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Mayasich Level Moderator Golden
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I saw some posts on Twitter that indicated there was video, no thank you.  But geesh, it it was intentional.....I cannot even fathom.  I sharpened skates for several years and have the clumsy scars to prove it.  Two razors on each skate.....

“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”

― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal

Steve MN
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Posted by: @armadillo

Posted by: @bertogliat

First l, this was scary.  Thankfully scary enough to convince my boys to finally wear undershirts with neck guards.  They arrive in Th.


Second, I wasn’t going to watch the video but I saw a post on Twitter that this happened due to an intentional kick.  I saw a slowed down version of the video and it very much looks like the opponent raised his leg intentionally to kick Adam high with his skate.  There are also reports this player has a history of being a dirty player.  Stay tuned for possible first in game murder.

I've seen this sentiment around the net, but I just can't make myself believe it.  There's NO WAY to make your body contort itself that way in just the right motion at just the right time with your opponent in just the right place to do that.  It's the worst timing imaginable, and Johnson lost his life because of it.  I gotta think the other player is in a full-blown crisis, and the last thing he needs is people accusing him of murder.


Paging @skiumahlaw 

I believe that if it can be proven that he intended to kick/injure the player (not suggesting that he intended to kill the other player of course) that could still be some form of homicide (the degree, murder v manslaughter, etc would depend on the laws in place where the game took place, of course)


B1G refs... corrupt, or just incompetent?

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If you do go to watch the video, just watch until Adam goes down to the ice.  You don't want to watch after he gets up and skates to the bench.  

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Posted by: @steve-mn

Posted by: @armadillo

Posted by: @bertogliat

First l, this was scary.  Thankfully scary enough to convince my boys to finally wear undershirts with neck guards.  They arrive in Th.


Second, I wasn’t going to watch the video but I saw a post on Twitter that this happened due to an intentional kick.  I saw a slowed down version of the video and it very much looks like the opponent raised his leg intentionally to kick Adam high with his skate.  There are also reports this player has a history of being a dirty player.  Stay tuned for possible first in game murder.

I've seen this sentiment around the net, but I just can't make myself believe it.  There's NO WAY to make your body contort itself that way in just the right motion at just the right time with your opponent in just the right place to do that.  It's the worst timing imaginable, and Johnson lost his life because of it.  I gotta think the other player is in a full-blown crisis, and the last thing he needs is people accusing him of murder.


Paging @skiumahlaw 

I believe that if it can be proven that he intended to kick/injure the player (not suggesting that he intended to kill the other player of course) that could still be some form of homicide (the degree, murder v manslaughter, etc would depend on the laws in place where the game took place, of course)


I have not seen the video but remember the Malarchuk incident well.  If this is worse I don't want to see it.

I actually use the Hackbart v. Cincinnati Bengals case along with the Todd Bartuzzi-Steve Moore cases in my sports law classes. 

Both stand for a concept that Courts generally will defer to sports governing bodies to police what occurs during a game, under a theory that participants "sign up" for play that is generally within the rules or a reasonable extension therein.  You can anticipate that a checking from behind that paralyzes you can occur in a hockey game, and you are deemed to assume that risk.  You should not reasonably anticipate someone jumping on your back and punching you with the intention of breaking your skull, however, and when situations happen like that Courts will step in.

Here we would need more information as to the circumstances and possible intent.  Even if not intentional, reckless conduct is still almost as bad-- shooting a puck into a fully filled stand purposely, though not with the intent to hurt someone in particular, could be considered a reckless action as it is reasonable that someone could be really hurt by the action.  But negligence would be harder, since participants do sign up for reasonable conduct and negligence is something that could happen with regularity in a hockey game. 


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Posted by: @cowgirl

I wonder if more players will start wearing one now.  Makes me think about it, cuz stupid stuff happens all the time in beer league hockey. 
I did watch the video.  I’m curious if the other guy flipped around after trying to hit Johnson’s teammate or just had the most awkward attempt at a check ever.  
Either way, such a tragic outcome.  

It's been a mandatory requirement to wear a neck gaurd for youth D6 for a while.  I'm guessing other districts as well.  It's assume this becomes statewide if it isn't already.


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Posted by: @orion

Posted by: @cowgirl

I wonder if more players will start wearing one now.  Makes me think about it, cuz stupid stuff happens all the time in beer league hockey. 
I did watch the video.  I’m curious if the other guy flipped around after trying to hit Johnson’s teammate or just had the most awkward attempt at a check ever.  
Either way, such a tragic outcome.  

It's been a mandatory requirement to wear a neck gaurd for youth D6 for a while.  I'm guessing other districts as well.  It's assume this becomes statewide if it isn't already.


Almost zero kids wear neck guards, even on the teams we play outside D10.  My oldest kid wore one for a while back when I helped him dress.  Once he started dressing himself and realized he'd be cooler (temperature wise) if he wore less undergarments, he stopped wearing it.  I have a feeling we will see more wear them now.  The coach of my younger kid sent an email out last night that the team had a discussion regarding the incident and he encouraged parents to buy them for their kids.


My older kid played a team this summer where every player wore a neck guard.  It was great to see, but it was odd at the same time since it is so rare.



Mariucci Level Golden
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Out of curiosity I checked out the warroad anti skate cut undergarments.  The one that includes wrist and neck is only $199. ?


Edit: since I looked earlier today, all of their skate cut shirts have sold out for youth and adult.  

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@cowgirl A neck guard is about $20 and goes up from there.  In district games they would kick the kid off the ice if they weren't wearing one.


Edited to add a link since some parents may be interested to buy one

Cowgirl and gopher6 reacted
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Posted by: @orion

Posted by: @cowgirl

I wonder if more players will start wearing one now.  Makes me think about it, cuz stupid stuff happens all the time in beer league hockey. 
I did watch the video.  I’m curious if the other guy flipped around after trying to hit Johnson’s teammate or just had the most awkward attempt at a check ever.  
Either way, such a tragic outcome.  

It's been a mandatory requirement to wear a neck gaurd for youth D6 for a while.  I'm guessing other districts as well.  It's assume this becomes statewide if it isn't already.


While I don’t doubt it’s a District 6 rule, the only youth association in recent years that I’ve observed wearing neck guards is Edina. Nonetheless, (I believe) wearing neck guards was mandated for awhile by MAHA back in the early 2000’s & I expect (following this tragedy) it will be mandated by MAHA & the MN State HS League (for hockey). It’s a sensible & worthwhile precaution to take IMO. 


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Posted by: @bearpaw28

Posted by: @orion

Posted by: @cowgirl

I wonder if more players will start wearing one now.  Makes me think about it, cuz stupid stuff happens all the time in beer league hockey. 
I did watch the video.  I’m curious if the other guy flipped around after trying to hit Johnson’s teammate or just had the most awkward attempt at a check ever.  
Either way, such a tragic outcome.  

It's been a mandatory requirement to wear a neck gaurd for youth D6 for a while.  I'm guessing other districts as well.  It's assume this becomes statewide if it isn't already.


While I don’t doubt it’s a District 6 rule, the only youth association in recent years that I’ve observed wearing neck guards is Edina. Nonetheless, (I believe) wearing neck guards was mandated for awhile by MAHA back in the early 2000’s & I expect (following this tragedy) it will be mandated by MAHA & the MN State HS League (for hockey). It’s a sensible & worthwhile precaution to take IMO. 



Edina is in D6.  It's been a few years, but I remember every team in D6 also wearing them.  I don't ever remember a penalty being called on this though.  


straight out of the D6 rulebook this year.

"Properly fitted, hockey designed, neck/throat protection is required for all
players, including goaltenders, except Junior Gold and 16U. Non-
compliance with this rule is a 10-minute misconduct penalty. Neck/throat
protection must be worn for ALL games, scrimmages and practices. "


bearpaw28 reacted
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Posted by: @orion

@cowgirl A neck guard is about $20 and goes up from there.  In district games they would kick the kid off the ice if they weren't wearing one.


Edited to add a link since some parents may be interested to buy one


so much less fashionable though. ?

tbh I’m one of those that can’t stand wearing much under a jersey otherwise I get way too hot.  


Mayasich Level Golden
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I was recently informed by a GPLer that I'm related to Airey

Greyeagle reacted

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that English league is requiring neck guards starting Jan 1

Bonin Level
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Oh, and I think every league including the NHL should require neck guards. Given the immediate and dire nature of the injury and extreme consequences  

I hope the NCAA makes a stand and requires it. I have very little hope with the NHL, too much tough man personality defines that league. But I do think the NCAA, if they care about student athletes will put player safety up front.

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The NHL should do it strictly from an asset protection standpoint. But they do a lot of things ass backwards so that probably won’t happen lol.

Mariucci Level Golden
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Karate kicks in hockey should maybe bring severe consequences too.  Has there been any info regarding the thought process that went through that other guys head?

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maybe before we all work ourselves into a froth over what that guy may or may not have done, Adam's teammates have come out very strongly in support of the skater whose skate cut him.

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Posted by: @dxmnkd316

maybe before we all work ourselves into a froth over what that guy may or may not have done, Adam's teammates have come out very strongly in support of the skater whose skate cut him.

oh,ok, I’ll settle down. 



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Posted by: @cowgirl

Karate kicks in hockey should maybe bring severe consequences too.  Has there been any info regarding the thought process that went through that other guys head?

This was really bothering me so I watched the video up until contact.  The play was coming in fast into the zone and the player tried to check another player from the side and kinda ricochetted off of him after making contact. It looked like he kinda lost his balance and his leg came up and around to keep his balance. Unfortunately the timing and spacing caught Adam as he trailer behind.  I thought it was important to put out our there that it didn't look way all intentional that his for left the ice let alone what some rumors are saying.


gator and Greyeagle reacted
Mayasich Level Moderator Golden
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@orion Thank you for doing that.

I just can't bring myself to watch it but glad someone has more hutzpah than I do.

“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”

― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal

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@greyeagle iIt wasn't curiosity.  This was always a fear when my kids were playing.  That and neck injuries.

Greyeagle reacted
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Posted by: @orion

Posted by: @cowgirl

Karate kicks in hockey should maybe bring severe consequences too.  Has there been any info regarding the thought process that went through that other guys head?

This was really bothering me so I watched the video up until contact.  The play was coming in fast into the zone and the player tried to check another player from the side and kinda ricochetted off of him after making contact. It looked like he kinda lost his balance and his leg came up and around to keep his balance. Unfortunately the timing and spacing caught Adam as he trailer behind.  I thought it was important to put out our there that it didn't look way all intentional that his for left the ice let alone what some rumors are saying.



that’s what I thought at first too, but the first guy does not look like he deviates at all from his path, which is why I question what the original intent was with that check.  Either way, I am sure he did not have anything that malicious in mind, and I’m sure he feels absolutely horrible, so it is positive that the other players are sparing him more mental anguish (although I can only imagine what’s out there on social media).  We may never know what the player in red was truly thinking.   But it’s simply human nature to wonder.  


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Posted by: @orion

Posted by: @cowgirl

Karate kicks in hockey should maybe bring severe consequences too.  Has there been any info regarding the thought process that went through that other guys head?

This was really bothering me so I watched the video up until contact.  The play was coming in fast into the zone and the player tried to check another player from the side and kinda ricochetted off of him after making contact. It looked like he kinda lost his balance and his leg came up and around to keep his balance. Unfortunately the timing and spacing caught Adam as he trailer behind.  I thought it was important to put out our there that it didn't look way all intentional that his for left the ice let alone what some rumors are saying.


I don't think Petgrave was trying to check Johnson's teammate. I think he was angling Johnson to the boards. Johnson cut to the inside at the blueline and used his teammate as a pick. Petgrave tried to turn to step into Johnson and got caught up with the teammate. To me, it looks like Petgrave's feet make a sharp left turn towards Johnson wile his upper body is forced to continue moving to the right because of the contact with his teammate.

I also don't see anything that makes me certain that anything was intentional, but will say that I have never seen a hockey player end in the position that Petgrave did. It's very bizarre


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Logan Cooley was a guest on the Spittin Chiclets podcast - he’s introduced at 1:13:02 


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Posted by: @dxmnkd316

Oh, and I think every league including the NHL should require neck guards. Given the immediate and dire nature of the injury and extreme consequences  

I hope the NCAA makes a stand and requires it. I have very little hope with the NHL, too much tough man personality defines that league. But I do think the NCAA, if they care about student athletes will put player safety up front.

penguins have required it for all eligible teams in their system. 


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Logan Cooley gets his first NHL goal.


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Posted by: @minnesota_knies218

Logan Cooley was a guest on the Spittin Chiclets podcast - he’s introduced at 1:13:02 


Cooley described the Olympic ice sheet he played on last year at Mariucci as an “Ocean” lol

Also said he liked an NHL size sheet better. If he’d returned he would have dominated with his speed & skill, but clearly was ready for the jump. 

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I’ve seen one angle of the incident and it’s a grainy video on my phone. Though I’ve seen people claim on social media they’ve seen multiple angles and multiple videos. To me it looks like a freak one of kind accident with no intention to injure. It’s just the way sports roll. I’ve seen other injuries in basketball and football that leaves you scratching your head. Thinking it’s not intentional, but how in the world did that just happen.

Keep your stick on the ice...

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Last year's team was incredible. ? 

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I was recently informed by a GPLer that I'm related to Airey

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I was recently informed by a GPLer that I'm related to Airey

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I was recently informed by a GPLer that I'm related to Airey

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Posted by: @frozen4champs


That jacket is incredible. Just wish it fit him *ahem* a hair better


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“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”

― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal

Leopold Level Golden
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Just a lovely, touching story in The Athletic today by Russo, on the late Adam Johnson. 


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Posted by: @greyeagle


Knies on a line with Marner and Matthews... what a spot for him to get drafted. 


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Posted by: @youngeagle

Posted by: @greyeagle


Knies on a line with Marner and Matthews... what a spot for him to get drafted. 


Knies is big, skilled & a good skater, screen’s goal & can finish in close…a nice complimentary player for Marner & Matthews


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Posted by: @bearpaw28

Posted by: @youngeagle

Posted by: @greyeagle


Knies on a line with Marner and Matthews... what a spot for him to get drafted. 


Knies is big, skilled & a good skater, screen’s goal & can finish in close…a nice complimentary player for Marner & Matthews



Similar line composition to Jimmy and Cooley actually, playing with a sniper and a playmaker. 


Slap Shot
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Ahem - Mathews compliments him.   ? 

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Lettieri scores with his grandfather doing color. 

Mayasich Level Moderator Golden
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“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”

― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal

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I keep saying give the Tonka kid more ice time.

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This is a cool give away for his 1,000th game.

I was recently informed by a GPLer that I'm related to Airey

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Cool of them to include a Gophers photo in that set. 

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Guy that cut Adam Johnson has been arrested.

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Posted by: @norm

Guy that cut Adam Johnson has been arrested.

Read a couple of articles from today and it's interesting they don't name him right away or at all. One article had his name in the last paragraph as Matt Petgrave. And his name has been made public ever since the incident happened. 


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I only found Barstool naming him so far, and the source they used didn’t name him at all. Strange. 

It makes sense that he’d be taken in I guess, but it could also be someone in charge of emergency services at the arena, or something else similar. 


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Matt Petgrave was also given a standing ovation the other for his first night back after the incident.

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Border Gopher
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The not naming him thing is a British thing.  I've seen it plenty following English soccer.

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