Not the best day and time for our furnace to be acting funny.
Keep your stick on the ice...
Yikes, what's it doing?Not the best day and time for our furnace to be acting funny.
B1G refs... corrupt, or just incompetent?
Yikes, what's it doing?Not the best day and time for our furnace to be acting funny.
I noticed when I was up to leave for work at 5am it was 68° in the house the heat at 75°. So, I upped the heat to 77.° My wife called and said the house was reading 66° at 7:30. I can't leave work cause I'm the lone person in the lab. So, I called my dad and he is over there now. The heat is now on and in the short time the house is at 68°. And hopefully climbing. I told my wife to call service since it's under a warranty. Though, I assume we are not the only ones and Christmas weekend is 3 days away. So hopefully it's just a glitch. It is an older furnace and eventually we'll need to replace it. Just I like to get every penny out of something before replacing and/or throwing money away on something.
Keep your stick on the ice...
@gator Do you have an air outlet on the outside of your house that could have ice or snow blocking the air flow? I've heard of that happening before.
No... I keep up making sure nothing is blocked. Plus, ours is high enough, it would take a pile of snow to block them. I asked my wife to change the filter to the furnace, even though I just changed it here a couple weeks ago to see if the can help.
Keep your stick on the ice...
Wait... You keep your house at 75 degrees in the winter? Is that normal?
We have ours at 70 (when we're home), and that's only because my wife and kids revolted. I used to have it at 68-ish in the winter. I can't imagine what our gas bill would be with the thermostat set at 75.
Wait... You keep your house at 75 degrees in the winter? Is that normal?
We have ours at 70 (when we're home), and that's only because my wife and kids revolted. I used to have it at 68-ish in the winter. I can't imagine what our gas bill would be with the thermostat set at 75.
I keep it 68° in the summer and 70° to 72° in the winter. Though with cold coming in I upped it a bit. I'm the same way... I could keep it at 68° year-round. Though my wife and 3 kids are cold and freezing all the time. And sometimes our middle kid messes with the thermostat. The things I deal with from being a bachelor and living on my own for over 25 years to being married and inheriting 3 kids overnight... lol!!! Though I wouldn't change it for the world!!!
Keep your stick on the ice...
Is anyone else getting fake spam emails from Southwest Airlines? I’m getting one pretty much every hour. Some go to junk, some don’t. I block the addresses but they are all random and clearly fake. My junk folder in general is getting a lot more spam lately but these southwest ones are atrocious.
Have you won free tickets? I can’t believe me run of luck lately. I’ve won airline tickets, le creuset cookwear, lowes-target-fleet farm gift cards, dewalt power tools!
Note: Due to inflation dirty deeds will no longer be done dirt cheap.
Have you won free tickets? I can’t believe me run of luck lately. I’ve won airline tickets, le creuset cookwear, lowes-target-fleet farm gift cards, dewalt power tools!
My deal is waiting! Yeah I’ve “won” a lot of free stuff lately including viagra. ?♀️
Have you won free tickets? I can’t believe me run of luck lately. I’ve won airline tickets, le creuset cookwear, lowes-target-fleet farm gift cards, dewalt power tools!
Lucky you... Dewalt Tools. I get Makita Tools.
Keep your stick on the ice...
The spam fake emails suck. Cause then I have to comb through them all looking for that email or emails that are not supposed to be junk but go to the junk folder.
Keep your stick on the ice...
Have you won free tickets? I can’t believe me run of luck lately. I’ve won airline tickets, le creuset cookwear, lowes-target-fleet farm gift cards, dewalt power tools!
?My deal is waiting! Yeah I’ve “won” a lot of free stuff lately including viagra. ?♀️
No viagra ads, but that 15” African manhood is tempting.
Note: Due to inflation dirty deeds will no longer be done dirt cheap.
The health group I work use to give us if the holiday landed on the weekend the Friday or Monday after off. So, like this year we would've had today for Christmas Eve and Monday off for Christmas Day. Those days are gone. Unless the few select holidays lands a weekday, we are out of luck on the weekends. My wife gets around 12 plus paid holidays off, compared to my 6-7 if the holidays land a weekend.
Keep your stick on the ice...
Paper fishing licenses. If my resident fishing license is tied to my drivers license (which it is), why do I have to carry a paper fishing license? Cant they just flip a switch on my drivers license showing I purchased an angling license and have it auto expire on Feb 28th?
Want to check my fishing license, scan my drivers license (state issued ID) and all of my DNR license/permits should pop up. Seems way too simple.
Non residents can carry the paper.
Main issue I see is the assumption that you have good wireless coverage out in the middle of the lake in question for the scanner to pull data from. Outside of that, I completely agree.
B1G refs... corrupt, or just incompetent?
the cops have to check your license anyway.Main issue I see is the assumption that you have good wireless coverage out in the middle of the lake in question for the scanner to pull data from. Outside of that, I completely agree.
They have radios for that.
“Enis, check Cooter’s license # xxxxxxx.”
”Roscoe, he’s clear.”
“Rodger, Dodger.”
A very good friend's ex-wife was killed in a snowmobiling accident yesterday up near Hibbing. I won't lie and say she was my favorite person, but it's a tragedy nonetheless and she leaves 2 kids in college and 1 in h.s.
A very good friend's ex-wife was killed in a snowmobiling accident yesterday up near Hibbing. I won't lie and say she was my favorite person, but it's a tragedy nonetheless and she leaves 2 kids in college and 1 in h.s.
i read that story. I’m sure your friend is upset, his children are devastated, no one wants that.
Even your friend loved her at one point and I’m sure that’s on his mind. Very sad.
Note: Due to inflation dirty deeds will no longer be done dirt cheap.
Coming out and finding your car smashed.
Not my car. Saw it at 6am this morning on Cedar Ave in Mpls. heading into work. Took the picture on my way home. Don’t know the back story. If it was a hit and run or what? Just know it was not like this yesterday.
Keep your stick on the ice...
Not sure where to put this, so here we are.
Kenny "Sodbuster" Jay died yesterday. One of the great jobbers in AWA history. I also thought that at one time he posted on GPL or at least someone using his name did.
I was recently informed by a GPLer that I'm related to Airey
Not sure where to put this, so here we are.
Kenny "Sodbuster" Jay died yesterday.
Seeing this got me to thinking, had to look up George “Scrap Iron” Gadaski - He’s been gone since ‘82, died at 52 (brain tumor).
Not sure where to put this, so here we are.
Kenny "Sodbuster" Jay died yesterday.
Seeing this got me to thinking, had to look up George “Scrap Iron” Gadaski - He’s been gone since ‘82, died at 52 (brain tumor).
I bought some property from Verne Gagne 30+ years ago. He's been gone almost 8 years now. Even got an autograph from him after the closing.
People who put in large orders minutes (in this case, literally 5 minutes) before the business closes. Esp on a Friday. That capped off such a WONDERFUL week. /sarcasm on the latter part of this post.
When you tell somebody somethin', it depends on what part of the United States you're standin' in... as to just how dumb you are.
People who put in large orders minutes (in this case, literally 5 minutes) before the business closes. Esp on a Friday. That capped off such a WONDERFUL week. /sarcasm on the latter part of this post.
List close hours earlier then. ?♀️
People who put in large orders minutes (in this case, literally 5 minutes) before the business closes. Esp on a Friday. That capped off such a WONDERFUL week. /sarcasm on the latter part of this post.
List close hours earlier then. ?♀️
Isn't up to us, it's up to corporate.
When you tell somebody somethin', it depends on what part of the United States you're standin' in... as to just how dumb you are.
While in college, one year (‘95-‘96) I was a cook at The Old Spaghetti Factory. People were notorious for coming in 5 minutes before close and wanting dinner. Especially on Sunday night.
I remember one Sunday night. It was real cold outside and the restaurant was really slow.We probably haven’t had anyone come in for a hour. So we started to close down the kitchen. And like clockwork someone came in 5 minutes before close. And it wasn’t a small group of 2 or 4. If I recall it was 10. And I was complaining and yelling in the back and I remember the manager coming back and telling me to be quiet because the guest could hear me. I look back now, and I’m surprised those guest stayed. If it was me and I heard the cook yelling in the back like I was, I would’ve left thinking I don’t want spit in my food… lol!!! I didn’t spit or do anything to the food, but I was really really mad.
Keep your stick on the ice...
People who put in large orders minutes (in this case, literally 5 minutes) before the business closes. Esp on a Friday. That capped off such a WONDERFUL week. /sarcasm on the latter part of this post.
Hope it was for MMM products, we could use the sales. ?
“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”
― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal
People who put in large orders minutes (in this case, literally 5 minutes) before the business closes. Esp on a Friday. That capped off such a WONDERFUL week. /sarcasm on the latter part of this post.
Hope it was for MMM products, we could use the sales. ?
I'm not sure who it was for. The order was for 240 box fans, and only 60~ of those were on a pallet that I could just pull. Had to hand-load the rest of them onto pallets. Yeah.
When you tell somebody somethin', it depends on what part of the United States you're standin' in... as to just how dumb you are.
People who put in large orders minutes (in this case, literally 5 minutes) before the business closes. Esp on a Friday. That capped off such a WONDERFUL week. /sarcasm on the latter part of this post.
Hope it was for MMM products, we could use the sales. ?
I'm not sure who it was for. The order was for 240 box fans, and only 60~ of those were on a pallet that I could just pull. Had to hand-load the rest of them onto pallets. Yeah.
Possibly a ploy by Wisconsin to get more fans in the seats?
People who put in large orders minutes (in this case, literally 5 minutes) before the business closes. Esp on a Friday. That capped off such a WONDERFUL week. /sarcasm on the latter part of this post.
Hope it was for MMM products, we could use the sales. ?
I'm not sure who it was for. The order was for 240 box fans, and only 60~ of those were on a pallet that I could just pull. Had to hand-load the rest of them onto pallets. Yeah.
Possibly a ploy by Wisconsin to get more fans in the seats?
Did your dad write that one for you? ?
People who put in large orders minutes (in this case, literally 5 minutes) before the business closes. Esp on a Friday. That capped off such a WONDERFUL week. /sarcasm on the latter part of this post.
Hope it was for MMM products, we could use the sales. ?
I'm not sure who it was for. The order was for 240 box fans, and only 60~ of those were on a pallet that I could just pull. Had to hand-load the rest of them onto pallets. Yeah.
Possibly a ploy by Wisconsin to get more fans in the seats?
Did your dad write that one for you? ?
Been a dad myself for many years...have had lots of practice!
2 weeks ago, my wife was informed that her job that she had worked at for 17 years would be eliminated on Feb 25th. It did not come as a huge shock, as the Big Box retail store she had worked at is in major financial trouble, and has been in the news because they have closed about half of their stores and are on the verge of bankruptcy. (her old store will remain open for now) She and the others that were being let go were told that they "may" get some sort of severance package. As she worked her last 2 weeks, she keep asking about it and corporate said they were still working on it. You can guess what she got --- Zero. Again, not shocking, but be honest about it. The other thing that is TBD is they match 401k once a year, and you have to be employed at the time they match it. Guess when that day is... March 1st. So, my guess is that when she receives her last paycheck this week, they will not match last years 401k. On the bright side, she had been semi looking for a job and a local business in town saw her resume online and offered her a job right on the spot. Her new job is in the town nearest us, so instead of driving 60 miles per day each way, she will be driving only 10 miles each way. She started today.
I was recently informed by a GPLer that I'm related to Airey
I am so glad to hear she found something so quickly. She used to drive 60 miles each way? Holy cow your auto expenses will go way down. That's an instant perk.2 weeks ago, my wife was informed that her job that she had worked at for 17 years would be eliminated on Feb 25th. It did not come as a huge shock, as the Big Box retail store she had worked at is in major financial trouble, and has been in the news because they have closed about half of their stores and are on the verge of bankruptcy. (her old store will remain open for now) She and the others that were being let go were told that they "may" get some sort of severance package. As she worked her last 2 weeks, she keep asking about it and corporate said they were still working on it. You can guess what she got --- Zero. Again, not shocking, but be honest about it. The other thing that is TBD is they match 401k once a year, and you have to be employed at the time they match it. Guess when that day is... March 1st. So, my guess is that when she receives her last paycheck this week, they will not match last years 401k. On the bright side, she had been semi looking for a job and a local business in town saw her resume online and offered her a job right on the spot. Her new job is in the town nearest us, so instead of driving 60 miles per day each way, she will be driving only 10 miles each way. She started today.
Just the extra hour and a half she will get back in her life every day.......
@bertogliat Yep, she kept her job when we built on the farm in 2018.Our farm is 60 miles from SF. I drove it for about 8 years, but it was only 8 momths a year in non winter. Plus, full time jobs with decent hours are hard to come by in a small town that we are closest to where we live. Just thankful this one popped up at the right time. The savings on driving, car stuff etc will be a huge savings as well her extra sleep time she will have.
I was recently informed by a GPLer that I'm related to Airey
Two things...
1) Enough with "Sweet Child Of Mine". Not sure what's going on, but I'm hearing it more now than I did in 1988. Radio, TV commercials, hockey rinks, etc... If I never heard that guitar riff or Axel's screechy voice again, I'd be a much happier person.
2) I admit this is an "Old Man Yells At Cloud" take, but watching the tourney, I don't like it when the goal scorer ignores his teammates and skates to the other end of the rink to celebrate.
I think all this snow has put me in an extra annoyed mood lately.
Is that something new that you've noticed this year? If so, that's likely a reaction to the "thou shalt not celebrate in front of your opponent's student section" mandate.2) I admit this is an "Old Man Yells At Cloud" take, but watching the tourney, I don't like it when the goal scorer ignores his teammates and skates to the other end of the rink to celebrate.
B1G refs... corrupt, or just incompetent?
I think this is embarrassing tbh:
Wells Fargo not being open on Saturdays (for many locations) after today. 9-5 weekdays only.
Wayzata and Maple Grove are the closest ones to me that keep Sat hours.
I am old-school (gasp, I know) and just cash a check for my cash-money for the week.
I ordered a debit card/ATM card. Never had one before. The world's end is nigh. Pretty sure this is a sign of the apocalypse. 😉
When you tell somebody somethin', it depends on what part of the United States you're standin' in... as to just how dumb you are.
I ordered a debit card/ATM card. Never had one before. The world's end is nigh. Pretty sure this is a sign of the apocalypse. 😉
Did you order a smart phone? ?
Then no, it's not. ?
“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”
― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal
It's time, tRube. If my parents can trust check card technology, so can you. If you REALLY need bills, they have these things called ATMs. They're like a mechanized bank teller.Wells Fargo not being open on Saturdays (for many locations) after today. 9-5 weekdays only.
Wayzata and Maple Grove are the closest ones to me that keep Sat hours.
I am old-school (gasp, I know) and just cash a check for my cash-money for the week.I ordered a debit card/ATM card. Never had one before. The world's end is nigh. Pretty sure this is a sign of the apocalypse. 😉
Direct deposit + ATM = No visits to the bank.
The only reason banks are open 9-5 weekdays
1) old people
2) small business deposits
3) new accounts and odd transactions
I have not ordered a smart phone. It took Netflix for me to get a credit card (true story). Now a debit card? I fear a smart phone is in the future, but I will resist until there are no other options.I ordered a debit card/ATM card. Never had one before. The world's end is nigh. Pretty sure this is a sign of the apocalypse. 😉Did you order a smart phone? ?
Then no, it's not. ?
When you tell somebody somethin', it depends on what part of the United States you're standin' in... as to just how dumb you are.
I want to see the cash leaving my hand. Too easy to spend money otherwise. And yes, I know that part is on me.It's time, tRube. If my parents can trust check card technology, so can you. If you REALLY need bills, they have these things called ATMs. They're like a mechanized bank teller.Wells Fargo not being open on Saturdays (for many locations) after today. 9-5 weekdays only.
Wayzata and Maple Grove are the closest ones to me that keep Sat hours.
I am old-school (gasp, I know) and just cash a check for my cash-money for the week.I ordered a debit card/ATM card. Never had one before. The world's end is nigh. Pretty sure this is a sign of the apocalypse. 😉
Direct deposit + ATM = No visits to the bank.
When you tell somebody somethin', it depends on what part of the United States you're standin' in... as to just how dumb you are.
I was once like that too. I even balanced a paper checkbook. But once you give in to digital, it is one of those, "why didn't I do this years ago" moments.I want to see the cash leaving my hand. Too easy to spend money otherwise. And yes, I know that part is on me.It's time, tRube. If my parents can trust check card technology, so can you. If you REALLY need bills, they have these things called ATMs. They're like a mechanized bank teller.Wells Fargo not being open on Saturdays (for many locations) after today. 9-5 weekdays only.
Wayzata and Maple Grove are the closest ones to me that keep Sat hours.
I am old-school (gasp, I know) and just cash a check for my cash-money for the week.I ordered a debit card/ATM card. Never had one before. The world's end is nigh. Pretty sure this is a sign of the apocalypse. 😉
Direct deposit + ATM = No visits to the bank.
I have an ATM card from WF but it's not a debit card. Not a fan.
“When your best friend is the son of God, you get tired of losing every argument.”
― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal
Get a smart phone with you're bank's app and you can see your balance at any time.
And you can cash checks with a photo/
{whispers} Do it. {whispers)
Wait until he finds out he can ditch all his candles because of electricity
Get a smart phone with you're bank's app and you can see your balance at any time.
And you can cash checks with a photo/
{whispers} Do it. {whispers)
NO. Go away Darth Kermit Meme! 😉
When you tell somebody somethin', it depends on what part of the United States you're standin' in... as to just how dumb you are.
I was once like that too. I even balanced a paper checkbook. But once you give in to digital, it is one of those, "why didn't I do this years ago" moments.I want to see the cash leaving my hand. Too easy to spend money otherwise. And yes, I know that part is on me.It's time, tRube. If my parents can trust check card technology, so can you. If you REALLY need bills, they have these things called ATMs. They're like a mechanized bank teller.Wells Fargo not being open on Saturdays (for many locations) after today. 9-5 weekdays only.
Wayzata and Maple Grove are the closest ones to me that keep Sat hours.
I am old-school (gasp, I know) and just cash a check for my cash-money for the week.I ordered a debit card/ATM card. Never had one before. The world's end is nigh. Pretty sure this is a sign of the apocalypse. 😉
Direct deposit + ATM = No visits to the bank.
People still use banks? Especially WF? Yuck. I use a credit union…no fees ever and my mortgage and past car loans also. I rarely go there cause if I need cash I just get it from Target or the grocery store.