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Posted by: @mikeeruzione11

I’d have to assume Michigan’s at-large chances are now very very low. Like 10% or so. 

i'd guess its going to be a sweep until the big ten title game to have a chance. 


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#11 Cornell ties #46 Yale. Oof. Dropped them all the way to 15th in the PWR

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Posted by: @greyeagle

u-mi may be in win the tourney or play golf portion of the season.

I finally realized why the Gophers were such dog sh*t for parts of this weekend. Notre Dame senior weekend inspiring them to do their absolute best?

Nah. The Gophers were just trying to make it so Michigan beating them wouldn’t help much. Make things a little less tense. 


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Posted by: @upnorthkid

Posted by: @mikeeruzione11

I’d have to assume Michigan’s at-large chances are now very very low. Like 10% or so. 

i'd guess its going to be a sweep until the big ten title game to have a chance. 


I think you are correct. Which makes it less than 10%. 


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Michigan's at large chances certainly took a hit with the loss tonight but they are still close enough to the teams #10-#15 to make a run at them.

5-1 over the next 6 games would be a definite bump up for them.

2 at home vs. Notre Dame

2 at Gophers

Big Ten first round series 

Which would then set up a big semi final game for them likely at Michigan State or Wisconsin.


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Maine gets swept by New Hampshire and drops to #7. The loses were 6-2 and 5-2. One empty net goal yesterday non today.

Brooks Level Golden
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I believe New Hampshire swept Maine this weekend and dropped from 16 Friday morning to 17 now?

I feel like I have a decent understanding of the pairwise, this one is pretty crazy. 


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Posted by: @mikeeruzione11

I believe New Hampshire swept Maine this weekend and dropped from 16 Friday morning to 17 now?

I feel like I have a decent understanding of the pairwise, this one is pretty crazy. 

You are correct. The reason for this is the teams ahead of them had big enough RPI gaps that New Hampshire wasn't able to pick up comparisons against them.

Colorado College was just behind UNH and passed them (& other teams) by beating #2 North Dakota yesterday which allowed them to pick up multiple comparisons including the one with North Dakota (since they are 3-0 against North Dakota). If Colorado College loses tonight they will lose some or all of the comparisons they pick up yesterday and will drop back some.

Colorado College is currently #14 in Pairwise, #13 RPI but #15 St. Cloud, #16 Michigan, and #17 New Hampshire are close to them so losing tonight will likely drop them some.  


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Posted by: @collegehockeyaddict

Posted by: @mikeeruzione11

I believe New Hampshire swept Maine this weekend and dropped from 16 Friday morning to 17 now?

I feel like I have a decent understanding of the pairwise, this one is pretty crazy. 

You are correct. The reason for this is the teams ahead of them had big enough RPI gaps that New Hampshire wasn't able to pick up comparisons against them.

Colorado College was just behind UNH and passed them (& other teams) by beating #2 North Dakota yesterday which allowed them to pick up multiple comparisons including the one with North Dakota (since they are 3-0 against North Dakota). If Colorado College loses tonight they will loses some or all of the comparisons they pick up yesterday and will drop back some.

Colorado College is currently #14 in Pairwise, #13 RPI but #15 St. Cloud, #16 Michigan, and #17 New Hampshire are close to them so losing tonight will likely drop them some.  


yeah it's kind of wild that log jam in the middle. Feels like the teams 10 and up will shuffle amongst themselves and then the 11-18 logjam can move a lot with teams 20 and up really taking a lot to move at all. 


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CC up late on ND again. They have been the Fing Hawks achilles heel all year. 

Leopold Level Golden
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CC is up 4-2 now!

Cracking Up Lol GIF by Rodney Dangerfield


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All future North Dakota opponents rushing to watch the four North Dakota games against CC. They definitely have the formula to beat North Dakota.

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Posted by: @youngeagle

CC is up 4-2 now!

Cracking Up Lol GIF by Rodney Dangerfield


you mean 5-2 lol


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CC will be a very dangerous team if they manage to get into the tournament. Great goalie and they can put the puck in the net. 


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Posted by: @upnorthkid

Posted by: @youngeagle

CC is up 4-2 now!

Cracking Up Lol GIF by Rodney Dangerfield


you mean 5-2 lol


I think you mean 6-2.


upnorthkid reacted
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NCHC about to be in for a wild finish for both home ice and the 1 seed (all teams through 18 games with 3 series to go).

1. UND 37 pts, UMD, WMU @Omaha

2. SCSU 36 pts, WMU, DU, @UMD

3. CC 33 pts, @Omaha, UMD, home/home with DU

4. DU 31 pts, Miami, @SCSU, home/home with CC

5. WMU 29 pts, @SCSU, @UND, Miami

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Posted by: @collegehockeyaddict

Posted by: @upnorthkid

Posted by: @youngeagle

CC is up 4-2 now!

Cracking Up Lol GIF by Rodney Dangerfield


you mean 5-2 lol


I think you mean 6-2.


a weekend where UND and Becky fans are both going to be imploding? Amazing


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Duluth gets swept at home and is now 10-15-4. The lost tonight was 5-2 (no empty goals).

Last season they were 16-20-1 so 26-35-5 over the last two seasons.

In comparison the Gophers are 48-18-6 over the last two seasons.

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Colorado College moved up to #11. They started the weekend #17.

This helps shows how close #10-#17 are.

The RPI gap is between #9 Gophers and #10 Western Michigan.

Eric Vegoe reacted
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So much for the narrative that North Dakota was going to get revenge for CC beat them twice at the Ralph.

They got out scored 13-3 this weekend.

On the positive side for them they did improve tonight losing only 6-2 as compared to 7-1 last night.

Susie Sports is not a happy place right now.

Double Sweep!!! 😯 

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Slap Shot
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Posted by: @collegehockeyaddict

So much for the narrative that North Dakota was going to get revenge for CC beat them twice at the Ralph.

They got out scored 13-3 this weekend.

On the positive side for them they did improve tonight losing only 6-2 as compared to 7-1 last night.

Susie Sports is not a happy place right now.

Double Sweep!!! 😯 

Bonin can find a way to spin their weekend was still better than Minnesota's.


BlueBandit24 reacted
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Got to love it when both Badgers and Whioux get swept on the same weekend 


The Rube
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But, we want WI to win to help our PWR. 😉  Tough pill to swallow...

When you tell somebody somethin', it depends on what part of the United States you're standin' in... as to just how dumb you are.

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Not necessarily since we have a chance to pass Wisconsin in Pairwise.

If some of the goal/no goal calls Saturday at Madison and yesterday would have gone our way resulting in 2 regulation wins rather than a tie (shoot out loss) and an OT win we likely would be #6 in Pairwise right now rather than #9.

As it currently stands we still have a chance to catch them. Go Penn State and Michigan State the next two weekends.

Greyeagle reacted
Mayasich Level Moderator Golden
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Comprehensive list of circumstances in which I’d lower myself & hope for the cheesedicks to win:


“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”

― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal

Rau4SkiUMah and Steve MN reacted
Steve MN
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Posted by: @greyeagle

Comprehensive list of circumstances in which I’d lower myself & hope for the cheesedicks to win:


Every conference needs a doormat. I nominate the BADgers for this role.

Every year.

Until the end of time.


B1G refs... corrupt, or just incompetent?

Greyeagle reacted
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Posted by: @steve-mn

Posted by: @greyeagle

Comprehensive list of circumstances in which I’d lower myself & hope for the cheesedicks to win:


Every conference needs a doormat. I nominate the BADgers for this role.

Every year.

Until the end of time.


Ohio State… even though I really dislike the wisconSIN BADgers


Keep your stick on the ice...


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Well until this weekend it was Ohio State this season but clearly Wisconsin said "Hey Brutus quit taking our spot we want it back." 😉 

Wisconsin is 3-4-2 in their last 9 games and this is with goal/no goal calls against the Gophers (multiple times), Notre Dame, and Ohio State three straight weekends all going their way.

Mayasich Level Golden
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For those who have ESPN+, #1 BC is taking on UMASS right now.

I'm 50% factual and 50% sarcastic. When you get to know me, you will know which is which.

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There are really only two teams in college hockey right now that truly scare me.  

1. Boston College 

2. Minnesota when they decide not to show up. 

All jokes aside I truly believe that when the Gophs play at their best, like against Wisconsin on Saturday night two weeks ago, they can beat almost anyone. But boy, BC looks legit. 

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I agree. Clearly this means in all Maroon and Gold Championship game at the X.

BTW, When I was at Madison Square Garden for the annual Boston University vs. Cornell game wearing a Gopher jersey amongst the sea of red of fans from both teams I stuck out like a sore thumb. At the start of the second period I was walking back to my seat and was going by the BU band. One of the people in the band saw the maroon and gold of my jersey from the side and yelled out "BC sucks" while pointing at me thinking I was wearing a BC jersey. I yelled back at him "It is a Minnesota Gopher jersey" while chuckling.

Rau4SkiUMah reacted
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I'm pretty sure the Gophers and BC had the most guys on the under 20 US team that won gold a month and a half ago.

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BC and UMass tied at 3 after 2.

I'm 50% factual and 50% sarcastic. When you get to know me, you will know which is which.

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BC was up 2-0 after one period and then U Mass scored three straight goals in a span of just over 3 and a half minutes at the mid point of the 2nd period. BC then scored a little more than 3 minutes after U Mass took the lead to tie the game with just under 5 minutes left in the 2nd period.

Since U Mass is currently #13 in Pairwise/RPI all the bubble teams are definitely rooting for BC.

The shots on goal are BC 35-14 (34-13 after two periods).



Mayasich Level Golden
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UMass takes a 4-3 lead in the 3rd, and then BC scores 2 PPG's, including a 5x3 and now lead 5-4 under 7 left

I'm 50% factual and 50% sarcastic. When you get to know me, you will know which is which.

Rau4SkiUMah reacted
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Now 5-4 BC after U Mass was up 4-3 but took a couple of penalties and had to try and kill off a 5 on 3. Ryan Leonard scored both. 

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Posted by: @frozen4champs

UMass takes a 4-3 lead in the 3rd, and then BC scores 2 PPG's, including a 5x3 and now lead 5-4 under 7 left

You beat me to it lol. 


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Ryan Leonard has a hat trick. BC has three power play goals. The penalty that gave BC the 5 on 3 was goalie interference so apparently this call can work for a maroon and gold team (just not us).

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No hats thrown on the ice for Ryan Leonard’s hat trick… Thats weak!

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anybody see what they actually called goalie interference for? gotta be a rare one to have happen while you're already short. 

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Posted by: @upnorthkid

anybody see what they actually called goalie interference for? gotta be a rare one to have happen while you're already short. 

Crazy soft call in my opinion. He nudged the goalie



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loss knocks umass down to 15th and currently outside the tournament

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Posted by: @mikeeruzione11

Posted by: @upnorthkid

anybody see what they actually called goalie interference for? gotta be a rare one to have happen while you're already short. 

Crazy soft call in my opinion. He nudged the goalie



Couldn't agree more. If that was against us I would be livid. 


maroon and gold
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The pairwise is so volatile near the bubble right now. UMass loses to #1 BC and gets knocked out of the tournament

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Next weekend is shaping to be quite interesting for the teams #10-#17

#10 Western Michigan at #13 St. Could - 2 games

#11 Colorado College at #18 Omaha - 2 games

#12 Providence at #34 U Mass-Lowell - 1 game (Saturday)

#14 Cornell at #36 Clarkson & at #54 St. Lawrence - 1 game each

#15 U Mass a home and home series against #17 New Hampshire

#16 Michigan at home against #21 Notre Dame - 2 games


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Posted by: @collegehockeyaddict

Next weekend is shaping to be quite interesting for the teams #10-#17

#10 Western Michigan at #13 St. Could - 2 games

#11 Colorado College at #18 Omaha - 2 games

#12 Providence at #34 U Mass-Lowell - 1 game (Saturday)

#14 Cornell at #36 Clarkson & at #54 St. Lawrence - 1 game each

#15 U Mass a home and home series against #17 New Hampshire

#16 Michigan at home against #21 Notre Dame - 2 games


Cornell now with no margin for error given everyone they have left is an absolute PWR bomb if they lose or tie. 


Stauber Level Golden
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In the pairwise, Wisconsin, Maine and Q are separated by just a few points.  Wisconsin could easily drop to 8th.


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Posted by: @composer

In the pairwise, Wisconsin, Maine and Q are separated by just a few points.  Wisconsin could easily drop to 8th.


 yeah them getting swept last weekend absolutely killed their RPI



Bonin Level
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how can the Whioux still be at #3 in pairwise after getting swept by CC?


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