual friend of ours couldn't play. A pic was taken of me throwing, for a social media promo thing. Apparently, I was crossing the line every time. I had no idea. I never played before. Got a lotta sh* for it though (and FTR, we didn't win a game).

When you tell somebody somethin', it depends on what part of the United States you're standin' in... as to just how dumb you are.


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When I drive to work I go up cedar and where it crosses 35E there’s a perfect view of downtown Mpls.  The last two days there’s been a very thick brown blanket of smog and probably some wildfire smoke hanging low, from the ground nearly to the top of the tallest buildings.  
A sad reality to see on such beautiful weather days.   
On my recent trips to Denver this fall there’s been some clear skies and similarly just a big thick layer of brown in the clear blue sky.  🙁

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Posted by: @cowgirl

When I drive to work I go up cedar and where it crosses 35E there’s a perfect view of downtown Mpls.  The last two days there’s been a very thick brown blanket of smog and probably some wildfire smoke hanging low, from the ground nearly to the top of the tallest buildings.  
A sad reality to see on such beautiful weather days.   
On my recent trips to Denver this fall there’s been some clear skies and similarly just a big thick layer of brown in the clear blue sky.  🙁

As I was driving on 610 yesterday I also noticed a thin brown haze.  Didn’t appear to be a fire.  Nothing concentrated that would help you pinpoint a location.  But as I drove through the area near my house it got a little thicker and smelled strongly of fire.

it was strange through that is was a brown haze, not gray.  And was very diffused yet the smell of fire was very concentrated.

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I have had Centurylink as my internet provider for decades, as of last week I am not able to access my email on my Iphone, I tried calling there customer service liine and I was told they can no longer help their customers on their telephone line. They tell me I have to go on line and get this resolved on their ctat box. I go there and they tell me they are aware of the issue but they can not give a me information when this should be resolved 

Disappointed   Yell


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Just had a 76-year-old patient, face solid black and blue. Nose broken in 3 spots and knees and shins all scraped up.  He was jumped early morning on Halloween on his morning walk.  Came up from behind him and knocked him out.  And they didn't take anything, just left him unconscious and bleeding.  Felt so bad for the older gentleman. 

Keep your stick on the ice...

Mariucci Level Golden
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Posted by: @gator

Just had a 76-year-old patient, face solid black and blue. Nose broken in 3 spots and knees and shins all scraped up.  He was jumped early morning on Halloween on his morning walk.  Came up from behind him and knocked him out.  And they didn't take anything, just left him unconscious and bleeding.  Felt so bad for the older gentleman. 

Hope someone catches and does the same to the shits that did this.  Disgusting.

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Posted by: @cowgirl

Hope someone catches and does the same to the shits that did this.  Disgusting.

Yep... One of these days, one of or a group of little $hits is going to mess with the wrong person.  And all hell is going to break loose. I 110% support "So you value your stuff more than you value someone's life. No, someone values my stuff more than they value their own life".

Keep your stick on the ice...

Broten Level Golden
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Bill Self gave himself a slap on the wrist for paying players. What a joke.

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Walking out of 'Old World Pizza' in Inver Grove Heights to a high-speed police pursuit. The suspect wrecks the car 1 block away and takes off running. Within seconds there's around 6 more IGH police cars flying around. The one police officer was still at the scene where the car was wrecked and ditched. He told me the car was stolen but they did not know who the suspect was. Hopefully he runs out energy and the police find him.

Keep your stick on the ice...

Mayasich Level Golden
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The wind.  That's all. The wind.

I was recently informed by a GPLer that I'm related to Airey

gator reacted
Mariucci Level Golden
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F***ing political texts.   STOP.  Just stop.  

Steve MN reacted
Steve MN
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Posted by: @cowgirl

F***ing political texts.   STOP.  Just stop.  

Not to mention political ads on YouTube.

B1G refs... corrupt, or just incompetent?

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Posted by: @cowgirl

F***ing political texts.   STOP.  Just stop.  

I always reply with a "nice" reply and they reply that they'll be taking me off their list. Same with the occasional political phone call.  Though all the fliers are nice for burning!!!

Keep your stick on the ice...


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Posted by: @cowgirl

F***ing political texts.   STOP.  Just stop.

Word.   I just don't see how it can be legal for whoever it is to sell personal info to politicians or political groups to send unapproved and unwanted texts to people!  It's so f**king annoying.  I want it to be December already.

I am the official Iowa Hawkeye football fan of GPL!

Brooks Level Golden
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Posted by: @g-manpuck
Posted by: @cowgirl

F***ing political texts.   STOP.  Just stop.

Word.   I just don't see how it can be legal for whoever it is to sell personal info to politicians or political groups to send unapproved and unwanted texts to people!  It's so f**king annoying.  I want it to be December already.

Because the people writing the laws are the people using the info and sending the flyers, texts, calls, etc. for their benefit.

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