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I've watched that video like 5 times now LoL
It's not often that I find myself legitimately anxious for a game to come out, but I cannot wait to get my hands on GTA V.

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I sore I would never buy a PS4 or Xbox Whatever. This game may change things...

Lucia Level
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@dxmnkd316 wrote:

I sore I would never buy a PS4 or Xbox Whatever. This game may change things...

As of right now GTA V isn't set to be released on next gen systems. Just PS3, 360, and possibly PC

Wooger Level Golden
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@dxmnkd316 wrote:

I sore I would never buy a PS4 or Xbox Whatever. This game may change things...

As of now, GTA V is not scheduled to be released on either PS4 or Xbox One. I can't imagine that'll always be the case.

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Considering that both next-gen systems have effectively the same hardware (save for a few subtle but game-changing differences), I can't imagine it not being one of the major headliners for both systems come Christmas. That would be a rather myopic choice for an industry struggling to stay above the water.

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I'd actually be surprised if GTA V is ever released on a next gen console. I remember reading an article where one of the GTA devs said something to the effect of: "The best games are released at the end of a console's life cycle, and we think GTA V is going to be the crown jewel of the current generation."

Lucia Level Golden
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Why does GTA V have to be released right when classes get going?!? Productivity is going to be at an all time low. Dang you Rockstar!! :anger:


Steve MN
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Definitely going to need to pick this up when it comes out. Looks :censored: amazing.

B1G refs... corrupt, or just incompetent?

Brooks Level Golden
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I was a video game junkie in jr. high, high school and a little bit at college. Old school NES. I just can't get myself into it any more. It looks fun and interesting. It's just for me the controller is to much. I'm fine with a couple of buttons. Now days, these controller have way to many buttons.

Keep your stick on the ice...

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This changes EVERYTHING

Leopold Level
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@gopherguy13 wrote:

"The best games are released at the end of a console's life cycle, and we think GTA V is going to be the crown jewel of the current generation."

I was just thinking about this randomly today. Chances it's the best ever on both consoles? Opinions on the best from old consoles?

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I guess I disagree with the sentiment that the best games are released at the end of a console's life cycle. When I think of the greatest games of all time, I think:

Goldeneye (11 months after N64 release)
Super Mario Bros 3 (Five years after NES)
Ocarina of Time (Two years after N64)
Mario 64 (Day 1 N64)
Super Mario World (Day 1 SNES)
Final Fantasy 7 & 8 (Two years after PS)
Earthbound (Four years after SNES)

Nearly all came at the beginning or near the middle... I've always thought the games at the end of a console's life were typically quite mediocre. Maybe this could be because the headline games are typically developed for the upcoming console. So in effect, maybe this /is/ true.

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@dxmnkd316 wrote:

Goldeneye (11 months after N64 release)
Ocarina of Time (Two years after N64)
Mario 64 (Day 1 N64)

Able to pick one? Thinking about it earlier I figured most people would say Goldeneye or Mario, and I think Goldeneye has a bigger cult following. WAYNE GRETZKY'S 3D HOCKEY?! lol we skipped from NES (Super Mario 3 all day) to Sega (hmmmm) then to 64. Then I got my own consoles for the first time and went PS1-PS2-PS3. PS2 I'd probably say GTA3 or San Andreas.


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Warning: Horrifyingly long post ahead. (But probably worth reading :) )

The consoles I owned and the best game for each. Justifications follow below.

NES: Super Mario Bros 3 - 1990
SNES: Earthbound - 1995
Gameboy (old school): Pokemon Red & Blue - 1998
N64: Ocarina of Time - 1998
PS: Final Fantasy VIII (Yes 8) - 1999
PS2: Final Fantasy X - 2001
PS3: Red Dead Redemption - 2010
PC: This is a fool's errand I'm not even going to attempt. Diablo II, MechWarrior 2, Wolfenstein (Mechahitler. Nuff said), Star Wars KOTR 1 or 2, Sim CIty 2000, StarCraft... Far, far too many to even think about.

NES was hard only because I was so young at the time. I looked up IGN's top 100 list and I couldn't believe how many games I had played. All of which took up a significant portion of my childhood. Duck Hunt is an honorable mention here. But let's be honest, there can only be one choice here.

SNES was probably the toughest of the lot. With such games as Chrono Trigger, Earthbound, Super Metroid, Super Mario World, Super Mario RPG, Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, any of which I could see an argument for greatest game of all time (except for SMRPG), it's not easy at all. The story in each of these games trumps nearly everything that's been released since. To try and pick one based on merits is impossible. You almost have to differentiate between them based on emotion alone.

I think the easiest of the lot was Gameboy. Nothing even came close to Pokemon. Maybe Tetris, but let's be honest, it wasn't even made for Gameboy, it was ported. Link's Awakening was also a great game, but nowhere near the impact that Pokemon had.

N64 was very difficult. There were a number of games I consider to be truly revolutionary. It was a toss-up between Ocarina of Time, Goldeneye, and Mario 64. Mario 64 was, at it's time, unapproachable for the paradigm shift to 3D. Think about that for a second. This was the game that held our hand as we ventured into a completely new dimension. It represented a complete new generation of video games and the first big step in the push for quality graphics (aside from the additional dimension). We probably owe much of the beautiful graphics in today's games to Mario 64. Then there was Starfox 64 and Goldeneye. Both truly amazing games. I don't think many people who read the video games threads can say they haven't played Goldeneye. Not many games can claim that. It's one that always pops up in discussions of greatest games of all time. I still remember playing rowskex 3 v 1 with remote mines in The Facility and he beat us something like 30-1. Stunning. In the end, I had to give it to Ocarina because of the depth of gameplay. You could lose yourself in this game unlike many games before. It also pushed the bounds in terms of impressive landscapes and graphical quality. The story was superb. Plus it wasn't a completely linear game. It really is one of the greatest games of all time.

Playstation, for me, was easy because I absolutely fell in love with the story of FFVIII. Almost as much as Earthbound. I know some are going to be stunned by this selection since it followed what most FF connoisseurs would select as the greatest game in the series (VII). The other games that almost made it were Chrono Cross and Metal Gear Solid. Chrono Cross to this day has the greatest soundtrack ever released for a game. Maybe best soundtrack of anything (movies, games, whatever). I find it terribly sad that so many people didn't get it experience this game. It didn't have a great reception, but this Gamespot review is a must read: /" onclick=";return false; . MGS also had a story that played out like an action movie with a great script. Add to that the truly innovative gameplay and you had an instant classic.

Playstation 2 was when I first started to pay for my own games. So I had to be careful which games I bought because I had to earn them. Unfortunately, I feel like this was the generation where video games began to lose their soul. Gone were the days where you could create a masterpiece without fear of shareholders destroying the company if it tanked. Everyone was more concerned with making money as opposed to creating a classic. There were some amazingly bright spots in a dull field though. GTA III was mind-blowing. I vividly remember discussing this game with a number of classmates back in high school, not many games where I can say that. There was also Vice City which improved on the massive innovative effort that 3 put forth. And I'll even throw ESPN NFL 2k5 in here because it was, to this day, the greatest football game of all time. It was so good that it's the only one I uniquely remember. It was so good that it forced EA to start shelling out massive sums of money for exclusivity (which in turn made the Madden series into an absolute dreck not worth owning). For me, the final decision was quite easy here because no game before or since have I logged 200+ hours into a single playthrough while STILL not "completing" the game. I have never had so many nights that turned into mornings while playing a game. Dozens of nights where I would hear my parents leave for work in the summer before I turned off the console. I still remember a few nights that lasted until almost noon before I would turn it off. The characters, the story, the side games and missions, the graphics, the music, everything. This was one of the last masterpieces I can recall when it came to a console-based game.

Of all of the consoles, amazingly, the PS3 was the most disappointing. I felt like most of the games were the equivalent of a Michael Bay sequel. Just an overbudget explosiongasm. Sure the graphics have improved in subsequent games, and more lead has been pumped into the bad guys with ever-increasing efficiency, and never have we seen such beautifully crafted stadiums and arenas in our sports games. But the stories have taken a severe beating. I can't rank games like MLB: The Show 2010 up here, but these were the games I played the most. I'm sure there are a lot of people who are going to say games like Mass Effect #, Uncharted #, or even Elder Scrolls #. Maybe even GTA IV. I honestly think that GTA peaked (for now) on the PS2 with Vice City. Honestly though, none of the games on PS3 pulled me in and made me forget about the world like the first seven generations of consoles. Is it because I'm now an employed homeowner and not able to dump countless hours into it? Or is it that much of the development dollars went into producing sequels to games the studios knew would sell while sacrificing what gave video games their soul. Tell me, when's the last time that a video game truly pulled at your emotions. Where the story made you enraged (not because of the difficulty of the game but the story) because you were so emotionally invested. When was the last time you had to put down the controller and take a break because you went through a heart-wrenching scene as one of the characters suffered a mortal blow? I can't remember, but you can be damned sure it wasn't on the PS3. Some of the indie games coming out now are nice, but I really can't classify them as greatest of all time. Of all the games on this system, Red Dead Redeption is the only one that still makes an impression on me. It was the only "epic" game I came close to finishing.

I'm not going to include anything on the iPhone/Android because none of these games have anything to add. These are all great time-wasters with truly mediocre (at best) development. Despite what seems like billions of downloads, can you really claim that Angry Birds is one of the greatest games of all time? Absolutely not.

TLDR? I pity everyone born after 1990. I really do.

The Rube
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Best repeat-playing games I've owned:

NHL 95 Genesis
Twisted Metal 2 PS1
Romance Of The Three Kingdoms PS2
Super Monkey Ball (party game edition, with the monkey-flying-in-a-hamster-ball game) PS2

I've never tired of them. Ever.

When you tell somebody somethin', it depends on what part of the United States you're standin' in... as to just how dumb you are.

Lucia Level
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For those of you that don't know, you can download Assassins Creed 2 for free on Xbox Live right now if you have Gold membership

Lucia Level Golden
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To follow up on favorite games of different consoles...

NES: blades of steel, Battletoads, RBI baseball, river city ransom
Sega genesis: nba live 95 and sonic 2
Ps2: San Andreas and gran turismo 4
Ps3: mass effect 2, skyrim and fifa series
PC: where do I start... Tie fighter, Warcraft 2, doom 2, medieval TW, kotor, mass effect 1

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Goddamn you Nintendo. I have never, ever experienced the need to buy a system to play a single game. This Earthbound thing is screwing with the "dx, spend your money wisely and not like an asstard" part of my brain...

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@gopherguy13 wrote:

State of Decay - XBL Arcade game


This game looks awesome, and it's only $20. Exactly the type of zombie game I've been waiting for, one that actually stresses survival and strategy. Imagine if this was a full game with a full budget. Damn, it would be awesome.

This game still looks really fun, I'll probably download it soon. Reading online, people seem to be really enjoying it.

Just got this game tonight, and I've been playing it for a couple hours. It's really fun so far. Surprisingly deep and in depth for a $20 XBL Arcade game. Graphics aren't awesome, but I weren't expecting them to be.

If I have been playing a game for a couple hours and still don't feel like I have a grasp on everything yet, it's usually a good sign for me!

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@gopherguy13 wrote:

@gopherguy13 wrote:

State of Decay - XBL Arcade game


This game looks awesome, and it's only $20. Exactly the type of zombie game I've been waiting for, one that actually stresses survival and strategy. Imagine if this was a full game with a full budget. Damn, it would be awesome.

This game still looks really fun, I'll probably download it soon. Reading online, people seem to be really enjoying it.

Just got this game tonight, and I've been playing it for a couple hours. It's really fun so far. Surprisingly deep and in depth for a $20 XBL Arcade game. Graphics aren't awesome, but I weren't expecting them to be.

If I have been playing a game for a couple hours and still don't feel like I have a grasp on everything yet, it's usually a good sign for me!

? ;)


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I don't even have my phone to blame, I was on my computer when I typed that Shock
I don't know what to say about that one LoL

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It happens. It's why I triple check every e-mail or document I send out at work. Every now and then I find a gem like that in my documents. I usually get a good laugh.

Lucia Level Golden
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@CRS wrote:



Can't wait. A month ago I knew it was going to be the best game ever made. And it just keeps getting better.

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Just played the NHL 14 demo.

I will admit that I was pretty underwhelmed by the list of improvements they made this year, but playing the demo I am very impressed by what I'm seeing.

-The hitting looks fantastic! Very well done. Too many big collisions, but the demo is their default sliders, so those can be tuned down.
-The fighting is 1000x better. I never fought in NHL games, but now I might actually do it because it's pretty fun! The players on the ice and on the bench actually stay there now! LoL I also love that it's contextual. Dennis Seidenberg NAILED Jonathan Toews in the corner, Sheldon Brookbank thought it was excessive and threw down the gloves immediately. Pretty cool to see.
-I like the one touch dekes, and I like that guys like Handzus and Bollig cannot do them as effectively as Kane and Toews

Lucia Level Golden
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Haven't had the chance to download the demo yet. Have they changed the commentators? Or is it still Gary Thorne and that other guy?

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@CRS wrote:

Haven't had the chance to download the demo yet. Have they changed the commentators? Or is it still Gary Thorne and that other guy?

Haha, nope. Still Thorne and Clement.

Commentary and presentation is definitely the most stale part of the game. Apparently they're waiting til next gen to fix it.


Lucia Level Golden
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@gopherguy13 wrote:

@CRS wrote:

Haven't had the chance to download the demo yet. Have they changed the commentators? Or is it still Gary Thorne and that other guy?

Haha, nope. Still Thorne and Clement.

Commentary and presentation is definitely the most stale part of the game. Apparently they're waiting til next gen to fix it.

Yeah, I cant even listen to commentary on sports games anymore. I just ended turning it off. Feels like a much more realistic experience.

Lucia Level Golden
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A little underwhelmed by the demo. I'll probably skip this years version. Lately I've enjoyed the FIFA games more anyways.

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FIFA's definitely my favorite sports game. It's the only sports game I actually get mad at.

God forbid someone dead fishes me online...

Lucia Level
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I know SouthTexGopher will agree with this


Lucia Level Golden
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@GrandForksGopher wrote:

I know SouthTexGopher will agree with this


Shock Can't wait!

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Pre-ordered GTA V yesterday.

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Lucia Level Golden
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It doesn't help that GTA V is coming out right when school starts to pick up. And then FIFA 14 comes out a week later.

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Played the FIFA 14 demo earlier today. I was very pleasantly surprised. The new momentum is very very nice. No more sprinting down the wing, stopping on a dime, and cutting in behind the defender for a free run at goal, they actually have to take a few steps to stop from a full sprint.

The ball also seems more lively and realistic, takes players a little longer to corral it at times.

Of course, the sim community is still complaining that the CPU attacks way too much. This isn't a big deal to me, because I had it tuned where the CPU would actually have a pretty decent build up instead of just attacking like crazy.

Broten Level Golden
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The map size is baffling in GTA V considering the restrictions of the DVD platform. I think I read somewhere that they have to do an 8GB add on (for Xbox) along with the disk, because of the amount of memory the game uses. Also, it's worth noting that the PS3 has non of these problems with their Blu-Ray disk format.

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@YoungEagle wrote:

The map size is baffling in GTA V considering the restrictions of the DVD platform. I think I read somewhere that they have to do an 8GB add on (for Xbox) along with the disk, because of the amount of memory the game uses. Also, it's worth noting that the PS3 has non of these problems with their Blu-Ray disk format.

GTA V will require an 8GB download on both 360 and PS3.

The only difference is that the 360 has an install disc, whereas the PS3 just downloads from the game disc.

Broten Level Golden
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i must have read that wrong then

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Some guy named jsticks559 got a hold of GTA V early, he's posting videos and pics on his instagram.

No plot spoilers, from what I've seen on there. Game looks gorgeous. Someone hacked his instagram earlier and put a bunch of porn on it trying to get him banned LoL
edit: Just read that this game had a budget of $265 million. The only Hollywood movie with a bigger budget than that was Pirates of the Caribbean 3 Shock
I feel like a 10 year old waiting for Christmas day...

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@gopherguy13 wrote:

Played the FIFA 14 demo earlier today. I was very pleasantly surprised. The new momentum is very very nice. No more sprinting down the wing, stopping on a dime, and cutting in behind the defender for a free run at goal, they actually have to take a few steps to stop from a full sprint.

The ball also seems more lively and realistic, takes players a little longer to corral it at times.

Of course, the sim community is still complaining that the CPU attacks way too much. This isn't a big deal to me, because I had it tuned where the CPU would actually have a pretty decent build up instead of just attacking like crazy.

Have they fixed how the cpu defenders react when you call in a second one? It's incredibly annoying when you control a defender and then you call in the CPU defender to (ideally) attack and surprise the guy with the ball, but instead the cpu defender just stands there. Makes it incredibly hard to get possession back when you double team and the cpu is completely useless.


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So.... Close....

Picking it up between school and work tomorrow. Gonna kill me to have it sitting in my backpack until work's done at 9 LoL

Lucia Level Golden
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I'm holding off on GTA V until I have more time in the winter. Plus I got NHL 14 and EASHL is alot of fun!

Leopold Level Golden
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GTA V release day! Just waiting on my Amazon box drop. Though, realistically, I have no time to play it so it will just look nice next to my PS3.

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I'm @ work and having GTA withdrawals

Grabbed a plane and flew across the map, holy crap it's massive.

I love the character switching. Fun to pop around and see what the characters are up to since you've last played with them. Popped in on Franklin earlier today as he was getting cussed out by some homeless guy LoL

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@mjarz02 wrote:

I'm holding off on GTA V until I have more time in the winter. Plus I got NHL 14 and EASHL is alot of fun!

how is 14? worth upgrading over 13.

'29, '40, '74, '76, '79, '02, & '03
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Lucia Level Golden
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I think the skating is better and goalie reactions are more realistic but the difference isn't that much. If you want the roster update and like to play online I'd upgrade. Otherwise wait til you see a deal online

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@mjarz02 wrote:

I think the skating is better and goalie reactions are more realistic but the difference isn't that much. If you want the roster update and like to play online I'd upgrade. Otherwise wait til you see a deal online

I heard gameplay is a lot more realistic (cheap shots after the whistle draw fights, fighting engine is way more realistic, etc.)
Haven't played it yet but am really considering buying it since last one I bought was NHL 11 Oops


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@Beauner wrote:

@mjarz02 wrote:

I think the skating is better and goalie reactions are more realistic but the difference isn't that much. If you want the roster update and like to play online I'd upgrade. Otherwise wait til you see a deal online

I heard gameplay is a lot more realistic (cheap shots after the whistle draw fights, fighting engine is way more realistic, etc.)
Haven't played it yet but am really considering buying it since last one I bought was NHL 11 Oops
Drop 11 like a bad habit and pick up 13 or 14 for the new skating engine. Makes the game 10000000000000000x better.

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