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Things That Stick In Your Craw

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Mariucci Level Golden
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Posted by: @composer

People have been saying that Minnesota was the 2nd seeded team when Holy Cross beat them.  This article from the Gopher website (dated 2006) says they were the top-seeded team.  Can someone explain the discrepancy?


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They were the top seeded team in the regional.  I cannot find the full ranking list but according to this we were the second overall number one.



Broten Level Golden
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We are going up to Duluth for the weekend and the Northern Lights forecast earlier in the week pointed to Saturday night having a favorable forecast.  Then last night happened and the Northern Lights blew up for a top 5 all time showing according to some seasoned NL chasers.  Plenty of friends around Mankato have been posting pictures from last night.  By the time I knew they were visible down here I was headed to bed after the Gopher game.


Tomorrow night's NL forecast is okay for up north but nothing like what last night was.  I hope that we can catch a glimpse of them even if we have to drive a little bit north of Duluth to see them.

I am the official Iowa Hawkeye football fan of GPL!

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pairwise for the year in question (MN was 2 holy cross was 22, WI was #1). 

Brooks Level
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Yep and because the Beavers were 30, they slotted in as the 16th when they won the CHA tournament. 

The Rube
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Truck drivers that cannot back into a dock door, straight. Last night's driver took 30 minutes to attempt to do it. Failed. Blamed it on the "snow" that was near the door. Uh, the previous 2 drivers did it perfectly (as did tonight's driver). This week was a fluke, compared to the last year or so. 

I literally have to stand outside, and watch them attempt to get the trailer close enough to use the dock-locks (a giant hook that attaches to the trailer's bumper of sorts). 


I'd say 80% of (company redacted) drivers should not have their effing licenses. It's comical on how one cannot back straight up. 

When you tell somebody somethin', it depends on what part of the United States you're standin' in... as to just how dumb you are.

Micheletti Level Golden
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@the-rube From what I've read about the truck driver shortage over the past several years, trucking companies have probably had to lower their hiring standards.  If they're anything like my company, they'll take just about anyone with a pulse.

The Rube
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Don't get me wrong. They are struggling. Hardcore. Have been for years. But something as simple as backing a truck up straight? That's the simplest of tasks. The hard part is all the chemical/convoy/on the road rules. That sort of thing. 

When you tell somebody somethin', it depends on what part of the United States you're standin' in... as to just how dumb you are.

Brooks Level
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Trailer backing is a thing that never clicks in some brains. Should those brains be in a truck driver’s head? Probably not. But why they are has already been explained. 

The Rube
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I don't have that kind of license. BUT, I've backed in trailers in the past (hindsight, illegally, weight issues of the truck, I didn't know at the time). Straight as an arrow. 

When you tell somebody somethin', it depends on what part of the United States you're standin' in... as to just how dumb you are.

Brooks Level Golden
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Backing up an 18 wheeler takes time. And all truck drivers have their moments. Just like all of us having our moments backing up and parking our 4 wheeled vehicles. Though I assume @the-rube has stories and head scratchers over the years on the dock.

Keep your stick on the ice...

The Rube
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Posted by: @gator

Backing up an 18 wheeler takes time. And all truck drivers have their moments. Just like all of us having our moments backing up and parking our 4 wheeled vehicles. Though I assume @the-rube has stories and head scratchers over the years on the dock.


28 years dealing with truck drivers. I've seem some stone cold aces (the driver tonight nailed the straight away dock on the first try), and had to back around a neighboring truck that was docked.

It does take time, and I don't mind taking time. Just do it correctly. 15-16 times and still can't do it? I question your actual ability. 


When you tell somebody somethin', it depends on what part of the United States you're standin' in... as to just how dumb you are.

Brooks Level Golden
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M-F I’m up between 4-5 to head to work. Almost every morning I can easily fall back to sleep. Though I don’t. Saturdays and Sundays I can actually sleep in tell 6 or 7 and I awake at 5ish bright eyed and bushy tailed… lol!!! I’ve always been stay up late and up early… I’ll get all the sleep I need when I’m dead. Though now that I’m nearing 50, I’m slowing down and would like that extra sleep when I can.

Keep your stick on the ice...


The Rube
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Posted by: @gator

M-F I’m up between 4-5 to head to work. Almost every morning I can easily fall back to sleep. Though I don’t. Saturdays and Sundays I can actually sleep in tell 6 or 7 and I awake at 5ish bright eyed and bushy tailed… lol!!! I’ve always been stay up late and up early… I’ll get all the sleep I need when I’m dead. Though now that I’m nearing 50, I’m slowing down and would like that extra sleep when I can.


Reverse for me. Up at 7:15 for work in the morning, but on weekends, usually up between 6-7. Can't stand it. I crash out at the same time every day, too, unless on vacation. 


When you tell somebody somethin', it depends on what part of the United States you're standin' in... as to just how dumb you are.

Brooks Level Golden
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Just seconds after the Gophers went up 3-1, I get a text about a rental property opportunity turning it into an Air BNB. As well as letting me know one of the maintenance guys I knew and would help out the previous apt. complex died. Just puts a BIG knot in your stomach on a night of fun. After a couple of texts, I let him know I'm done with rental properties, especially in Mpls. 

Keep your stick on the ice...

Brooks Level Golden
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I spent 5 minutes typing out a response for the Gophers vs St Cloud thread and in the time it took me to type the response, the thread was locked and all my recorded whit just disappeared.

Brooks Level Golden
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Sounds like Blaine High School prom was moved from the Macnamara Center at the U to the High School gym due to a “security threat.”

Does anyone know what this is related to?  I’ve been out of town all week and heard no local news.

Mariucci Level Golden
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I walked out of work late last night and forgot my purse, which contained my keys - both for the vehicle, and to get back in the building.  Thank goodness I was watching the Wild on my phone so I had that in my hand and was able to take an Uber home. ?‍♀️

Thankfully we have an attached facility I can get in with a keypad code (but cannot get from here to the main building where my keys were).  Had I not had my phone I would have had to sleep at work.  At least there is a bathroom in there.  ?

I was so excited to leave work I just grabbed my lunch cooler and completely spaced on grabbing my purse as it was hidden behind some other stuff. 
On a positive, there were still almost two full periods of Wild hockey to watch when I got home, and I got extra exercise riding my bike back to work this morning so I didn’t have to pay for another Uber.  (But boy am I out of biking shape - this was the first outdoor bike ride this spring.)

Keys, wallet, phone - always make sure you have them all before you close the locked door behind you!! ???

The Rube
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Spectacles, testicles, wallet, and watch. --Austin Powers

When you tell somebody somethin', it depends on what part of the United States you're standin' in... as to just how dumb you are.

Cowgirl reacted
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My dad taught me “spectacles, testicles, wallet, keys.” Which in this case works….except the testicles.

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Same... every time I leave to go anywhere or get out of my vehicle... pat 1,2 & 3... keys, wallet and cell. 

Keep your stick on the ice...

Stauber Level Golden
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Posted by: @bertogliat

My dad taught me “spectacles, testicles, wallet, keys.” Which in this case works….except the testicles.

Still works. Just don't ask who's.


It's like the joke about donating a kidney and everyone thinks you're a hero.  Donate ten and everyone calls the police.


Stauber Level Golden
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I’m going to miss the late night beers I’ve been enjoying over the winter…

Brooks Level Golden
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Driving up north of Duluth with my wife for a long weekend to celebrate our anniversary. Seeing numerous trees snapped off at the trunk or above. And numerous branches being snapped off pretty much from Hinckley to Duluth. 
Reminds me of when I called the city of Lakeville this past fall asking if I could harvest some of the trees that were snapped off at the trunk or missing branches in the city owned tree groves of my neighborhood.  I was told no because people would complain. He pretty much told me that the problem isn’t you doing it, the problem is people want the firewood for free without harvesting it themselves and will complain.

Keep your stick on the ice...

Brooks Level Golden
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Posted by: @gator

Driving up north of Duluth with my wife for a long weekend to celebrate our anniversary. Seeing numerous trees snapped off at the trunk or above. And numerous branches being snapped off pretty much from Hinckley to Duluth. 
Reminds me of when I called the city of Lakeville this past fall asking if I could harvest some of the trees that were snapped off at the trunk or missing branches in the city owned tree groves of my neighborhood.  I was told no because people would complain. He pretty much told me that the problem isn’t you doing it, the problem is people want the firewood for free without harvesting it themselves and will complain.

yeah.  Hinckley was hit pretty hard. A lot of damage right on the freeway.


gator reacted

Leopold Level Golden
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Hinckley still didn’t completely clean up from the tornado that went through early last summer. The winter storms did not help. 

Steve MN
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Morning people thinking that everyone is like them, completely discounting the thought that on vacation, people might want to sleep in.

B1G refs... corrupt, or just incompetent?

Mariucci Level Golden
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Posted by: @steve-mn

Morning people thinking that everyone is like them, completely discounting the thought that on vacation, people might want to sleep in.

Yes!  Why I always try to stay on the top floor of a hotel; people are like elephants in the wee hours of the morning.  As are kids in the hall at anytime of the day or night….


Mayasich Level Moderator Golden
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Office Space Monday GIF

“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”

― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal

trixR4kids reacted
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GE.  Pure unadulterated trash.  Terribly made products, awful customer service and completely unreliable when service is need.


Over the Pandemic we redid our kitchen.  Bought all new appliances including a sweet new refrigerator.  After 6 months the compressor blew out.  Call to set up our appointment cause it is warrantied and it takes a week.  Fine.  Guy comes in not to fix but to diagnose.  Confirms its the compressor and orders the parts.  Going to take another week.   Fine.  Parts come but they aren't the right ones.  GE needs to resend which delays it another week.  Finally after all that it takes half an hour to replace and update and all is supposed to be well...

8 months to the day later i.e. today:

Get a text from my gf who works at home that the refrigerator is no longer cooling again and that,  yes you guessed it, we need to wait a week for an appointment to look at it.  Might need full replacement which I'm sure won't take any time at all. 

We bought a lot of GE products in our redo...and now it is the countdown to the chaos.  I will never buy from them again.   Pure crap from the cheap manufacturing to the shoddy customer service to the cheapo ineffective way they deal with repairs.

Bonin Level Golden
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@handyman I don't know that it is exclusive to GE.  Sounds similar to stories I have heard about Samsung/LG appliances, and almost exactly like my co-workers experience with a Bosch dishwasher...

Mayasich Level Moderator Golden
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Posted by: @handyman

GE.  Pure unadulterated trash.

Love you, too, buddy!  ? ? ? 


“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”

― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal

HandyNotDan and Composer reacted
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Posted by: @handyman

GE.  Pure unadulterated trash.  Terribly made products, awful customer service and completely unreliable when service is need.


Over the Pandemic we redid our kitchen.  Bought all new appliances including a sweet new refrigerator.  After 6 months the compressor blew out.  Call to set up our appointment cause it is warrantied and it takes a week.  Fine.  Guy comes in not to fix but to diagnose.  Confirms its the compressor and orders the parts.  Going to take another week.   Fine.  Parts come but they aren't the right ones.  GE needs to resend which delays it another week.  Finally after all that it takes half an hour to replace and update and all is supposed to be well...

8 months to the day later i.e. today:

Get a text from my gf who works at home that the refrigerator is no longer cooling again and that,  yes you guessed it, we need to wait a week for an appointment to look at it.  Might need full replacement which I'm sure won't take any time at all. 

We bought a lot of GE products in our redo...and now it is the countdown to the chaos.  I will never buy from them again.   Pure crap from the cheap manufacturing to the shoddy customer service to the cheapo ineffective way they deal with repairs.

We have been in our house for 6 years and we are on our 3rd refrigerator and the current one has already been repaired once under warranty for a broken ice maker and we're already back to an inoperable ice maker.  All of these refrigerators have been in the $3000 to $4000 range.  All have been different models.  I believe we have had GE Profile, Kenmore Elite, and we now have a Frigidaire Gallery.  So I am not buying $10,000+ Subzero fridges, I am buying what should be respectable level of quality. 

I shop smart.  I read reviews.  I avoid crappy product.  I doesn't matter. 

Many of these refrigerators are built by the same company with the same parts.  I think our last was built by LG (though not LG brans) and the CenterPoint guy said they have a known problem that is so bad they refuse to repair the ice maker.  Luckily for me the compressor went out.

My current fridge had an issue making ice, we waited 4-5 months to have a mother board delivered (peak of the computer chip shortage), then it worked fine for 5 months or so before the same issue arose.  I have Centerpoint Service Plus, but I am so sick of having these repairs done that I haven't even bothered to call.


Interestingly the scratch and dent cheap ass white apartment fridge I bought for our garage (extreme temp changes), keeps plugging along with no issues.


HandyNotDan reacted
Steve MN
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Posted by: @greyeagle

Posted by: @handyman

GE.  Pure unadulterated trash.

Love you, too, buddy!  ? ? ? 


schitts creek lol GIF by CBC


B1G refs... corrupt, or just incompetent?

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Posted by: @greyeagle

Posted by: @handyman

GE.  Pure unadulterated trash.

Love you, too, buddy!  ? ? ? 


I won't lie I laughed when I typed that!


Greyeagle reacted
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Posted by: @bertogliat

Posted by: @handyman

GE.  Pure unadulterated trash.  Terribly made products, awful customer service and completely unreliable when service is need.


Over the Pandemic we redid our kitchen.  Bought all new appliances including a sweet new refrigerator.  After 6 months the compressor blew out.  Call to set up our appointment cause it is warrantied and it takes a week.  Fine.  Guy comes in not to fix but to diagnose.  Confirms its the compressor and orders the parts.  Going to take another week.   Fine.  Parts come but they aren't the right ones.  GE needs to resend which delays it another week.  Finally after all that it takes half an hour to replace and update and all is supposed to be well...

8 months to the day later i.e. today:

Get a text from my gf who works at home that the refrigerator is no longer cooling again and that,  yes you guessed it, we need to wait a week for an appointment to look at it.  Might need full replacement which I'm sure won't take any time at all. 

We bought a lot of GE products in our redo...and now it is the countdown to the chaos.  I will never buy from them again.   Pure crap from the cheap manufacturing to the shoddy customer service to the cheapo ineffective way they deal with repairs.

We have been in our house for 6 years and we are on our 3rd refrigerator and the current one has already been repaired once under warranty for a broken ice maker and we're already back to an inoperable ice maker.  All of these refrigerators have been in the $3000 to $4000 range.  All have been different models.  I believe we have had GE Profile, Kenmore Elite, and we now have a Frigidaire Gallery.  So I am not buying $10,000+ Subzero fridges, I am buying what should be respectable level of quality. 

I shop smart.  I read reviews.  I avoid crappy product.  I doesn't matter. 

Many of these refrigerators are built by the same company with the same parts.  I think our last was built by LG (though not LG brans) and the CenterPoint guy said they have a known problem that is so bad they refuse to repair the ice maker.  Luckily for me the compressor went out.

My current fridge had an issue making ice, we waited 4-5 months to have a mother board delivered (peak of the computer chip shortage), then it worked fine for 5 months or so before the same issue arose.  I have Centerpoint Service Plus, but I am so sick of having these repairs done that I haven't even bothered to call.


Interestingly the scratch and dent cheap ass white apartment fridge I bought for our garage (extreme temp changes), keeps plugging along with no issues.


Yeah our repair guy said almost all of that including they are often made by the same factory.  Ours is a GE Profile and now it is just an expensive water machine. (And Keurig!)

The one we replaced was still doing alright...a bit flaky but never needed real repair.  Should have kept it for the basement...


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Posted by: @fightclub30

@handyman I don't know that it is exclusive to GE.  Sounds similar to stories I have heard about Samsung/LG appliances, and almost exactly like my co-workers experience with a Bosch dishwasher...

Our Bosch dishwasher needed a repair at the same time the fridge did.  It has a flood cutoff that is super sensitive and stopped running because of a plumbing issue.  

Funny thing is we avoided Samsung because of the rep for these issues. Oh well...



Slap Shot
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I also did a double-take reading the first line.  ? 


Brooks Level Golden
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I'm at Target Center for the Andrea Bocelli concert (don't ask) and there is a line wrapped all the way around the building and the show starts in 10 minutes.  Whoever is in charge of this should be fired it's dangerous with the amount of old people. 

Pretty sure i just saw Marcus Foglino walk to the end of the line...

Leopold Level Golden
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Posted by: @handyman

I'm at Target Center for the Andrea Bocelli concert (don't ask) and there is a line wrapped all the way around the building and the show starts in 10 minutes.  Whoever is in charge of this should be fired it's dangerous with the amount of old people. 

Pretty sure i just saw Marcus Foglino walk to the end of the line...

I very much like Andrea Bocelli; he has a lovely voice. I know he's not "classical enough" for a lot of über-critics, but it works for me.


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I would rather be anywhere but here.  Not my thing and Target Center suuuuuuuuuuuucks!

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Last time I was at Target Center was likely a Tom Petty Concert.  It's been a while.  I see they've updated a bit.  It's sad to hear it sucks after they spent so much money to make it not suck.

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I will say the sound was better but the seats are still pretty terrible and the security was atrocious.   Hey geniuses, the crowd is 90% old people maybe don't make them wait for an hour on a sidewalk outside the building!  Oh and when they set off the metal detector it doesn't mean they have a weapon they likely have a brace or something. 

Micheletti Level Golden
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I've only been to Target Center 3 times.  Two if them were concerts in the 90's (George Strait and Garth Brooks).  Then about 5 years ago my son wanted to go to a Timberwolves game.  I hadn't been there in 20 years, and was pretty surprised at how dark and depressing the upper level of that arena is.  

It was a terrible design from the start.  I think it's one of the only arenas in the country with more seats in the upper-level than the lower bowl.

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I think the last time I was in the Target Center was for '99 & '00 State Hockey Tourney and the '00 WCHA Final 5.

Keep your stick on the ice...

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Stuck a carpenter in my thigh above my knee a week ago and had to get stiches. Still don't have 100% feeling above my knee...

Keep your stick on the ice...

Slap Shot
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Posted by: @gator

Stuck a carpenter in my thigh above my knee a week ago and had to get stiches. Still don't have 100% feeling above my knee...

Some of you will get the reference.


Greyeagle reacted
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I had to go to my bank today for an in person transaction (Huntington). and the guy at the desk told me he had 3 promotions to discuss with me.  I said no thanks, I just want my money.  He proceeded to go through each one word for word with a smile and at the end of each he told me he understands I decline the promotion.  I actually asked him to stop and give me my money and he continued as if I had made no request.  I actually turned my head to make it obvious I was not listening, not considering the promotion.

After he finished, he counted out my money and had the nerve to give me his card (he was the bank manager) in case I wanted to discuss and banking needs.  I told him to keep his card, and that I just wanted my money and wasn't interested in anything else and walked out.

I am seriously considering closing all accounts, but I am not sure other banks are any different.  I am also not sure I want to give up my totally free checking I've had for 30 years.

Bonin Level Golden
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Posted by: @bertogliat

I had to go to my bank today for an in person transaction (Huntington). and the guy at the desk told me he had 3 promotions to discuss with me.  I said no thanks, I just want my money.  He proceeded to go through each one word for word with a smile and at the end of each he told me he understands I decline the promotion.  I actually asked him to stop and give me my money and he continued as if I had made no request.  I actually turned my head to make it obvious I was not listening, not considering the promotion.

After he finished, he counted out my money and had the nerve to give me his card (he was the bank manager) in case I wanted to discuss and banking needs.  I told him to keep his card, and that I just wanted my money and wasn't interested in anything else and walked out.

I am seriously considering closing all accounts, but I am not sure other banks are any different.  I am also not sure I want to give up my totally free checking I've had for 30 years.


That's how they tried to steal from my wife.  Through a promotion they got her to switch accounts from the free checking account she had since college (when it was TCF, similar to you I would guess), and put her in an account that had a $14.95 monthly maintenance fee, among a litany of other fees.  Then she couldn't switch back because that account type was no longer offered.  She closed her accounts and moved elsewhere.  The huntington bank location near us, the ATM was also constantly either down, or being serviced/updated.  It became a chore it gain access to the account.



Bonin Level Golden
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Posted by: @bertogliat

I had to go to my bank today for an in person transaction (Huntington). and the guy at the desk told me he had 3 promotions to discuss with me.  I said no thanks, I just want my money.  He proceeded to go through each one word for word with a smile and at the end of each he told me he understands I decline the promotion.  I actually asked him to stop and give me my money and he continued as if I had made no request.  I actually turned my head to make it obvious I was not listening, not considering the promotion.

After he finished, he counted out my money and had the nerve to give me his card (he was the bank manager) in case I wanted to discuss and banking needs.  I told him to keep his card, and that I just wanted my money and wasn't interested in anything else and walked out.

I am seriously considering closing all accounts, but I am not sure other banks are any different.  I am also not sure I want to give up my totally free checking I've had for 30 years.

I've never had any experience like that at any bank.  I use Wells Fargo for most of my stuff and have used a few credit unions for other loans.


If it was me, I'd close the accounts.


Broten Level Golden
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@bertogliat Well, it is a business and one that is struggling right now in the wake of a massive cash exodus to higher-interest government bonds.

I do agree, however, that there has been too much tapdancing in banks. After years of gobbling up small banks that offered localized, personal service it appears they want to get back to knowing customers by a first-name basis. The sales pitches come off as a phony, memorized script reading, though.

It's pretty common now, unfortunately, to get pitched wherever you go. A certain convenience store is always Kwik to remind me that I should get a customer loyalty card and that donuts are on sale....and what's with all the tip jars now wherever you go? 

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