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Things That Stick In Your Craw

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Mariucci Level Golden
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Every day I have multiple clients who walk in the building at appointment time, or are pulling into the parking lot at “appointment time”.   It takes a few minutes to get them checked in, roomed, and myself notified they are ready.  I lose out in this equation because I’ve lost minutes of time, which I often get to recoup by doing my paperwork after hours, on my own time vs. the time I had allotted. 
On time means you are ready for you actual appointment at the scheduled time.  Not one minute away, not on the boulevard, not walking in the door. 

In my personal opinion being early is a courtesy and a lost art.  The younger generations are more preoccupied with “their time” and they don’t realize that even showing up “on time” is cutting into someone else’s precious time.  Most folks seem to think walking in the door five minutes past their scheduled appointment is okay.  It’s downright rude imho.  I don’t care if traffic was bad - you know this is always the case.  Plan ahead.  

On line yeah, I suppose logging in at 10:59:59 for an 11:00 meeting can be considered on time, however in a physical setting that is not on time.  

That’s my old lady rant for the day. ?

g-manpuck and Slap Shot reacted
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@cowgirl I get families arguing and complaining because I won't see them when they are 15+ minutes late to their 20 minute appointment...  ?

The Rube
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If you're on time, you're already 5 minutes late. 

When you tell somebody somethin', it depends on what part of the United States you're standin' in... as to just how dumb you are.

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Posted by: @the-rube

If you're on time, you're already 5 minutes late. 

To an appointment where it takes time to check in, agreed.

To one of ten webex meetings I have throughout the day, hard disagree. 


trixR4kids and Steve MN reacted
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Adding to the on-time debate... I get tired of co-workers that consistently show up 10 minutes late to meetings and think nothing of it.  Just plain rude to waste other people's time.


Also - regarding the doctor office and being on-time.  We had a situation a couple years ago with our pediatrician office where we had to ask the clinic to not give us appointments with a particular doctor.  She was consistently 20-30 minutes late to appointments (keep in mind we had been going to this clinic for 10+ years and never had issues like this with their other doctors).  I can understand one time of being late if something comes up, but when it's 5 appointments in a row spread over several months, that's a pattern.  We knew it was really bad when she was even late for a telehealth appointment. 

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As a pediatrician myself, I can tell you most pediatricians (and actually most doctors) are behind 20-40 minutes...  You have to remember that they cram appointments in every 20 minutes, so if one person is 10-15 minutes late, you're already 20+ minutes late for every other person the rest of that half day...  And I will argue that if you are actually able to finish every visit in 20 minutes on average, you are likely sacrificing either comprehensiveness OR aren't getting to know the families you are seeing.

And just FYI, your pediatrician being "late" for a telehealth appointment is the same exact scenario as the above--those virtual visits are packed in right next to all the other in person appointments.

It's a perfect illustration of why it's important to be early for every doctor's visit every time.

I apologize profusely when I am more than 10-15 minutes late because I am truly sorry, but I simply cannot help it at all.  The only way to fix your scenario is to see 2/3 the number of families I do, meaning I take a 33% pay cut.  And when my student loans are 1.5x my mortgage, that ain't gonna happen.  I already extend some visits and block off some slots to try to make it right with families, so I do end up taking a 10-15% pay cut relative to other pediatricians in our region (in multiple health systems), but it's a delicate balance.


Greyeagle reacted
Mayasich Level Moderator Golden
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@rowshkex  How do you schedule in "peruse GPL" time into your schedule?  Always looking for creative calendar blocking tricks. ?  ?

Im Busy Out Of Office GIF by CBC

“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”

― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal

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I just think it's funny that doctor/dentist offices will threaten to bill you (or actually will) for an appointment if you're late, but they think nothing of being 30 minutes late themselves (never have had an apology from a doctor or dentist running late).  Something is really wrong with the system if things are booked that tight or if it's a pay thing.  My time is valuable too and it's not easy for me to get off work.

Mariucci Level Golden
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Posted by: @idontknow



I just think it's funny that doctor/dentist offices will threaten to bill you (or actually will) for an appointment if you're late, but they think nothing of being 30 minutes late themselves (never have had an apology from a doctor or dentist running late).  Something is really wrong with the system if things are booked that tight or if it's a pay thing.  My time is valuable too and it's not easy for me to get off work.


I’ve rarely had a doctors appt start on time.  I’ve waited over an hour more than once and have even had to walk out and reschedule my appointment a couple times due to having to get to my own job on time. Medicine is difficult as patients don’t always have things easy to solve and simply cannot fit into short time slots; and while longer appt times would help the docs, we as patients would struggle even more in our overwhelmed healthcare system to get in in a timely manner.  And we all know who gets the money and drives the healthcare industry (hint hint insurance companies and big pharma) and they certainly don’t care for patient advocacy or doctor/nurse pay and quality of life unless it lines their pockets.  

But as rowshkex mentioned, even one patient showing up late (especially when it’s early in the day) can wreck the rest of the day for the doc and all the subsequent patients they see.  So do your part and be EARLY to appointments. 😉


Micheletti Level
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Posted by: @idontknow


I just think it's funny that doctor/dentist offices will threaten to bill you (or actually will) for an appointment if you're late, but they think nothing of being 30 minutes late themselves (never have had an apology from a doctor or dentist running late).  Something is really wrong with the system if things are booked that tight or if it's a pay thing.  My time is valuable too and it's not easy for me to get off work.

I totally agree--the system is incredibly broken.  It's also a problem if a doctor doesn't apologize for running late--families' time is just as important as mine, so if I am running behind I feel terrible--not to mention the kids start losing it when trapped in the 10x10 foot box with nothing to do...  

There isn't a good solution, but every single day it starts with every family being on time (i.e. arriving at least 5 minutes before the appointment) and not trying to cram in multiple things for one visit.  I can't tell you how many times the visit is scheduled as "regular checkup" but then families have several other issues to address.  Our administrators tell us to tell families to come back (which leads to an office visit bill, which is very expensive for most families), but I can't in good conscience do that to families who already might be struggling to make ends meet--but it ultimately takes more time out of the day.

I can't get behind billing people for no-showing or showing up late--our company does NOT do that, and I have a lot of problems with that--but I am in favor of restricting people that no show a bunch.  If families show up late, I do my best to cover what we can, but I definitely skip things that are lower in priority.  It's just not fair to the people after them to do everything that I would normally do.

My no-show and late arrival rates are well above 10-20%--it's crazy.


Micheletti Level
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Posted by: @greyeagle

@rowshkex  How do you schedule in "peruse GPL" time into your schedule?  Always looking for creative calendar blocking tricks. ?  ?


I'd love it if I got "sit down in a chair without someone talking to me for 2 minutes" time in my schedule...  I literally often go room to room without stopping for 4-5 hours at a time, and that's WITH extra time blocked on my schedule as "catch up time"...

But honestly I often have my assistant block random open slots with the excuse, "oh that family probably needs some extra time" just because I don't want to fall so far behind.


Brooks Level Golden
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Working in health care in the lab for over 25 years I have mixed feelings on both charging patients for being late or no show. And I also have mixed feelings on providers running behind. I see A LOT and know that things happen through out the day to throw things off.

Though my two pet peeves are the same patients who are late all the time and being allowed to still have their appointment and making the provider behind for part of or the full day. And the same providers who are consistently running late almost every day. Cause they take on and allow more to go over in the appointment. As well as they don’t know how prioritize their time.

Plus it’s frustrating when appointments run late and providers and nursing are all Carl Lewis’ing out the and the lab is still stuck staying late, running and processing labs.

Keep your stick on the ice...


Brooks Level Golden
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I wish military time was across the board and system wide for anyone, everyone, anything and everything. It's easy, makes sense and not confusing!!! 

Keep your stick on the ice...

Bonin Level
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Re: MN paint and colors

Ok, so this isn't a knock on gator or anyone else, but I hate that they market these as "gopher colors". They're not. They're the closest reasonable facsimile in the color scheme used by whomever is making the medium and the color match.

So you can't take an HTML/CSS color code and bring it to sherwin and get it right  you can't take Pantone to Home Depot and get it right  they're different color systems, completely.  They use different sets of pigments and even picking the same Behr color twice a month apart could yield different colors. it's also why getting the same

So when someone says they got UMN gold or maroon, it's... a representation of it. It's not official  the sherwin Williams one is just licensed.


You absolutely need to use human eyes that are capable color matching to get it right. And it's not easy to get it right on the first batch.


That said, you just need to get samples and test it. Look at it with your own eyes and see if you like it. If you want it close, find a printer capable of doing the Pantone system and get an uncoated sheet of just that color and match it visually in your own house with your lighting. If you like it, GREAT!  That's the only thing that matters.

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The Rube
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The USPS (at times, this is one of those). Ordered something from NY (gee, guess what it's related to). Left NY distro yesterday. Arrived in St Paul distro today. Then shipped to...MPLS distro today? UGH. That means prob Hopkins distro tomorrow, and I get it Sat. WTF is with the MPLS-StP transfer? Why? That is some inefficiency right there.  

When you tell somebody somethin', it depends on what part of the United States you're standin' in... as to just how dumb you are.

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Posted by: @dxmnkd316


Re: MN paint and colors

Ok, so this isn't a knock on gator or anyone else, but I hate that they market these as "gopher colors". They're not. They're the closest reasonable facsimile in the color scheme used by whomever is making the medium and the color match.

So you can't take an HTML/CSS color code and bring it to sherwin and get it right  you can't take Pantone to Home Depot and get it right  they're different color systems, completely.  They use different sets of pigments and even picking the same Behr color twice a month apart could yield different colors. it's also why getting the same

So when someone says they got UMN gold or maroon, it's... a representation of it. It's not official  the sherwin Williams one is just licensed.


You absolutely need to use human eyes that are capable color matching to get it right. And it's not easy to get it right on the first batch.


That said, you just need to get samples and test it. Look at it with your own eyes and see if you like it. If you want it close, find a printer capable of doing the Pantone system and get an uncoated sheet of just that color and match it visually in your own house with your lighting. If you like it, GREAT!  That's the only thing that matters.

I was starting to get pretty good at this at Menards, then I quit. ? 

I’d ask if they just want it “close”, if they said sure I’d only use the color matching device and call it good. If they wanted it “as close as possible” I’d start with the machine, then tinker around with small amounts of various tints manually to really dial it in. Even with that I was disclaiming left and right that it probably won’t be perfect. 


dxmnkd316 reacted
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Posted by: @koho


Did you feel the same when Cooley decommitted from Notre Dame to the Gophers?  


Keep your stick on the ice...

Bonin Level
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Posted by: @karlsson

Posted by: @dxmnkd316


Re: MN paint and colors

Ok, so this isn't a knock on gator or anyone else, but I hate that they market these as "gopher colors". They're not. They're the closest reasonable facsimile in the color scheme used by whomever is making the medium and the color match.

So you can't take an HTML/CSS color code and bring it to sherwin and get it right  you can't take Pantone to Home Depot and get it right  they're different color systems, completely.  They use different sets of pigments and even picking the same Behr color twice a month apart could yield different colors. it's also why getting the same

So when someone says they got UMN gold or maroon, it's... a representation of it. It's not official  the sherwin Williams one is just licensed.


You absolutely need to use human eyes that are capable color matching to get it right. And it's not easy to get it right on the first batch.


That said, you just need to get samples and test it. Look at it with your own eyes and see if you like it. If you want it close, find a printer capable of doing the Pantone system and get an uncoated sheet of just that color and match it visually in your own house with your lighting. If you like it, GREAT!  That's the only thing that matters.

I was starting to get pretty good at this at Menards, then I quit. ? 

I’d ask if they just want it “close”, if they said sure I’d only use the color matching device and call it good. If they wanted it “as close as possible” I’d start with the machine, then tinker around with small amounts of various tints manually to really dial it in. Even with that I was disclaiming left and right that it probably won’t be perfect. 


exactly how they do that in pro color match. Project I'm on right now has a billion-dollar business doing just that. It's entirely hand-picked humans doing the final match and approving the lots. 

The color pet peeve predates this project. It just scratched a lot of itches and it has some really interesting chemical engineering issues. 


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Posted by: @gator

Posted by: @koho


Did you feel the same when Cooley decommitted from Notre Dame to the Gophers?  


No because that one was good Smile


Brooks Level Golden
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Posted by: @dxmnkd316

Ok, so this isn't a knock on gator or anyone else, but I hate that they market these as "gopher colors". They're not. They're the closest reasonable facsimile in the color scheme used by whomever is making the medium and the color match.

Thanks for letting me know and I don't take it as a knock.  I went into Sherwin with the colors info I had and they already had it in the system. Either way its close enough to what I want (you've seen it at my house warming party) and I'm not going to fuss over a couple pigments. 


Keep your stick on the ice...

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Posted by: @gator

Posted by: @dxmnkd316

Ok, so this isn't a knock on gator or anyone else, but I hate that they market these as "gopher colors". They're not. They're the closest reasonable facsimile in the color scheme used by whomever is making the medium and the color match.

Thanks for letting me know and I don't take it as a knock.  I went into Sherwin with the colors info I had and they already had it in the system. Either way its close enough to what I want (you've seen it at my house warming party) and I'm not going to fuss over a couple pigments.

and your gopher room looked great! I remember telling my wife that your room looked amazing 

gator reacted
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Is it too much to ask that I be able to post a tweet without some slut liking or replying to the comment in an effort to drum up business for her private porn business?


I am not going to pay to see you diddle yourself because you liked my opinion of the Gopher jerseys.


No offense Dillo….

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Twitter has turned into a superfund. 


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I want to flick every person who says "skate with your head up" in the forehead for the rest of the season.  Such a dumb statement. 

I am the official Iowa Hawkeye football fan of GPL!

gator reacted
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Last night going to the funeral for the 12 year old girl that lives directly across the street from us. Love your kids, invest in your kids, love your neighbor and friends, love a stranger. The world is backwards spiral and people need to know they are someone and loved. My heart breaks for my neighbors and the pain in their eyes. I talked to the dad Friday and just embraced him with our condolences and love. I told don't hesitate to ask for anything. I told him I mow their lawn on Saturday and if you need anything else to reach. Last night at the funeral I gave hugs and embraced both the mom and dad. And again let them know how much we care and don't hesitate to ask for anything. I told their young son he is welcomed anytime to come over play with the kids if he needs to get out of the house to get away. They have had lots of support in the last week from friends and family since their daughter passed, but now the funeral is over and lives move on.  This is when they still need that continuing support and I told my wife we'll do our best to be that family who shows that love.  Both my church and the church that borders my backyard have also reached out to me, to let me know that if they anything as well, to let them know. 

Keep your stick on the ice...

Kelly Red
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THIS! ??. Friends told us it was hardest 2-3 months after when other people have moved on.  Or a year later on the anniversary of the death.  Or people never mentioning their child again, afraid to open wounds.  But they want to talk and have you talk about their child, a memory, a funny story.  

Note: Due to inflation dirty deeds will no longer be done dirt cheap.

Steve MN
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Just got an e-mail from the U that they're getting rid of Lot C33.  Nice and close to Mariucci, but easy to get in and out of, unlike Lot C37.

We just can't have nice things.

B1G refs... corrupt, or just incompetent?

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Development happens. Surface parking lots aren't the best use of land in most cases.

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I just wish the U would do something about gameday traffic on football days.

Steve MN
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I get that development happens, but, I've had parking ticket in that lot for years now, and it works great, now, they're getting rid of it, and there aren't other good options in the area, so not sure what they're going to stick me with.

B1G refs... corrupt, or just incompetent?

Micheletti Level
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33 isn't that different from Maroon is it?  Or is it that it's very small so it's just fewer cars?

I'm considering getting a parking pass even though we only go to 6-10 games per year because I HATE having to park in the ramp on high-attendance games, especially with kids who hate waiting for anything...  And so I'm debating between 37 and Maroon lot...

Wooger Level
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Posted by: @steve-mn

I get that development happens, but, I've had parking ticket in that lot for years now, and it works great, now, they're getting rid of it, and there aren't other good options in the area, so not sure what they're going to stick me with.

Probably gonna give you the option of 37 or the TCF one. General public will have fewer chances for 37, so the ramps will get busier. 


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Posted by: @rowshkex

33 isn't that different from Maroon is it?  Or is it that it's very small so it's just fewer cars?

I'm considering getting a parking pass even though we only go to 6-10 games per year because I HATE having to park in the ramp on high-attendance games, especially with kids who hate waiting for anything...  And so I'm debating between 37 and Maroon lot...



it's like 200 dollarydoos.  Think of it as $20 to park. Just tell one of the kids they don't get to go to one of the national parks this year. 

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Posted by: @dxmnkd316

Posted by: @rowshkex

33 isn't that different from Maroon is it?  Or is it that it's very small so it's just fewer cars?

I'm considering getting a parking pass even though we only go to 6-10 games per year because I HATE having to park in the ramp on high-attendance games, especially with kids who hate waiting for anything...  And so I'm debating between 37 and Maroon lot...

it's like 200 dollarydoos.  Think of it as $20 to park. Just tell one of the kids they don't get to go to one of the national parks this year. 

I'll pay you the difference to watch our kids for a few days so we can go without them...  ?


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Hawkeye fans that just can't get past this whole punt return play from last weekend.  Today is the first day that my Twitter feed, which yes is full of Hawkeye stuff, is just not post after post of people just pissing and moaning about it.  It happened.  It was the correct call in the end.  Should it been handled better in real time.  Yup, but it didn't.  That ONE damn play didn't determine the outcome of the game.  Two BLEEPING yards of offense in the second half determined the outcome of that game.  Half a dozen over throws by our chubby QB determined the outcome of that game.  Our porous and god awful OL determined the outcome of that game.


I'm glad that Iowa's bye week is this week because right now I need a break.  It's too bad that Iowa's numerous short comings will still be there next week in Chicago vs. Northwestern.  The one thing you WILL NOT see next week...Cooper DeJean moving his damn arms unless he is for damn sure going to fair catch the ball.

I am the official Iowa Hawkeye football fan of GPL!


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I have Minneagasco Service Plus, I am set to have a tech stop by today to fix an issue with my furnace. I received a call at 9am the tech was on his way. He never showed up I called their customer service line at 10am they told me he had to go to another location for a gas issue first and Imam his next stop, I called again at 11am,12pm and 1pm they told me there is nothing they can do. I asked to speak to a supervisor and they told me the supervisor can not do anything ?


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Once again Rolling Stone can't be trusted to compile a list of musicians without making themselves look foolish.  They published the Top 250 guitarist list this month and it is just ridiculous.  They extended their attributes for this list over their last one from 2011 so it includes many lesser knowns to the masses but talented no less which I do applaud.  There are some players that are just ridiculously low on the list, some way too high, and some completely left on the outside looking in.  In my opinion this list was compiled for clicks and much less for quality.  I guess decide for yourself.

I am the official Iowa Hawkeye football fan of GPL!

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Not going to get into names as that just generates disagreements, but yes, there are a couple omissions which are just ludicrous. Definitely gets an award for how pretentious and attempting to be current and relevant a list can be. 

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Lived in our house for 2.5 years and this is the 3rd voting precinct. First was the church that bordered my back yard. Then is was the church about a mile away on Cedar. Now, it's a church about 2 miles away on Dodd.  For the 25 plus years in Mpls. I had two. And they across the street from each other about a block from my place. 

Keep your stick on the ice...

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Wife had a flat when she left for work.  I am as able to get enough air in the tire to take it to the repair shop.  I didn’t dress for cold weather.  But I happened to pick the day they are removing all the glass to replace the entire window system of the lobby.


cold as hell

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Ridiculous tweets by the Hawkeye fanbase this weekend.  Tweeting about Iowa being 8-2 and not ranked in the AP Top 25.  I, for one, do NOT believe Iowa should be ranked in the top 25 just because they are 8-2.  Then equally as ridiculous are the tweets that Iowa is "one bad call away from 9-1".  Get over it, 2 yards of offense is why Iowa is not 9-1.  Before that day 99% of America didn't know about a "invalid fair catch signal" but we didn't lose because of that one play.


Then there is this jackwagon.  He is a sports reporter for a tv station in Des Moines, bad look to take a shot at the most popular sports team in the state you work in.  Yes, you can have your opinion but to trying to speak for the Hawkeye fanbase that we don't feel good about the chance to win the West and have a chance to get our ass kicked by Ohio State or Michigan?  Sorry dude, even as bad as this team may be we'll take the banner if we win the West and take a chance to win the B1G...even though we won't.  There are six other teams and fanbases that would switch with Iowa in a heartbeat for a chance to be in the championship game.

I am the official Iowa Hawkeye football fan of GPL!

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Hate being sick, cause I'm sick very, very seldom. I've gone up to over 2 years without a sick call at work. Though when I do get sick, I get sick. I test negative for covid and just have a severe sore throat. Surprising I don't get sick more often, since I deal with sick people all day long. As well running rapid streps and processing covid and flu testing.

I've always been very anti prescript medications and most over the counter medications. I especially hate most to all nighttime cough syrups... they make me hallucinate more giving a good night sleep. 

Keep your stick on the ice...

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It's been nearly a month and Iowa fan still won't let it rest with illegal fair catch on social media. I see stuff posted almost daily. More than likely Iowa is going to win the Big West and go to Indy to play either Michigan or Ohio State. Good for them., they deserve it.. though Iowa isn't going anywhere in Indy as long as Brian Ferentz is the OC. The only thing from Iowa being 8-2 to 2-8 is their defense. 

Keep your stick on the ice...

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Someone once misread my screen name and called me naked tussin.  Thought I was DXM (Robitussin) and nkd. 

Mayasich Level Moderator Golden
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Posted by: @dxmnkd316

Someone once misread my screen name and called me naked tussin.  Thought I was DXM (Robitussin) and nkd. 

Imagine combining two words into one one perplexing one?  ? ?  

(btw I like it and the presentation Hanson gave during the reveal was really cool)


“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”

― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal

dxmnkd316 reacted
Bonin Level
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Posted by: @greyeagle

Posted by: @dxmnkd316

Someone once misread my screen name and called me naked tussin.  Thought I was DXM (Robitussin) and nkd. 

Imagine combining two words into one one perplexing one?  ? ?  

(btw I like it and the presentation Hanson gave during the reveal was really cool)



this took me a second

its funny because all of us chemical engineers were like "solvent, ummmmmm?"


Brooks Level Golden
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Posted by: @gator

Hate being sick, cause I'm sick very, very seldom. I've gone up to over 2 years without a sick call at work. Though when I do get sick, I get sick. I test negative for covid and just have a severe sore throat. Surprising I don't get sick more often, since I deal with sick people all day long. As well running rapid streps and processing covid and flu testing.

I've always been very anti prescript medications and most over the counter medications. I especially hate most to all nighttime cough syrups... they make me hallucinate more giving a good night sleep. 

could you have strep?



Brooks Level Golden
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Negative on that as well.

Keep your stick on the ice...

Slap Shot
Mariucci Level Golden
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Posted by: @dxmnkd316

Someone once misread my screen name and called me naked tussin.  Thought I was DXM (Robitussin) and nkd. 

btw what the heck is your name from if you can share?


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